Course: History & Systems in Psychology

PSYC 465-B01

Time: Tuesday & Thursday, 7:20pm – 10:00pm

Session B01, Summer 2003

Location: ENT 178

Instructor: David Linkous

dli (preferred)

(703) 993 – 1358 (shared office phone)

Office Hours: Tuesday 5:45pm – 6:45pm, or by appointment

DK 2036 (lab) or 2028 (conference room)

Text: Viney, W., & King, D.B. (2003). A History of Psychology: Ideas and

Context, 3rd Ed., Allyn and Bacon: Boston, MA



Date Chapters

June 3 (T) / 1, 2
June 5 (R) / 3
June 10 (T) / 4
June 12 (R) / 5 / EXAM I (chapters 1 – 4)
June 17 (T) / 6
June 19 (R) / 7
June 24 (T) / 8
June 26 (R) / 9 / EXAM II (chapters 5 – 8)
July 1 (T) / 10, 11
July 8 (T) / 12
July 10 (R) / 13, 14
July 15 (T) / 15 / EXAM III (chapters 9 – 14)
July 17 (R) / 16
July 22 (T) / 17, Epilogue / PAPER DUE
July 24 (R) / EXAM IV (cumulative final exam, including chapters 15 - epilogue)

*This schedule is subject to change, so keeping up with the lecture notes and regular attendance are essential. Exams will be composed of material from the class notes and text.

Course Objectives:

·  Present philosophical issues in psychology and other sciences, and explore the evolution of ideas within philosophy and psychology

·  Promote an awareness of the ways that historical developments outside of psychology shape the discipline

·  Discuss the theories and relevance of major trends in modern psychology

Assignments: 1) Complete in a timely manner the readings on page 1 of this syllabus

2) There are a total of 4 exams (20% each) including the final (exam IV). If you perform better on exam IV than on a previous exam (i.e. exams I, II, or III), the lowest exam score will be dropped and exam IV will count for twice as much (40%). There will be NO MAKE-UP exams (since you are already able to replace your lowest exam score with a double-weighted exam IV). Exams may include multiple choice, short answer, or essay questions from the class notes and text.

3) A 5 – 10 page APA formatted paper is due July 22. Topics will be discussed during the second class. The paper must include at least five references from outside the course. The cover sheet and reference pages do not count toward the five-page length requirement. Late papers will be penalized 10 points EACH DAY they are late and will not be accepted after July 24.

4) Five Pop-Quizzes will be given throughout the semester, at the beginning of class. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. Missed quizzes may not be made up, so regular and punctual attendance is highly recommended.

Grading: EXAMS 80%


POP-QUIZZES 4 x 2% each

Grading Scale: 93 – 100 A

90 – 92 A-

87 – 89 B+

83 – 86 B

80 – 82 B-

77 – 79 C+

73 – 76 C

70 – 72 C-

64 – 69 D

0 – 63 F

Use of Technology: Class will be held in an Electronic Classroom (ENT 178), and lectures are in PowerPoint format. Announcements and notes will be available on WebCT (webct.gmu.edu).

Special Needs: Every effort possible will be made to accommodate students with a disability or other special need. Please see me at your first opportunity.

Honor Code: Students are reminded of the University honor code and are expected to adhere to the principles thereof. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.