
Mr. Gustafson

School Phone # 435-654-0640

Room # 114

Course Description:

The goal of this class is to help establish patterns of behavior that will assist a person in achieving complete health. Complete health is accomplished by having a balance of physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This course is designed to offer students the opportunity to acquire knowledge, incorporate process and life skills, and develop positive attitudes about life. Development of a healthy body and a healthy mind will assist young people in living active, productive, and successful lives.

Areas of Emphasis: The following healthy lifestyles topics will be studied. Others may be added as needed:

·  Making Healthy Decisions

·  Mental & Social Health

·  Nutrition

·  Physical Fitness

·  Substance Abuse

·  Human development

·  Preventing Disease

Course Expectations:

·  Attendance- All students are expected to attend class and be on time every scheduled class period. Failure to attend will result in a loss of academic points and a lower citizenship grade. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the notes and other information on days they miss.

·  Class Participation- All students are expected to participate in class discussions and activities. All students’ comments will be recognized and respected by the instructor and all class members.

·  Materials- Students are required to bring your laptop, writing utensil.

·  Assignments- All assignments are due on the specified due date. Assignments may be made up within 2 weeks of the original due date. No points after 2 weeks from due date.

·  Bell Ringers- There will be a daily quiz, called a bell ringer, given at the start of each class period. These bell ringers will come from material covered in the previous class period or from assigned reading materials. If a student is absent from the previous class period they will need to see Mr. Gustafson for make-up options.

·  Quizzes- Quizzes will consist of T/F, multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, and essay. Any student caught cheating will receive a zero and will not be allowed to make it up.

·  Citizenship- Every student will begin with a H (Honor) grade. Inappropriate behavior or overall disrespect to Mr. Gustafson or any class member will result in a lower Citizenship grade. Citizenship grades are as follows: H-Honor, S-Satisfactory, N-Needs Improvement, U-Unsatisfactory. Combination of excused, unexcused absences or tardies will result in a UA.

·  Classroom rules-

1-  Water, healthy drinks and healthy treats will be allowed in class and are encouraged. Please limit the simple sugars, NO soft drinks, Energy Drinks or coffee.

2-  Electronic devices will be used in class when instructed by the teacher. Inappropriate use of these devices will result in them taken away. This includes Cell phones. Anyone losing an electronic device for inappropriate use will have to stay in class during the next intervention period.

3-  All students will adhere to WHS Dress Standards.

4-  All students will be respectful to all members of the class at all times.

5-  Students will raise their hand to make comments or ask questions.

·  Intervention policy-

1-  The instructor will decide if students will be excused for intervention.

2-  Any student who is missing any assignments/quizzes will be required to stay during intervention.

3-  Any student whose overall class grade is below a C will be required to stay during intervention until they have achieved at least a C or better.

4-  Failure to stay during intervention when told to by instructor will result in the following:

  1. The student will be given a sluff for that class period.
  2. The student’s parents and the administration will be contacted.
  3. The student will be given a 0 on all missing assignments and will not be given the opportunity to make them up.

·  Contact information-

Parents, if you have any questions or concerns you may contact me via my e-mail address: or at the school- 435-654-0640. Due to coaching responsibilities before and after school throughout the school year, appointments to visit with me need to be made in advance.

Grading Scale-

A = 92.50 A- = 89.50 B+ = 86.50 B = 82.50 B- = 79.50 C+ = 76.50 C = 72.50

C- = 69.50 D+ = 66.50 D = 62.50 D- = 59.50 P = 59.00 F = 0.00

Please detach and return to Mr. Gustafson

I have read and fully understand the information outlined in Mr. Gustafson’s Health Class Syllabus.

Student’s Name: (print) ______Period ______

Student’s Signature ______Date ___/___/___


Signature: ______Date ___/___/___

Comments or Questions: