Day 1
Course: Adult Roles
Lesson: Values
Materials: $50 bill
“Unfinished sentences” (worksheet)
“Family Values” (worksheet)
Road Map
Gallon Jugs
Brainstorm: What is a value? (definition or example)
Story: Write the names of the characters on the board. Have students write down their reactions to each character at the conclusion of the story. Students will reveal many of their values by the way they react to the characters in the story.
Characters: Abigail Greg Slug Abigail’s mother
Sinbad the Sailor
Once upon a time there was a river that was practically overflowing with alligators. As you may have guessed, it was called Alligator river. A girl named Abigail lived on the west bank of the river. Her boyfriend, Greg, lived on the opposite bank. Abigail and Greg were very much in love with each other and wanted very much to see each other. But there was one slight complication: no boat, and an alligator-filled river stood between them. Abigail decided to seek help so that she could see her boyfriend, Greg. She approached Sinbad the Sailor, who, as his name might indicate, owned a boat. She explained her situation to Sinbad and asked if she could borrow his boat. Sinbad thought for a moment and then replied: “Sure, you can borrow my boat, but only under one condition. The condition is that you sleep with me tonight.” This startled Abigail because she didn’t want to sleep with Sinbad; she just wanted to borrow his boat so that she could see Greg. So, she told Sinbad to forget it, and she wandered off seeking someone else who would help her.
After a great deal of time, Abigail was unable to find anyone else who could aid her. Discouraged, she returned home, where she sought out her mother. Explaining her dilemma and Sinbad’s proposition, Abigail asked her mother about what she should do. Mom responded with, “Look, Abigail, you’re a big girl now; it’s about time you started making these kinds of decisions for yourself.” With that, Mom turned and walked away.
Abigail thought and thought. Finally, she decided to take Sinbad up on his offer because she wanted to see Greg so very much; so that night, Abigail and Sinbad slept with each other. The next morning, Sinbad, true to his word, lent his boat to Abigail. Abigail sailed across the river and saw her beloved. After spending a few delightful hours together, Abigail felt compelled to tell Greg what had happened. After she had related her whole story, Greg blew up completely. “You what? I can’t believe you did that!! I—I can’t believe you slept with him! That’s it! It’s all over. Just forget the relationship. Get out of my life!”
Distraught, Abigail wandered off. She came upon a fellow named Slug. Borrowing his shoulder to shed her tears, Abigail related her tale to Slug. Slug then went looking for Greg (with Abigail close behind). Slug found Greg and proceeded to beat the stuffing out of him, with Abigail standing there, laughing.
At the conclusion of the story have each student write their reaction to each of the characters. When they have finished have a volunteer come to the front of the room and give them two gallon plastic jugs filled with water, tell them to holed them out at arms length. While they are standing holding the jugs discuss with class their reaction to the characters in the story. The volunteer won’t be able to hold the jugs very long. Compare this to what happens to someone when they do something that goes against their beliefs or value system; we experience stress, frustration, perhaps guilt. Discuss
Discuss Values:
What are values?
Qualities, characteristics, or ideas about which we feel strongly.
Our values affect our decisions, goals and behavior.
A belief or feeling that someone or something is worthwhile.
Values define what is of worth, what is beneficial, and what is harmful
Values are standards to guide your action, judgments, and attitudes.
- Have a pretend check for $1000.00 or a $50 bill. Have the class list on the board the things they would do if they were handed a the check. You can have a discussion or writing assignment but their answers will reflect their values. Point out to the class that what they spend their money on has everything to do with what they value.
- Ask several students to tell some of the things they did during the past week. List on the board. Point out that what you choose to do with your time also has everything to do with what you values.
Hypocrite – One who subscribes to one set of values, and does another.
Immaturity - One who ahs not identified his values.
Unclear valuesclear values
Drifters, “flighty”, uncertainlife of purpose, meaning
Values give direction and consistency to behavior.
Values help you know what to and not to make time for.
Values establish a relationship between you and the world.
Values set the direction for one’s life.
Direction: Values – Goals – Behavior – Self-value
Show the class a road map. Explain that identifying your values can help
you form a roadmap for your life choices.
Where do we get values?
Values come from our homes, school, society, friends, TV, church, music, books, families, culture, employers, time-period in which you were raised (70’s anti-establishment, peace, individuality. 80’s money, prestige, don’t get caught, etc. 90’s earth, green peace, health and fitness), etc.
Your age will greatly influence your values. Different people and things influence you at different ages:
Ages 1-7 --- parents
Ages 8-13 --- teachers, heroes (sports, rocks, TV)
Ages 14-20 --- peers (values because of peers or peers because of
Ages 21+ your values are established, but you may test your values
from time to time.
Assignment: Assign them the 10 unfinished sentences assignment. Have them answer them individually but out loud to a group of five or six. The groups write down all the answers and the values they represent.
Homework: Family Values
Day 2
Course: Adult Roles
Lesson: Values
Materials: Stand up for your value list
Song with a value
CD or tape player
Activity: “Play Stand up for your value”
As the teacher reads off different statements the students go to the side of the classroom they agree with. If they agree with the statement they go to one side, and if they disagree they go to the other side. Then discuss why they believe that way. Some students will go back and forth because they can not decide or they are persuaded by what their classmates say.
Choosing values: process of making values your own.
Values only become your own when they are freely chosen from a group of alternatives.
Characteristics of values:
Values are personal.
Our actions point to what we really value instead of what we think we value
Our values, attitudes, and beliefs condition our perception of the world.
Our values give a particular direction and consistency to our behavior.
Apathy and inconsistent behavior may indicate value-conflicts or an absence of values.
Values may change as experiences change.
Problems are value-clarifying exercises in disguise.
When faced with alternatives, our values determine our choices.
Respecting someone else’s value system encourages his/her respect for my
Interpersonal relationships make us think and compare our values very carefully.
Often feelings are more accurate value-indicators than are our thoughts.
We make value assumptions about most everything we encounter.
What we value gives us our identity.
Values establish a relationship between us and the world.
Value priorities are always subject to change.
Values are freely chosen only if they are chosen from recognized alternatives.
Value versus Facts:
There is a difference in values and facts. Values are things we feel “should”, “ought”, or “are supposed to” influence our lives. Facts simply state what actually are. It is easy to confuse values with facts.
FACT: Many people are active in a specific religion.
VALUE: All people should be active in a specific religion.
FACT: The most economical time to buy clothing is when the seasons
change and the price is reduced.
VALUE: The best time to buy clothing is when the price is discounted.
A value is a statement of one’s personal beliefs. A fact is established by observation and measurement.
Values and Behaviors:
Happiness comes from letting values decide your behavior and goals. As we grow older, we learn that all behavior has a cause and effect. In other words, there is a consequence to every action we take.
Values can change over a life-time as your experiences change your view.
Activity: Play a song. Have students listen and pick out the singer’s values. Point out that artists express their values in their work.
Assignment: have students bring a song that shows one of their values to share with the class next class period.
Read the poem “The Road Not Taken”.
Discuss how satisfactory and enjoyable your life will be if you make your OWN values your roadmap.
Quote: “If you stand for nothing. You fall for anything.”
Quote: “It’s not doing things right, but doing the right things.
Day 3
Course: Adult Roles
Lesson: Values
Materials: CD and tape player
“The Miracle Worker” (worksheet)
Activity: Have students share their songs with the class. Discuss the values the
songs have. You can also discuss the cover of the album and the values it reflects.
Have students make a list of the values that each classmate has. The teacher can
write on the board the values and then as a class discuss the different values of
Types of Values:
We are going to talk about seven classifications of values: Moral, Material, Social, and Aesthetic. These are just some of the classifications. There are many more.
- Moral Values: What you will or will not do simply because you believe it to be right or wrong. What is right or wrong; thoughts or codes by which to live. Thomas Macauley, an English historian and statesman, wrote: “The measure of a man’s character is what he would do if he would never be found out, then the behavior is simply between you and your conscience.
Story: As I read this be asking yourself “what would I do?”
A young woman in New Jersey bough four lottery tickets – two for herself and two for a co-worker. Her ticket numbers were not posted among the winners, so she tore them up. In the meantime, the co-worker went on a vacation to Wisconsin, where he dies suddenly. Later, when she was cleaning out her purse, the woman found his lottery tickets and checked them with the posted list. To her surprise, the dead man’s ticket was worth $50,000. She could keep the money, and no one would know the difference – or she could give it to the man’s widow. What sould you do? Keep in mind that only you would know what really happened. No one would really suffer if you kept the money. The widow would never know what she lost. (True story – she gave the money to the dead man’s wife.)
- Material values: These people often believe happiness comes from material possessions. Material values reflect the possessions we own; the things on which we spend out money.
- Aesthetic values: Values that reflect your feelings about what has beauty in nature and life. They reveal appreciation for the way things look, sound, feel, taste, and smell. The need to experience beauty (in the mind of the beholder) Examples: Beauty in : paintings, beautiful rooms, music, nature, etc.
- Intrinsic values: Intrinsic values are things or ideas that have value to us in their own right; the end and not the means. For example, a friend has intrinsic value because of his/her character and personality. An antique car is valued for its beauty.
- Extrinsic values: some values are important because they help us gain other values or desired results. For example, you value one friend because the friend can help you be popular or you value the antique car because of its monetary value.
- Universal/American values: Universal values are values on which all or most people agree, such as equality, justice, worldwide brotherhood, respect of self, and others.
- Group specific values: Group specific values are those that differ from state to state or region to region. For example, the U.S. citizens value time and are always in a hurry; Europeans value people and spend time talking.
Acitvity: The Miracle Workers
Have students complete “The Miracle Workers” as individuals then as a class come up with a list for the class.
Assignment: have students list at least five values in each of the following areas.
Name ______Class ______
Family Values
What does your family tell you about: (After writing your perception of each of the below values, ask an adult in your family 9parent or grandparent) about at least three of the above values. Did your perception agree with theirs?)
- Grades in school:
- Being male/female:
- Dating:
- Using drugs or alcohol:
- Graduating from high school:
- Getting married:
- Having sex:
- Getting a job:
- Going to college:
- Making money:
- Having children:
A group of 15 experts, considered miracle workers by those who have used their services, have agreed to provide these services for the class members. Their extraordinary skills are guaranteed to be 100% effective. It is up to you to decide which of these people can best provide you with what you want.
Working alone, choose the five miracle workers you value most: that is, the five whose gifts you would most like to receive.
- Dr. Dorian Grey: A noted plastic surgeon, he can make you look exactly as you want to look by means of a new painless technique. (He also uses hormones to alter body structures and size!) Your ideal physical appearance can be a reality
- Baron Von Barrons: A college placement and job placement expert.
The college or job of your choice, in the location of your choice, will be yours! (He also provides immunity from the draft if you wish.)
- Jedediah Mehhuselah: Guarantees you long life (to the age of 200) with your aging process slowed down proportionately. For example, at the age of 60 you will look and feel like 20.
- Drs. Masters Johnson and Fanny Hill: Experts in the area of sexual relations, they guarantee that you will be the perfect male or female, will enjoy sex and will bring pleasure to others.
- Dr. Yin Yang: An organism expert, he will provide you with perfect health and protection from physical injury throughout your life.
- Dr. Knot Not Ginott: An expert in dealing with parents, he guarantees that you will never have any problems with your parents again. They will accept your values and your behavior. You will be free from control and badgering.
- Stu Denpower: An expert on authority, he will make sure that you are never again bothered by the authorities. His services will make you immune from all control which you consider unfair by the school, the police, and the government (the armed force included).
- “Pop” Larity: He guarantees that you will have the friends you want now and in the future. You will find it easy to approach those you like and they will find you easily approachable.
- Dr. Charlie Smart: He will develop your common sense and your intelligence to a level in excess of 150 I. Q. It will remain at this level through your lifetime.
- Rocky Fellah: Wealth will be yours, with guaranteed schemes for earning millions within weeks.
- Dwight K. DeGawl: This world famed leadership expert will never be lonely. A life filled with love will be yours.
- Dr. Otto Carengy: You will be well liked by all and will never be lonely. A life filled with love will be yours.
- Dr. Claire Voyant: All of your questions about the future will be answered, continually, through the training of this soothsayer.
- Dr. Hinnah Self: Guarantees that you will have “self” knowledge, “self” respect, and “self” confidence. True “self” assurance will be yours.
- Prof. Val U. Clear: With his help you will always know what you want, and you will be completely clear on all the muddy issues of these confused days.