Course: HumanAnatomy and PhysiologyIInstructor: Cyndy Miller-Hughes
Room 206 348-5460
Homeroom (library)
Course Outcomes:
- identify and describe the interrelationships between environmental factors, internal conditions, andbehaviors as they relate to wellness and illness.
- select an appropriate technique for gathering data, then collect and interpret data, and propose a decision based on the comparison of collected data to normal rang
- describe the contribution of each body system to the maintenance of the organism.
- relate structural and mechanical modifications, environmental alterations, or genetic variations to changes in the human organism.
- interpret and summarize current medical and/or social issues, and validate them scientifically using multiple resources.
Text and/or Materials:
1. Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 7th ed., Elaine N. Marieb
2. Video/DVD/Technology
3. Scientific publications, additional textbooks, handouts, supplemental material, etc.
Materials: Must bring to class EVERYDAY!
- Spiral notebook
- Pencils
- Blue or Black pens (only)
- Colored pencils or markers
- Glue stick
- Extra credit school supplies include (and may be brought the first trimester for points): glue sticks, facial tissue, colored pencils, scissors, colored markers, or other school supply related material.
Grading Scale and Procedures:
Below 60% is failing
1. Tests and Quizzes55% 2. Projects, homework, labs 35%
3. Semester Final10%
Students must demonstrate competency in the course outcomes in order to pass this class. Mastery is defined as achieving an overall average of 60%. Students that fail to reach this level will receive a no pass (F) grade for the semester.
A semester final is required of all students--there are no exceptions!
There will be no opportunity to retest any exam.
Student interaction with preserved organisms/specimens is one of the most effective methods of achieving many of the goals for this course. To this end, Anatomy and Physiology students will dissect a variety of preserved specimens in this class. All animals/specimens are properly cared for and treated humanely, responsibly, and ethically.
Make-up work:
If you expect to be absent get the work before you leave.
Students must contact the teacher (email, phone, in-person)the FIRST DAY they return PRIOR TO 3:15 p.m. to get the work missed. Per the school policy, students have TWO days per every ONE day absent to complete work missed during an excused absence. It is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to get all work made up on time.
Excused work will be accepted for full credit within the set timeline per school policy. After the set timeline, the work will earn no credit.
Unexcused work will be accepted for 50% of earned points if turned in within the timeline set by school policy.After the set timeline, the work will earn no credit.
Missing work will receive no credit. So, turn your work in on time please!
Please use the restroom during passing period and lunch. If a student must leave the room, he/she can place their student ID in the sleeve of the hall pass lanyard. Abuse of passes may result in loss of privilege to leave class. No passes during the first and last 10 minutes of class, so please don’t ask.
Due to the nature of this class, attendance is critical for success. BE HERE!
Being tardy will cause you to miss out on learning opportunities at the beginning of class. Any student arriving to class after 10 minutes will be marked absent. Habitual tardiness will result in parent, as well as, administrative collaboration. See Student Handbook for further details.
Dismissal at end of class: The teacher dismisses class, not the bell. Any closure activity assigned must be completed to the satisfaction of the teacher prior to being dismissed from class. Passes will not be issued for students who need to stay to finish closure activities as long as time was provided for all students.
Electronic devices::
No music players, handheld games, Cell Phones, etc. in class! See Student Handbook for specific rules. Make sure I do not see your electronic devices. Remember if it is confiscated the 2nd time, a parent will have to come to school and collect the device at my convenience. If a cell phone is observed at all during a test, the student will earn a “0” on the test with no chance of make-up.
Course Syllabus:
Unit One: (5 weeks)Cell Review, Cell Cycle, Cancer
Unit One Assessment
Unit Two: (4-5 weeks)Human Genetics
Unit Two Assessment
Unit Three: (6-7 weeks)Musculoskeletal System
Unit Three Assessment (Practical and Written)
Semester One Cumulative Final
I have read the Cover Sheet and Course Syllabus and understand the requirements of this course:
Student name:______Parent name: ______
Student signature:______Parent signature: ______
Date:______Parent email/Phone:______