Country Presentation Rubric

Country Presentation Rubric

Country Presentation Rubric

4 points – excellent evidence / 3 points – good evidence / 2 points – some evidence / 1 point – little to no evidence
Presentation / Student presents information clearly and displays a complete understanding of their information. Clear articulation;
proper volume; enthusiasm and confidence. Stays within time limit of 4-8 minutes. / Clear articulation, but not polished.
Student presents the information fairly clear with a reasonable understanding of the information. Stays mostly within time limit. / The information presented is not clearly displayed throughout the project. Mumbling, little or no expression. Doesn’t stay within time limit. / Speaks too slow/fast, no expression, or no attempt. Information is clearly disorganized and not articulate.
Basic Facts / Student has country flag, map of country, capital of country, and economic stats. / Student has 3 of the 4 necessary items. / Student has 2 of the necessary 4 items. / Student has 1 of the 4 items.
History / Student explains how country came into existence with accompanying details. / Student explains how country came into existence with a few details. / Student explains some, yet not all, of the history behind the country’s existence. / Student skims over country’s history and provides scarce details about its development.
Society / Student explains the social make-up of the country (religion, demographics, ethnicities), and also discusses social relations inside the country. / Student explains several, but not all, of the social make-up of the country. / Student explains a few of the social aspects of the country. / Student skims over the social aspects.
Current/Regional Issues / Student explains at least 3 current issues going on in the country/region. / Student explains 2 current issues going on in the country/region. / Student explains without much detail 1-2 current issues. / Student explains without much, or no, detail 1 current issue.
Topics of Students Choice: Examples: landmarks, music technology, schools, weather, attractions, clothing worn, etc. / Student explains at least 4 other topics of choice / Student explains 3 other topics of their choice. / Student explains 2 other topics of their choice. / Student explains 2 other topics of their choice.
Works Cited / Student has 6 sources that are properly cited. / Student has 5 sources that are properly cited. / Student has 1-4 sources that are not properly cited. / Student has no cited sources.