County of Volusia

Children and Families Advisory Board

Tuesday, May 8, 2012 1:30pm

Volusia County Lifeguard Headquarters

and Administration Center

515 South Atlantic Avenue

Daytona Beach, Florida


Mary Bruno / Dona DeMarsh Butler, Community Assistance Director
Dr. Willie Kimmons / Diana Phillips, Housing and Grants Administration Manager
Susan Perry / Peggy Johnson, Children and Community Programs Coordinator
Claudia Roth
John Shepherd

Call to order: Mary Bruno called the meeting to order at 1:40pm.

Roll Call: Peggy Johnson – It was determined a quorum was not present.

Item 1 - April 10, 2012 minutes

John Shepherd made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 10, 2012 CFAB meeting. The motion was tabled until a quorum is present.

Item 2 - Review of draft RSQ’s

Diana Phillips presented a draft of the RSQ’s for family-based intervention/counseling services to prevent-intervene in family violence, transition services from youth to adulthood for persons with disabilities, and basic needs services emergency assistance and homeless prevention. On the basic needs services Ms. Phillips recommended the following changes:

  1. Page one indicated that the contract term needs to be changed from three years to one year with opportunity for annual renewal for a period of three years with County Council approval.
  2. Page 2 paragraph1be revised from “The focus of the RSQ will be to select the most qualified firm(s) to fund a centralized organization, or a collaborative of many organizations to distribute food….” to “The focus of the RSQ will be to select the most qualified firm(s) to fund a centralized organization to distribute food….”
  3. Page 2 - Board recommendations for qualifications were added.
  4. Page 4 - Risk factors and list of services remain the same as in the initial RFP
  5. Page 5 - Organizations are no longer required to provide monthly financial summaries, but they must provide actual expenses at the six month time-frame and a month before the contract ends. The reasoning is the per unit cost does not equal the expenditures for the month.
  6. Page 7 - The definition of per unit cost needs to be revised to “The per unit cost shall include all expenses directly attributed to a unit of service.A unit of service shall be clearly identified in measurable terms”.
  7. Page 8 - Diana Phillips presented the RSQ timeline.

Susan Perry arrived. A quorum is nowpresent. Dr. Kimmons inquired if attendance is mandatory at the pre-proposal meeting. Ms. Phillips advised that attendance is not mandatory, but encouraged for those interested in submitting a proposal.

  1. Page 20 - Tab 1 A and B remain the same. Tab 2 through tab 11 is information for the agencies to submit which correspond to the evaluation criteria.
  2. Page 22 - The service delivery plan will explain the service delivery system.
  3. Page 23 - The statement of need has been revised from requiring a needs assessment to the agency providing a statement of need using the most recent available source data to make conclusions to support their service delivery.
  4. Page 23 - A line item budget is not required until the negotiation process.
  5. Page 4-Collaboration is revised to “The proposed service delivery plan shall include a description of the process the respondent will use to partner with multiple agencies to collaboratively provide services. The respondent need not identify specific agencies that it will sub-contract with. .However, if, and when funds are awarded under the RSQ, the respondent must identify specific services that will be provided by each sub-contractor, the number of clients to be served, the time period for which the services will be provided, and the location of the proposed services. Specific agencies will not be identified in the RSQ.

Ms. Phillips advised that the changes discussed were applicable to all three RSQ’s.

Ms. Phillips advised that on the family based intervention and counseling services RSQ on page 4 the list of services has been revised based on the board’s suggestions. Ms. Phillips requested that all copies of the draft RSQ’s be returned to staff at the end of the meeting.

Susan Perry asked for clarification on the basic needs RSQ regarding health care services. Ms. Phillips advised that health care services were defined as prescription medication. Dr. Kimmons suggested using the term “basic health care needs”, meaning an annual health care exam. Mary Bruno suggested providing limited health care services such as prescriptions and dental emergencies. Claudia Roth stated that basic health care needs could be interpreted as a physical exam, which is an initial assessment. The consensus of the board was to change the service to provide health care services such as unfunded prescription medication and unfunded limited emergency/urgent medical care and linkages to other health care systems.

Public Participation: Dixie Morgese, Executive Director of The Healthy Start Coalition commented that there are three hospitals in Volusia County that are supposed to fund indigent care. The Coalition identifies services for indigent care as unfunded. Ms. Morgese announced that the Coalition has submitted a proposal for a Robert Wood Johnson grant for $200,000for prenatal support services. Ms. Morgese advised the board that the grant would be used as match for county funding.

Item 1 - April 10, 2012 minutes

A motion was made by John Shepherd and seconded by Dr. Kimmons to approve the minutes of the April 10, 2012 CFAB meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

Item 3 – RSQ Timeline

The timeline was presented in the RSQ’s. Mary Bruno asked if Ms. Morgese’s comments need to be addressed in the RSQ’s. The wording “unfunded” will be added in the basic needs RSQ.

Diana Phillips advised the board that the evaluation criteria does not have scoring values. Dr. Kimmons inquired whythe service delivery plan in tab 8 is limited to ten single spaced pages. Ms. Phillips advised that limiting the section to ten pages would require that the service delivery plan would have to be concise. Ms. Bruno commented that she agrees with the idea of not having to name the sub-contractors in the RSQ, the change on the line item budget so it can be negotiated, and the statement of needs change. A motion was made by Mary Bruno and seconded by Dr. Kimmons to approve the changes recommended to RSQ 12-SQ-111IF, 12-SQ-112IF and 12-SQ-113IF. The motion passed unanimously.

Item 4 – Discussion of Evaluation Criteria #5

Diana Phillips advised that in the evaluation criteria on page 2, item number 5, thatthe board recommended that agencies must have one to three years of successful experience in the service category. Ms. Phillips advised she has received comments that an agency that does not have experience within the service category may be interested in submitting an RSQ. It wasexpressed that the capacity of the agency should be strong enough to be awarded any project. The purpose of the RSQ is to look at the qualifications of the agency. An agency could have long experience in providing services in the service category, but may not have capacity opposed to an agency with capacity that could provide the services. The board initially decided that an agency must have proven successful subcontracting experience and proven successful service delivery within the service category. A motion was made by Mary Bruno and seconded by Dr. Kimmons that the evaluation criteria remain the same as originally established. The motion passed unanimously.

Section 5 – Identifying priority needs

Susan Perry suggested that a survey be created to assist in identifying priority needs for future funding. Claudia Roth volunteered to work with Diana Phillips to create a draft survey. John Shepherd recommended involving the agencies in the survey. Mary Bruno agreed that agency input is important. Dr. Kimmons requested that the board review the survey prior to it’s’ release. Susan Perry requested that the draft survey be sent to the board members for feedback.

Items for staff discussion

Diana Phillips advised that a press release has been published advising of board openings. An email was also sent to the County Counciladvising of the need for board members. Ms. Cusack may have a nomination from the West side.

Meeting adjourned2:32pm