HKCC – Meeting1 December 3, 2015
KICK OFF MEETINGDecember 3, 2015
Settlers Hall, Travelodge Pembroke
A meeting of the County of Renfrew Healthy Kids Community Challenge was held in the Settlers Hall room at the Travelodge Pembroke, 900 Pembroke Street East.
Present were:Amy Sicoli, Renfrew County District School Board
Barry Fields, Recreation Committee,Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch, Raglan
Brian Brohart, Co-Chair
Christine Armstrong, Town of Deep River
Crystal Fischer, Township of Head Clara Maria
Crystal Schroeder, YPSP Columbus House
Dana Jennings,Planning-Zoning Community Development, Eganville
Darlene Lynch, Secretary II, Child Care Services
Dave Alexander, Forester Falls Athletic Association
Reeve Debbie Robinson, Township of Laurentian Valley
Mayor Deborah Farr, Township of North Algona Wilberforce
Emma Holman, Project Coordinator
Geoff Patterson, Recreation Director, Township of McNab/Braeside
Glenn Arthur, Director of Recreation, Arnprior
Greg Lubimiv, Phoenix Centre
Heather Casey, Children’s Garden
Jackie Agnew, RCHC, Councilor,Township of Bonnechere Valley
Jean Fields, Recreation Committee, Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch, Raglan
Jennifer Dubreuil, Bonnechere Valley
John Leitch, RCCDSB
Jordan Durocher, Recreation and Tourism, Pembroke
Judy Mulvihill, Co-Chair
Katie McEwen, Pineridge Children’s Centre
Kayla Janke,Administrative/Council Clerk, Township of Laurentian Valley
Kevin Hill, Recreation Director, Renfrew
Kim Groskleg, Community Resource Centre, Killaloe
Lara Mylly, White Water Bromley Community Health Centre
Lil Gruntz, Chair, Recreation Committee, Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch, Raglan
Maria Mayville, Township of Killaloe Hagarty and Richards
Mary Cahill, Outreach Coordinator, RCDSB
Mia Harle, Guest Speaker Fellows High School
Michael Barber, County of Renfrew, Media Relations/Grants Coordinator
Paul Nopper, Recreation and Community Development, Township of Madawaska Valley
Warden Peter Emon, Community Champion
Rhonda Miller, Ontario Works Agent
Ron Conway, City of Pembroke
Rick Klatt, Outdoor Education, RCCDSB
Shawna Babcock, Coordinator, Healthy Communities Partnership
Victoria Thomas,Community Affairs Officer, Township of Greater Madawaska
Item / Discussion/Outcome / ActionIntroductions / Mrs. Judy Mulvihill introduced herself, Manager of Child Care Services with the County of Renfrew and Co-Chair of Healthy Kids Community Challenge Steering Committee. Mrs. Mulvihill introduced Mr. Brian Brohart, Health Promoter with Renfrew County and District Health Unit and Co-Chair of Healthy Kids Community Challenge Steering Committee. Ms Mulvihilll introduced Ms. Emma Holman as the Healthy Kids Community Challenge Local Project Manager with the County of Renfrew Child Care Services office.
There were a total of 40 participants at the meeting and all attendees introduced themselves, their name and job title. There were a lot of new faces that represented a wide variety of partners from across the County of Renfrew.
Updates / Three key items that came out of the October 28, 2015 meeting were long-term and sustainable changes, accessible for all children, collaboration and partnership development across domains.
There are pressing deadlines due to funding for the first year being expended on March 31, 2016. The Theme Based Action Planis required to be completed by December 9, 2015. Decisions regarding activities and challenges for the Run. Jump. Play theme. The next challenge is the Snowman Challenge taking place from February 15-26, 2016. / Mrs. Mulvihill,
Mr. Brohart and
Ms. Holman to complete Theme Based Action Planby December 9, 2015.
Mrs. Mulvihill and Ms. Holman provided awards to all Chalk Challenge participants present at the meeting, as everyone who participated are winners. Participants include:
- Township of Bonnechere Valley
- Township of Greater Madawaska
- Greater Madawaska Fire Department
- St. Joseph's Elementary School
- Township of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards
- Lil’ Troopers North
- Child’s Paradise
- Deep River Nursery School
- St. Thomas the Apostle
- A.J. Charbonneau Public School
- Garderie L’Arc-en-ciel
- Elevate Youth Fitness Studio
- Renfrew Parks and Recreation Department
- Golden Lake Girl Guides
- Our Lady of Fatima School
- The Children’s Garden
- Game ON! Youth Program
South Dundasopened a sports lending library in 2014 with the Ontario Trillium grant and has been successful with their first 2 years of operations. The Recreation Program coordinator is learning about the most popular items and adjusts the inventory according to the needs of the community. Usage has doubled from their first year to the second year of operation, with 84% of days from April to September equipment being borrowed. The coordinator takes reservations for equipment and ensures he (or a colleague) is able to supervise pick up and drop off of equipment (as well as loading in the case of canoes/ kayaks). They have had limited issues with damage or maintenance and the borrowers sign a liability form stating that they are responsible for any damages incurred. The coordinator approached sports equipment companies and was able to secure discounts for the equipment.
Currently in Renfrew County there are municipalities already participating in “lending hubs” as follows: Petawawa, McNabBraeside, Renfrew and Killaloe. We need to recognize what is happening in the County already. What is working and what isn’t working? Feedback from the launch meeting was that we need to learn from programs that are successful already, and build on current infrastructure. We can learn from thesecommunity‘champions’ for the initiative.
Guest Speaker / Mr. Brohart introduced Ms. Mia Harle a grade 12 student from Fellows High School who recently participated in the SHAD program. The SHAD program provides the opportunity for students to attend a month-long summer program focused on STEM (science, technology, engineering & math).Ms. Harle thanked everyone and expressed that she was honoured to be invited to the meeting to share her group’s idea of the Play Pod.
The theme of the SHAD program this summer was “why don’t you go outside and play”. Ms. Harle and her group focused on 5 key factors when considering a product idea as follows :
- Accessibility
- Spontaneity
- Affordability
- Flexibility
- Convenience
Attached as Appendix HKCC-I is Ms. HarlePlayPodpresentation with additional information.
Community Engagement / Mr. Brohart thanked Ms. Harle for her presentation and stated that it is refreshing to hear a “Dream Big, Think Big” idea. Ms. Harle’sPlayPod idea is highly engineered and well thought out as a hypothetical prototype and it is encouraged for this rest of the group to “Dream Big, Think Big.”
Ms. Holman took over the meeting and introduced the “Think Bold” activity where each table brainstormed ideas about where physical activity equipment lending hubs should be located. What equipment should be available? How people will access the hub? Who will use the equipment?
Attached as Appendix HKCC-II are the results from the “Think Bold” activity.