Honors Physics 2012-2013
Course Expectations: Mrs. Cate Majka
1) Required materials
A. Scientific calculator
B. Textbook: Physics, Principles with Applications, 6th edition
C. Notebook, binder and something to write with
2) Classroom policy and procedures
A. Please be seated when the bell rings.
B. Please be respectful of everyone else in the classroom.
C. Students are expected to take notes in class
3) Homework Policy
A. You are responsible for material that has been covered in class. Written homework will be assigned almost every day. The purpose of homework is to help the student understand the material in each chapter and to prepare him/her for tests.
B. Homework will be corrected in class. It is crucial that the student keep up with the work.
4) Evaluation/grades
A. Grades will be calculated on a percentage basis. The number of points earned by the student will be divided by the points attempted and the result multiplied by 100 percent. The St. Viator grading scale will be used.
B. Homework points will be awarded for each assignment.
C. Semester exams will be over all of the material covered that semester.
D. If a student is caught cheating, he/she will receive a 0 for that assignment and the procedure that is detailed in the handbook will be followed.
E. Labs and activities will be conducted on a regular basis. A lab report will be turned in by the student the day after each lab. Students who are absent on lab days, must arrange to make up the lab for points.
F. Tests will be given at the end of each chapter. The number of points will vary depending on the length and difficulty of the chapter. Tests will be announced well in advance and a review will take place in class the day before a test. (There will be no pop tests or quizzes).
5) Attendance/absence
A. If a student is absent on the day of a test, he/she will be required to take a make up test when he/she returns and the teacher determines that the student is ready to take the test. The student will need to arrange a time to take the test.
B. Please obtain someone's class notes for the day(s) you missed or borrow my notes to copy them. You are responsible for the material whether you are in class or not. If you missed a worksheet, ask for a copy when you return.
C. My class Quia page will have detailed assignment information, check the Quia page on a regular basis.
6) Teacher availability
A. I am available before or after school each day.
B. I have some free time during the day. I would be able to arrange a location to help you if needed. Please make arrangements a day in advance.
C. I can be contacted by phone at 847-392-4050 ext. 289 or by e-mail at
D. I will return parent phone calls or e-mails during the school day hours of 7 am through 3:30 pm. If a student sends me an e-mail and there needs to be a response, I will copy the response to the parent’s e-mail.