COURSE: 7th MathDATES: Jan. 19-23, 2015

TEACHER: Mrs. Claudia

Weekly Assignment Sheet

  1. Character Integration/Focus: Exhibit diligence this week by persistently completing your homework with rigor and meticulous attention to detail.

Monday 1/19 / TEK# 7.4AD Learning Objective: Use proportional relationships to solve multi-step ratio and percent problems involving simple interest. / Date Due / Time Spent
Assignments/ Instructions / Topic 9-3 Simple Interest
1. Practice Problems: Pg. 320: 1-6 (45 minutes) / 1. 1/21
Additional Handouts / Simple Interest Notes
Materials Needed for Next Class / For every class period, students should have their math spirals, student companion, and a pencil for taking notes.
Suggested Parent Involvement/Role / Please make sure your student gets in the habit of showing their work. They will be much more successful in this class if they adopt this habit early.
Reminders/ Notes / There will be a Quiz covering 9.1 - 9.3 on Wednesday 1/21/15.
Wednesday 1/21 / TEK# 7.4AD Learning Objective: Use proportional relationships to solve multi-step ratio and percent problems involving compound interest. Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers. / Date Due / Time Spent
Assignments/ Instructions / Topic 9-4 Compound Interest
1. Practice Problems: Pg. 329: 1-3, 5,6 (45 minutes) / 1.1/23
Additional Handouts / Compound Interest Notes
Materials Needed for Next Class / For every class period, students should have their math spirals, student companion, and a pencil for taking notes.
Suggested Parent Involvement/Role / Please check to make sure your student is "doing" the homework. This means not just an answer but also showing his/her work of how they arrived at the answer. This is the only way your student can understand, be confident and be successful in mathematics.
Reminders/ Notes
Friday 1/23 / TEK# 7.4D Learning Objective: Use proportional relationships to solve multi-step ratio and percent problems involving percent increase and decrease. / Date Due / Time Spent
Assignments/ Instructions / Topic 9-5 Percent Increase and Decrease
1. Practice Problems: Pg. 335: 1 - 8 (45 minutes) / 1. 1/26
Additional Handouts / Percent Increase and Decrease Notes
Materials Needed for Next Class / For every class period, students should have their math spirals, student companion, and a pencil for taking notes.
Suggested Parent Involvement/Role / Monitor your student, making sure he/she is reviewing notes and homework problems daily.
Reminders/ Notes / There will be a take home Test for Topic 9 next week.