Port Cove Condominium Association
Board Meeting Minutes
Location: 300 Bowl, Waterford Michigan 48328
March24, 2017
Call to Order:
Establish Quorum: Quorum met with 4 attending Board members
Attending:Diana Lucas, Nick Pranis, Shawn Fayne. Land Arc Property Management representatives; Rob Graves Community Manager, Stephanie Bickers, CFO
Absent: Mike See, Howard Silverman, Ron Fenton
Co-owner Concerns:
#10Jack Cohen expressed concern about the troublesome behavior of the co-owner in unit 11.
#65 Ron Rudnicki 1) inquired about the goose control program and was informed that a comprehensive approach is planned for the majority of the property that is safe for children and animals; 2) inquired about gazebo repair and was informed that repairs have been budgeted for this year.
#16 Brian Masserman: 1) Inquired about the status of shoreline maintenance and was information that it is the combined responsibility of the boat committee and the association board. 2) Masserman also inquired about the possibility of social gatherings for the summer season and was informed that they could be accomplished if there were enough individuals to do the planning and execution. Masserman and Jack Cohen volunteered to work toward that goal. 3) A request was made to spray the building storage areas for spiders and other insects regularly. Masserman was asked to follow up with a job order to that effect.
#18: Linda Feldmanindicated that it is quite dark at night on the walkway to the entrance of building 2 and inquired about installing a light pole in that entryway area. The Board requested that Feldman file a work order requesting a new light pole be installed for building 2.
3591 #55: Doug Moffat: Had inquired at the previous meeting about the appropriateness of certain utility cost allocations in the budget. The language in the current PC By-laws are a bit confusing as to the way allocations are presented in the budget, but he was assured that all efforts have been made to allocate costs and funding equitably.
A general question was raised about the $22,000 beach budget allocation. The co-owners present were told that bids are being collected to upgrade the beach area in a phased in program, and those plans will be presented at a later date.
Open Session Closed: 7:23p.m.
Reports of Officers:
- Secretary Report: Diana Lucas for Ron Fenton
A MOTION WAS MADE to approvethe January 2017 minutes and was approved.
- Financial Report: Nick Pranis and Stephanie Bickers (LandArc)
The status of the loan was briefly discussed. The current balance is $86,453. The CD for ~$77,000 matures in July 2017. A decision will need to be made regarding whether it will be in the best interest of the Association to retire the loan at that time. It was confirmed that there is no penalty for early payment. Lucas stated that the loan paperwork will need to be revised as it is still under the signature of Wayne Van Hartesvelt. The revision of the paperwork has been delayed as the signature of the Association Secretary is required on the revision documents. This will be completed when Ron Fenton returns from Florida.
New Business / General Discussion
- Management Report: The Board was unable to review the open jobs report as the paperwork was not included in the packet provided. Rob Graves indicated that there are few open jobs at this point in the season.
A concern was expressed by the Board that Land Arc was not as responsive as the Association expects. It was mentioned that burned out lights are not being replaced in a timely manner and that this in unacceptable. It was also mentioned that door handles are still loose, and Graves reported that the door handles are old and worn out and can no longer be properly adjusted. Co-owners have complained that issues are not being properly addressed by the property manager; Rob Graves indicated that the co-owner involved wanted to meet after working hours and was inflexible about those arrangements. It was determined that a comprehensive evaluation of the crawl space issues in the ranches needs to be conducted and dealt with as a package. The Board requested an evaluation be conducted and report be prepared as to a course of action for Board consideration.
Due to the shortage of adequate parking, particularly during the summer season, the issue of parking stickers was raised again. Previously, a request was made of Land Arc to provide a protocol by which stickers would be issued to co-owners and tracked, but that recommendation was never provided. Land Arc was once again instructed to provide a program to accomplish this based on their experience with other complexes managed by the firm.
- Boat Committee:The estimate to complete the refurbishing of the docks by sealing the wood on both sides was presented. A MOTION WAS MADE to approve the estimate submitted. The motion was approved unanimously. Invoicing for the project was provided to Rob Graves to process expedited payment to HYO. Sealing of the docks should be completed week of April 3 and docks installed week of April 10, 2017.
- Survey of Co-owners: A brief discussion of the results of the co-owner survey was held. Lucas reported that the priorities indicated by the respondents were 1) replacement of the entry doors in the high rises; 2) power washing of the siding/eventual replacement of the siding; 3) refurbishing/replanting of areas in the landscaping. These results were consistent using a variety of sorting and analysis techniques. The Board will pursue further consideration of the data and recommendations made as to how the data will be implemented.
- Bird Feeders on the Complex: Following discussion, it was determined that bird feeders in the common areas of the complex are allowed; however, if a feeder is erected in a limited common area of the complex such as a balcony and creates a nuisance, that is not acceptable according to our Association By-laws. Every effort will be made to discourage feeding of the larger nuisance birds like the geese and ducks.
- Single Pet By-law: The Board affirmed the By-law that states that only one pet is allowed per unit. Special circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis if necessary as required by Federal law.
- Assessment of fines: It was determined that the Association's fine rules and regulations is of no value if they are not enforced. A number of reported violations were discussed:
- Several violations have been issued to one co-owner for a variety of issues. The board directed Land Arc to provide background information and all paper work related to violations issued to this co-owner to our legal counsel for an opinion.
- Another co-owner was cited by neighbors for excessive cigarette smoke. The issue was discussed but no satisfactory solution reached.
Executive session:
Delinquency report - Status of items was reviewed and delinquencies are controlled and minimal.
Change in Property Managers: It was announced at the meeting that Rob Graves has accepted a new employment opportunity and will no longer be our Port Cove Property Manager. Sasha Clark will be our new manager.
Adjourn:8:49 p.m.
Next scheduled meeting is April 25, 2017 at 300 Bowl