Course Catalog 2016-17

Academic Kindergarten

Art AK

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade Level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

The students will experience a variety of art media. God as the first artist is a major theme throughout units in creation, basic shapes, God’s orderliness, seasons, animal habitats, and holidays. Many activites require cutting and tracing, working on the development and coordination of the small hand muscles. AK art also works strongly on the necessity of following directions

Bible AK

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

The students will be introduced to the Bible as the Word of God, emphasizing godly principles. Bible stories will be taught and scriptures will be memorized throughout the year, which enhance the inculcation of the Christian character.

Geography AK

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade Level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

The students will be introduced to their place in the universe by developing an understanding of the globe through land and water areas. They will gain an understanding that God created the earth and all it contains to be the stage of “His Story.” They will learn about His creation in order to see more of His character revealed.

History AK

One semester, two quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade Level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

The students will become familiar with the ten major links on America’s Christian history timeline. Each link is presented so as to point the student to God’s hand in history and His use of individuals to fulfill His purpose. Students see that they, too, fit into God’s plan.

Literature AK

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade Level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

The students will be introduced to quality literature through stories, poems, parables and classics. They will learn to distinguish between fact and fantasy, real and pretend. They will become familiar with the parts of a story and the elements involved in simple poetry and rhyming. They will be instructed to think upon things (words and pictures) that are true, honest, pure, lovely, and of good report so they will be prepared to distinguish wholesome literature form unwholesome.

AK Math

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade Level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

The students will be introduced to many of the foundational aspects of mathematics. They will work daily with a “math meeting” activity, identifying days of the week and month, counting and recognizing patterns. They will develop a strong foundation in the language and basic concepts of all areas of mathematics. God’s Principle of Individuality will be learned through numbers, shapes, and patterns.

AK Music

Four quarters, meeting once per week for 30 minutes, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade Level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

Students are introduced to the concept of music as a gift from God for His worship and our enjoyment. Musical elements are covered using various techniques.


Four quarters, meeting once per week for 20 minutes, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade Level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

We are following the Action Based Learning program that is based upon brain research that supports the link of movement and physical activity to increase academic performance. It follows a series of progression and stations, each designed to prepare the brain for input and processing (balance, coordination, spatial awareness, directionality and visual literacy). Students move with partners and small groups from station to station and experience challenge, feedback, and physical activity all of which are necessary for optimal brain function.

AK Reading

Four quarters, meeting once per week for 30 minutes, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade Level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

This course is designed to cultivate an enlightened learner through reading the Word of God, the Bible. To learn by reading one must master the skills of reading, erudition, be knowledgeable in content areas, grow in Christian scholarship through the notebook method and the 4R’s, and become a bibliophile.

AK Science

Four quarters, meeting once per week for 30 minutes, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade Level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

This course introduces the basics of the five senses. Students become familiar with the workings of the eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and skin. Students are introduced to the elements of weather, air, water, temperature and cloud formations. Students are introduced to the classifying of animals as mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds or fish. They will learn about the parts of a plant and visually see how it grows.


Four quarters, meeting once per week for 30 minutes, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade Level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

This course complements and supports the general reading program. The students will be led in activities that develop Phonemic Awareness. They will learn the components of “Stack your Blocks,” followed by the introduction of the 26 single letter phonograms with a goal of mastering them. The sounds will then be related to the printed word.

Grade One

G1 Art

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

The students will experience a variety of art media. God as the first artist is a major theme throughout units in creation, basic shapes, God’s orderliness, and the fruits of the Spirit. Many activities require cutting and tracing, working on the development and coordination of the small hand muscles. First grade art also works strongly on the necessity of following directions.

G1 Bible

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

The first grade Bible course includes monthly memorization of Scripture; instruction in character traits, specifically: forgiveness, wisdom, obedience, faith, thankfulness, love, kindness and diligence, honesty; instruction in the Biblical accounts beginning in Genesis and continuing through the life of Moses; and instruction in the miracles performed by Jesus.

G1 English

Four quarters, graded in the A-F grading system (A = 93-100, B = 84-92, C =75-83, D = 66-74, F=65 and below)

This course is designed to demonstrate, provide practice and promote correct usage of the English language. This will be done through speaking, listening and writing. The students will demonstrate understanding of basic sentence structure by using nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. The student will be encouraged to respond to a variety of assignments by using their highest level of language.

G1 Geography

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

This course will be presented as an introduction to the design of the Earth and its individual continents and oceans. The students will learn about the climate, geographical diversity, and various cultures and people groups throughout the world. Maps and the globe will be used to assist the students in their recognition and location of the continents and oceans. Geography is presented during the third trimester. On a daily basis, throughout the school year, our class refers to the world map as we pray for the United States, Israel, and randomly selected nations.

G1 History

One semester, two quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

This course will be presented as an introductory overview to the history of mankind from the time of man’s creation until the present day. We will discuss God’s providential plan as we examine various events throughout the course of human history. We will relate these events to ourselves and reflect on our response to God’s purpose in our own lives. History instruction is presented in the first trimester of the school year.

G1 Literature

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

This course is designed to encourage the students’ growth in the enjoyment of high quality literature. Students will have opportunities to become familiar with an elevated standard of expression which should aid in their development of expression in speaking and writing the English language, increase their understanding of elevated language, and expand their ability to discern the qualities of good literature. Through listening, reasoning, and recording, the students will become familiar with identifying the elements of literature which are the plot, setting, character, theme and style.

G1 Math

Four quarters, graded in the A-F grading system (A = 93-100, B = 84-92, C =75-83, D = 66-74, F=65 and below)

The mathematics course is designed to provide a young child with the opportunity to explore the science of numbers and the art of computation. Repetition is used to provide opportunity for remediation, increased speed and mastery and to establish a solid foundation for deeper application of mathematical concepts. The course includes the use of manipulatives, smart board technology, and hybrid learning methods.

G1 Music

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

This course will provide a general introduction to music and will cover musical elements using various techniques and activities in order to build a foundation of musical knowledge and assist in discovering God’s world through music.

G1 Orthography

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

This course introduces the sounds and symbols used as the basic building blocks for the words in the English language. Sounds and symbols are combined to correctly spell words. Correct definition and usage of the words are applied as the students write sentences. Students learn the basic rules that govern the English language.

G1 Penmanship

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

This course is designed to encourage the student to write with a proper technique and good form in order to demonstrate legible script and his most excellent ability. Penmanship is introduced as a separate subject, but is incorporated into every subject area.


Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

We are following the Action Based Learning program that is based upon brain research that supports the link of movement and physical activity to increase academic performance. It follows a series of progression and stations, each designed to prepare the brain for input and processing (balance, coordination, spatial awareness, directionality and visual literacy). Students move with partners and small groups from station to station and experience challenge, feedback, and physical activity all of which are necessary for optimal brain function.

G1 Reading

Four quarters, graded in the A-F grading system (A = 93-100, B = 84-92, C =75-83, D = 66-74, F=65 and below)

The reading course is designed to provide a young child with the opportunity to develop and improve the skills necessary to decode and understand the written word. Included in the reading curriculum is instruction and practice in perceptual skills, phonics, vocabulary development, guided reading: oral and silent, comprehension, writing, vocabulary development and fluency practice.

G1 Science

One semester, two quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

At this level, students are introduced to a variety of scientific topics through simplified explanation, discussion, and experimentation. Science instruction is presented throughout the second trimester of the school year.

G1 Spanish

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

Students are introduced to basic Spanish vocabulary and greetings. Students develop an awareness and appreciation of another culture.

Grade 2

G2 Art

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

The students will learn the art elements of color, value line texture, shape, and space as they relate to God’s creative process. They will learn about creation and further their skills in observation. Projects will emphasize all these areas.

G2 Bible

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

In this course the students study wisdom, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Jesus’ life and ministry, and the parables. A major concentration of this course is character building and the need to be intentional in training children in this area. This Bible course helps the student to take scripture and use it to grow in character and maturity.

Three trimesters graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

G2 English

Four quarters, graded in the A-F grading system (A = 93-100, B = 84-92, C =75-83, D = 66-74, F=65 and below)

This course is designed to demonstrate, provide practice and promote correct usage of the English language. This will be done through speaking, listening and writing. The student will be encouraged to respond to a variety of assignments by using their highest level of language.

G2 Geography

Four quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

In this course we study the relationship of the Geography of Nature and the Geography of Man. We define geographical vocabulary, identify land forms and features, and work on map skills.

G2 History

One semester, two quarters, graded in the O, G, SP, NI grading system (Outstanding, Grade level, Slow Progress, and Needs Improvement)

This course covers a brief review of the ten links in the Chain of Christianity (America’s Christian History Timeline) and basic vocabulary of providential history. The major focus of this course is the events and the people that contributed to the Bible being translated and printed in English.