
Course: Chemistry, Level II

Instructor: Mrs. Furlong

Text: Chemistry, Prentice Hall

Welcome to Chemistry!!!! This year we will investigate matter and the changes it undergoes.

Quarterly Grading System:

15 % = homework/class work

55 % = tests/quizzes

30 % = lab work/projects

Homework Policy:

Homework is meant to accomplish the following goals:

  1. reinforce what we learn in the class room
  2. help prepare us for new material
  3. assess student comprehension

You will need to spend an average of 30 minutes/day on homework. Homework may include reviewing class notes for the day, a reading assignment, and written work (outlines and end of chapter questions/problems). Homework assignments will usually be due the next day unless I tell you otherwise. Late work is not accepted. If you are absent it is your responsibility to make up any missed work (class notes, homework, etc….). You have as many days as you were absent to make up missed assignments. Students who do not complete homework will receive a zero.


Weekly quizzes will be short (~ 5 to 20 minutes) and will be based directly on homework assignments. Tests will be given at the completion of each unit and will take an entire period to complete. Students will be given a study guide to help prepare for each test.

Lab Work/Projects:

“Hands-on” experience in the lab is an essential part of chemistry class. My goal is to make lab work relevant to what we are learning in the classroom. Students will receive a separate rubric clearly outlining what is expected of them in the laboratory. Any student misbehaving in the laboratory will be sent to the office and given a zero for the day. Pre-lab assignments MUST be completed before students are allowed to participate in the laboratory activity. In addition to lab work, students will be assigned various projects throughout the year.


An ORGANIZED notebook is essential in chemistry. It is required that you keep a 3-ring binder containing the following sections:

  • class notes labeled with the date (outlines of reading assignments, handouts and worksheets should be kept in this section)
  • homework
  • tests/quizzes
  • laboratory

Each quarter there will be at least one notebook quiz to assess how well organized your notebook is.

Classroom Rules

  1. Be on time!!!!!
  2. Come to class prepared (pen/pencil, notebook, calculator, completed homework assignment, textbook).
  3. Show respect to others!!!!!!!!!

Students who do not follow these simple rules will serve a 20 minute teacher detention after school. After the 3rd offense, the student will be referred to the office and I will contact parents/guardians.

$$$$$$$$ CHEM BUCKS $$$$$$$$$

Throughout the year I will be randomly giving out additional $$$$$ for acts of kindness, exceptional effort/participation, and good behavior. You can also earn $$$$ by coming after school for extra help. At the end of each quarter you can redeem these “bucks” by adding extra credit points onto your homework grade.

All money must have your signature on the back.