Course/ Grade Level: U.S. History 8Th Grade

Course/ Grade Level: U.S. History 8Th Grade

Freedom Project

Course/ Grade Level: U.S. History 8th Grade

Lesson Title: Designing a play ground for the children of Hull House

Teacher: Jean Larsen

1. Set Induction: Ask students how their parents made sure they or their younger siblings are safe and free from injury when they play. Ask if they participate in any team sports. Ask what sports and games children played at the turn of the century. Ask how schools, cities and states pay for parks and playgrounds.

2. Aims/Objectives and Standards: Students will make be able to state some of the accomplishments of Hull hose. Students will be able to state issues of safety for children at the turn of the century and the type of games they played. Students will be able to state problems and accomplishments of Hull House in reference to making play safe for children. Students will be able to design a play ground for the children. State goals, 18A3, 18B3a, 18B3b

3. Procedures, Assessments and Materials required: picture file, picture analysis worksheet, projector to show the entire class the pictures for a whole class discussion.

Materials Required: Worksheet, PowerPoint and internet connection.


1. Discuss the set induction.

2. Begin Power Point. Note if a word is underlined click on the word to play a video or view a link. Stop and discuss the questions presented. Focus on the first playground on the Julia Lathrop slide link. Discuss games and construction at the turn of the century.

3. Have students complete their playground plans.

4. Have students discuss their playgrounds and the importance of playgrounds.

Assessment: Observe the students as the answer questions and discuss the issues faced by the women of Hull House.

Worksheet - Evaluate the choice and the placement of the playground equipment. The rationale for placement and the materials used will give you a good idea of their understanding of the materials available to people at the turn of the century and that this was probably donated materials since it was not publically funded. The students might leave space for races or tag. Safety should also be an issue.

Hull House Playground Name______Date______Hr. ___

In the square below draw a plan for a safe well planned Hull House playground of 1984. Label each piece of equipment. Then list the rationale for choosing and placing the equipment where you put it in your plan. List the material used i.e. metal bars, wood, rope, tires etc. Remember each side of the playground is 208 feet.

If there is empty space

tell what that area would be

used for.

Playground equipmentRationale for choice, placement and materials used.









