COURSE: Chemistry DATE: 1/11/16

COS Standard(s):

5. Plan and conduct an investigations to demonstrate different types of simple chemical reactions based on valence electron arrangements of the reactants and determine the quantity of products and reactants.

5a. Use mathematics and computational thinking to represent the ratio of reactants and products in terms of masses, molecules, and moles.

Learning Target: I can look at the basic form of a chemical reaction and determine if it represents a synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, or combustion reaction.

Lesson Phases / Student Engagement / Assess / Evaluate / Intervention / Acceleration
Activate Prior Knowledge; Build Background Knowledge; Generate Essential Questions; Make Predictions; Discuss Essential Vocabulary; Establish Purpose for Lesson; Other / ASIM Numerical and Chemical Equations
PART 1: Numerical Equations
ASK: “The mathematics professors have generally agreed that there are five different possible types of addition equations. Find the similarities and subtle differences in each of the equations. Can you classify these equations into five different categories?” Have the student in groups of two, or three depending on class size.
Give each group a Ziploc bag filled with the addition equations and let the students sort them into five different categories.
ASK: “You have now sorted out each of the numerical equations into 5 categories. Now in your science notebook, propose a name for each category and write down in 1 or 2 complete sentences what distinguishes each of these 5 categories.
Read, Write, Talk, Listen, Investigate (100%) / Monitor each group’s progress to make sure they are progressing toward having the numerical equations sorted into the correct categories.
Walk around to each group and make sure they are writing down accurate descriptions for what distinguishes each of the numerical equations. / Remind students with comments like:
“We are looking for trends and similarities, what do you start with, what do you end with?”
If you notice a group with a mistake ask “Why did you place this equation with this category? Will it fit into another category?” Ask the students to justify their groupings, “Well, explain to me why you put this one with that one.” Walk away, to give the group time to puzzle out the answer.
If some of the groups appear to be having trouble with their answers you might have different groups compare their results and explain to each other their rational for sorting the equations as they do.
Explore, Explain
Interact with Content; Verify and Formulate Predictions; Self-Monitor Comprehension; Construct Graphic Organizers; Summarize Content; Use Mental Imagery; Integrate New Information with Prior Knowledge;
Other / PART 2: Chemical Equations
Once students have written their justification, give out the Ziploc bag with Chemical equations and say, “The Chemistry professors do not want to be left out. Can you group these chemical equations into the same five categories used for the numerical equations?”
When they have completed ask them to record each of the sorted chemical equations into their Science Notebook, but leave a little space between each of the five types of equations so students can add in a name for each type of reaction later (in Part 3).
ASK: Can the description you used to distinguish the 5 numerical equations be used to describe what distinguishes the chemical equations from each other?
Read, Write, Talk, Listen, Investigate (100%) / Walk around to each group and make sure they are writing down accurate descriptions for what distinguishes each of the chemical equations. / If student groups are having problems making connections or have made some errors ask them to compare their results with another group and explain their rational for how they sorted the chemical equations.
Explain, Elaborate
Reflect on Content of Lesson; Evaluate Predictions; Examine Essential Questions; Justify, Deliberate, and Evaluate Conclusions of Self and Others; Retell or Summarize; Demonstrate Proper Use and Understanding of Vocabulary; Other / PART 3: Finally lead a discussion with the students to come up with the names for the five types of chemical reactions (synthesis, decomposition, combustion, single replacement and double replacement) and have the students determine which grouping of chemical equations each name goes with. They should add these five names to their Science Notebook as headers for the example chemical equations they recorded in Part 2.
Ask your students to take the numerical and chemical equations data they have recorded in the Science Notebook and condense it into a table that makes it easier to read. An example data table is shown below.
Read, Write, Talk, Listen, Investigate (100%) / Make sure the students have properly converted the recorded data from Part 1-3 into a concise table like the one shown below. / Model 1 column of the data table for students who are having difficulties.

Example Data Table

Equation Set / Group 1 / Group 2 / Group 3 / Group 4 / Group 5
Numerical Equations / A, E, F / O, B, K / G, J, H / N, C, L / D, M, I
Chemical Equations / 1, 11, 17, 22 / 2, 10, 20, 21 / 6, 9, 14, 16, 18 / 4, 5, 8, 13, 19 / 3, 7, 12, 15, 23
Equation Name / Synthesis / Decomposition / Single Replacement / Double Replacement / Combustion

Teacher’s Post Lesson Reflection:

1.  What were students able to do?

2.  What evidence do you have?

3.  Which students need additional instruction?

4.  How will the next lesson be adjusted to meet their needs?

This lesson adapted from Alabama Science In Motion - Chemistry. Page 2 of 2