Revised March 2015 (changes are highlighted)



1  Name

1.1  The Northamptonshire Schools Forum (hereafter referred to as “the Forum”).

Terms of Reference

2.1  The Forum is established in accordance with Sections 47(1) 47A of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and The Schools Forums (England) Regulations 2012.

3  Status

3.1  The Forum is a decision making and consultative body in relation to matters concerning schools’ budgets as defined in the School and Early Years Finance (England) Regulations 2014, the Schools Forum Regulations 2012 and the School Budget Shares (Prescribed Purposes) (England) 2002.

4  Membership

4.1  There shall be a minimum of twenty five school/academy members[1]of the Forum comprising the following:

(a)  One schools representatives from maintained secondary schools.

(b)  Nine schools representatives from primary maintained schools – this is to include a headteacher to represent small schools.

(c)  Twelve academy representatives[2].

(d)  One nursery schools representative.

(e)  One special schools representative (who may be a special academy represenative).

(f)  One representative of Pupil Referral Units.

4.2  Membership of the Forum will last for a maximum of 4 years subject to members still holding the appointment which makes them eligible for membership.

4.3  When vacancies occur the relevant schools will be contacted by the secretary and governor services to submit nominations.

4.4  If the number of nominations for either the maintained sector or the academy sector are less than the respective number of available places the nominees have been successful. The chair of the primary and secondary heads groups will be notified of the successful nominees.

4.5 If the number of nominations for the maintained sector are more than the number of available spaces these will be discussed with the chair of the relevant representative body to select the successful nominees.

4.6 If the number of academy nominations are more than the number of available spaces these these will be discussed with the forum chair and vice chair to select the successful nominees.

4.7  If the above process fails to nominate a forum member then the local authority may appoint one.

4.8  School members must number at least 2/3rds of the total forum membership.

4.9 There shall also be four non-schools members from the following bodies:

·  two representatives nominated by the Diocesan Authorities;

·  one representative of early years providers; and

·  one representative from 16 – 19 providers.

4.10  Non-schools members should be nominated to the Secretary by their host organisation. There is no restriction on the length of tenure for non-schools members.

5 Observers

5.1 It has been agreed that there shall be a non voting observer from the Northamptonshire School Business Managers Forum.

5.2 The Education Funding Agency may also send an observer to Forum meetings.

6 Meetings

6.1 There shall be at least four meetings held each year. More meetings will be held if the Forum deems it necessary. Meetings will take place at a time and date to be agreed by the Forum.

6.2 All meetings of the Forum will be convened by the Secretary, but he or she will comply with any direction in the matter given by the Forum in a previous meeting or given by the Chair.

6.3 A forum pre meeting will ordinarily be held with the forum chair and/or vice chair prior to the issue of papers to forum members for the next meeting.

6.4 Written notice of a meeting, along with a copy of the agenda and papers for the meeting will be provided to all Forum members and appropriate officers and published on the Schools Forum website normally at least seven days before the date of the meeting.

6.5 The draft minutes of the meeting will be circulated following the meeting and posted on the Schools Forum website. Final copies of the minutes will be published once ratified at the next meeting of the Forum.

6.6 All meetings of the Forum are open to members of public unless there is a good reason for the business to be conducted in private. Members of the public should contact the Forum Secretary in advance of the meeting so that the necessary administrative and health and safety arrangements can be made.

6.7 The following may speak at meetings of the Forum, even though they are not members of the Forum:

a. the NCC Director Children, Families and Education or his or her representative;

b. the NCC Head of Finance or his or her representative;

c. the NCC Cabinet Member responsible for Learning Skills and Education;

d. the NCC Cabinet Member responsible for Resources;

e. any person who is invited by the Forum to provide financial or technical advice;

f. a representative of the Education Funding Agency; and

g. any officer presenting a paper or other item which is on the Forum agenda. (restricted to the paper they are presenting)

6.8 If other individuals want to register to speak at a forum meeting representation must be made to the forum secretary no later than noon 2 working days before the meeting.All requests to speak are subject to the forum Chair’s discretion.

6.9 The forum Chair will invite an address from these other individuals who have been approved to speak for a period not exceeding 3 minutes. This gives the Chair the ability to use their discretion to vary this time in the interests of the public and the effective conduct of the meeting.

7 Substitutes

7.1 Representative groups may nominate:

·  a permanent substitute who has sufficient experience and knowledge of schools funding (e.g. a deputy head, school business manager, bursar etc) to attend meetings instead of a headteacher,


·  a stand-in substitute who may be another headteacher from the same area or a member of staff who meets the above criteria – this substitute only attends as a full voting member if a headteacher or permanent substitute is unavailable. Stand-in substitutes may attend some meetings as an observer (and any Forum training sessions) to gain an insight into the work of the Forum.

7.2 Governors nominated by their respective group may only nominate a stand-in substitute, who may also attend some meetings as an observer (and training sessions).

7.3 The current Forum rules regarding length of tenure for Schools members (i.e. 4 years) will also apply to permanent substitutes.

7.4 Where possible the name of the intended stand-in should be notified to the Secretary of the Forum at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting in question.

8 Sub Groups

8.1 The Forum may set up sub-groups, either standing or ad hoc, to carry out tasks as specified by the Forum. All sub-groups will report back to the Forum.

9 Voting

9.1 Every item which requires a decision to be made at a meeting of the Forum will be determined by a majority of the votes of members present and voting on the issue. In the case of an equality of votes the Chair will have a second or casting vote.

9.2 School and non school members are eligible to vote on all matters requiring authorisation or approval except

a) that only secondary and primary school (not academy) members are eligible to vote on items to be removed from delegated budget shares where the expenditure is instead to be treated as central expenditure.

b) It is the responsibility of the forum member to declare their ‘disclosable pecuniary interest’. The forum member can make a short presentation at the start of the agenda item and then not participate in the discussions or vote on the item to which their interest is relevant.

10 Quorum

10.1 The Forum shall be quorate if at least forty percent of the current membership (schools and non-schools members) excluding vacancies is present at a meeting.

11 Functions

Note: these functions are derived from the School and Early Years Finance (England) Regulations 2014 which refer to 2015-2016 School Budgets and come into effect from 1st January 2015 and the Schools Forums: operational and good practice guide. See these for full details.

11.1 The guidance states for a number of areas the following (summarised):

a) Local authority proposes/Forum decides / De-delegation (maintained primary and secondary schools only)
Growth fund (including criteria)
Central spend – early years
Central spend – schools block (votes on each S251 budget line)
Carry forward of deficit on schools block central expenditure – where this reduces the schools budget available
b) Local authority proposes, forum approves and forum informs schools / Scheme of financial management changes
(LA consults with the governing body and head)
c) Local authority proposes, consults with forum and LA decides / Schools formula changes (forum must vote on) and need to consult with schools
EYSFF formula changes and need to consult with funded EY providers
d) Local authority discusses with forum and proposals will need to be approved by the secretary of state / MFG exclusions
Varying pupil numbers in the formula
Vary the lump sum for amalgamating schools
Vary the protection for special schools and special academies
e) local authority proposes, consults with forum and forum informs schools / Schools block funded contracts for supplies and services above EU procurement threshold - at least one month prior to invitation to tender
f) local authority consults annually and forum gives a view and informs schools / Financial issues relating to :
Arrangements for pupils with SEN
Arrangements for use of PRUs and education for children other than at school
Arrangements for early years provision
Administration arrangements for the allocation of central govt grants to schools
g) Areas where forum approval is NOT required / Licences
High needs
Forum informs schools via Forum Matters 

11.2 The Forum may also be consulted on such other matters concerning the funding of schools at the discretion of the local authority.

12 Provision of account to schools

12.1 The Forum shall as soon as reasonably possible inform the governing bodies of schools maintained by NCC of all consultations carried out under section 11 above.

13 Expenses

13.1 NCC shall meet the expenses of the Forum. Expenses shall be charged to the retained portion of the schools budget.

13.2. There is an entitlement for members of the forum to claim expenses. NCC shall reimburse all reasonable expenses of members in connection with attendance at meetings of the Forum, such as travelling expenses, childcare or other care costs.

13.3 All claims should be submitted to the Secretary who will arrange reimbursement.

14 Chair and Vice Chair

14.1 The Chair and Vice Chair will ordinarily be elected from the Forum members. The voting procedure will be agreed by the Forum.

14.2 The length of tenure for the Chair and Vice Chair will be 12 months.

14.3 If there are nonominees or adecisionis takennot to appoint, NCC would suggest, in consultation with the Forum Vice-Chair, a new Chair.

15 Review of the Constitution

15.1 NCC will review this constitution as required to ensure that it continues to meet statutory requirements.


[1] The level of representation will be reviewed on a regular basis to reflect any changes in pupil numbers in each phase/type of establishment.

[2] Academies include Free Schools, University Technical Colleges and Studio Schools. Representatives may include members of the relevant Trust.