Country Hills Manor, Inc. Ogden UT, 84403


PRESENT:Rachelle Dennis, Chair;Michelle Dawson, Ginger Hauser, Shalan Hunt,Stan Hansen, Perry Willard and Matt Mendenhall, Property Manager.

EXCUSED:John Sabraw

CALL TO ORDER:The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m.

GUESTS:Arlene Anderson, Bill & Heidi Portz, and Linda Willard

Arlene:Yard Sale: Arlene had questions about having a yard sale and where it could be held. After considerable discussion, the committee approved her request.

R&Rs:She also had questions about the new R&Rs and was told there will be a meeting for the unit owners to review the new R&Rs. Both Rachelle and Ginger said that they would be happy to answer any questions that she had. Rachelle indicated that if Arlene questioned the validity of the R&Rs, she should check the CC&Rs.

Bill:Request to keep both dogs: Bill asked if the committee had come to a decision on their Appeal to rescind the attorney’s directive that they had to get rid of one dog. Rachelle said nothing had been determined at this time, but would be discussed in Executive Session later in the meeting.

CHM Directory: Billasked if a CHM Directory could be printed up, he knew that there had been one a number of years back. Ginger agreed that there had been one, but that a lot of owners don’t want their phone numbers or emails given out. In fact, she has fielded a couple of complaints from irate unit owners who have received phone calls from Heidi re the dog poll she is taking. They wanted to know who was giving out their numbers. It was generally accepted by the committee that we wouldn’t publish a directory. If you want to know someone’s phone number, ask them.

Open clubhouse during the day so people can use the restrooms. Bill: Rachelle indicated that the swimmers running thru the place with wet feet will eventually ruin the wood flooring. Ginger indicated that the reason the decision had been made several years ago to keep the clubhouse locked was because the populace doesn’t seem to realize this is their clubhouse and they flush wads of paper down the toilet, plugging it up; urinate on the floor, defecate and don’t flush. It is not a win-win situation. People live close enough to the pool that they can go home. Bill just wanted them to quit peeing in the pool – they’ll still pee in the pool, even if there is a restroom available. Therefore, she felt the clubhouse should remain locked.

Rachelle:Executive Meeting: At this point, Rachelle asked the guests to leave, declaring the meeting to be an executive meeting from that point on.

MINUTES:May 17 & June 20: Action: There was no action, a call to approve the Minutes for those dates was not made by the chair.

FINANCIAL REPORT:Budget: Matt said thathe and Ginger had worked on the budget for 2016-2017 and he handed out copies of the budget, balance sheet, income & expense statement, delinquency statement and reconciliation reports from Goldenwest and Education First Credit Union.

Proposed Budget for 2016-2017: The committee reviewed the proposed budget, line item by line item and discussed the amounts allocated. It was felt that the Pool Operator wages was probably high, but once the season was over, we could determine if some of that money could be reallocated to other areas. Cement/Sidewalks: Perry felt that we needed much more money in this area. The barrier between John Sabraw’s carport unit and the next unit to the north, is crumbling and will probably be very expensive to repair. Matt discussed getting bids on pulling old carpet and redoing front porches to improve the appearance of CHM. He walked the property with the person who did Robin Bushman’s place (883 40th). We will get this bid next week. The contractor indicated we would get a discount because we have so much work that needs to be done. We will see what we need to have in this account and work from there. Ginger said that Robin had requested a rebate from CHM for having done her porch several years ago. The committee denied that request.

Painting: No building/area was designated for painting. That will have to be decided.

Electric meter boxes: Matt and Ginger or Perry will examine these boxes to see if any of the old ones need replacing.

Reserve a/cRoads: This does not show on the budget sheet because the Road expenditures came from last year’s Reserve Account.

Reserve a/cSiding: It was decided that Building H, west and south facing (soffit/facia) sides will be the next building to be sided. This money will come from the Reserve Account. The Reserve Expenditures still have to be decided.

Swimming Pools Equipment: Sand Filters: Matt discussed the cost, $2645.That amount is for one larger filter for the west pool and an additional small filter for the clubhouse pool. It was decided to table the purchase of the sand filters until we can see how the pools are, once both pools are up and operational. Michelle asked about pool covers and hadn’t Bill Portz indicated we needed a new one for the west pool. Ginger said that Zach (pool CPO) had recently helped roll up the existing cover and he said it was in fine shape, he didn’t see any need to purchase a new one. “Bubble wrap” covers, which have been totally wasted by using under the tarp in the winter, are being discarded. They use is only in the summer to help maintain pool temps at night. Pool supervisor and helpers must use cinder blocks and probably 2x4s and sand bags to keep the tarp tightly affixed to the pool deck come fall when pools are closed.

Pool Repairs: Matt said that the tiling, painting & deck caulking have been completed on west pool and Bill has begun to fill the pool so that it might be open this coming weekend. Weeds need to be pulled and trees trimmed.

Insurance: Matt will get bids as our insurance comes due on September 17.

Garbage: Matt said Ace, which is local, had a bid similar to Waste Mgmt. He said he would prefer to use a company that he can work with locally. He will contact other local trash pick-up companies in November to get a firm bid so that in March 2017 when our 3-yr contract with Waste Mgmt. has expired, we can decidewhat company we wish to use. Matt said that the new cans requested have arrived.

Action: Perry made a motion to accept the Proposed Minutes for the coming year, Stan seconded and all approved.

CHAIR ITEMS:Date for community review of R&Rs: Rachelle stated that the date would be August 31 at 6 p.m. in the clubhouse. Ginger objected to this “late date” as the last two newsletters have stated 60 days to review the R&Rs and owners received the Rules on June 8. Rachelle asked the committee what they thought. Ginger and Perry wanted an earlier date, Rachelle, Stan, Michelle and Shalan OK’ed the August 31st date. Michelle thought that a lot of people were perplexed by things in the rules and Rachelle thought a lot might have better ideas than the committee for the rules. Heidi is gathering a “group” of people to rewrite the R&Rs. Ginger will notify the community, in the next Newsletter, of the R&Rs meeting date, time and place. Michelle also wants information in the Newsletter about the Facebook site – she will send this to Ginger for inclusion.

Shalan Resignation: Shalan announced to the committee that she is resigning, effective 7/19/16 from her position on the board as she just recently became engaged and she has a lot of things on her mind and won’t be able to serve effectively. The committee expressed their regret that she is leaving the board, but expressed congratulations on her upcoming wedding. Ginger will place a notice in the newsletter re the vacancy on the board.

Board Treasurer Position: Michelle stated she would be pleased to take the treasurer’s position. It was suggested that she contact WR and get the information/training on App/Folio Budget Information.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Circular Planters: To be done soon.

Lamoreaux place, north and west. Perry said that was the highest priority on his list of work to be done. He is working with Barry to get the sprinklers done correctly and with Matt (and the company Matt hired to bring dirt in and compact such.) 1-1/2 tons of dirt have already been dumped and compacted and we need about 2 more tons to complete the job. After compaction, Perry will level, place Visqueen and mulch over the area. There will be two bushes and one Alpine pine planted in the west bed, Visqueen laid and mulch put on top.


Ginger:Swim pool attendance: She handed out a comparison of 4 year’s usage of the pools. The decline in usage over this time period is interesting.

Ethics: Ginger is concerned because information has been leaving the Board and going to others. She said that she had two complaints about who gave the Portz’ those individual’s telephone numbers which they felt were privileged. These numbers had to have come from the list of residents that Ginger had sent to the committee members recently. We must be very careful not to trample on other’s rights of privacy.

Stan:Light post next to Bob Morris unit (Bldg E): He had noticed the pole had fallen down and the next he saw, it was back up. He wanted to know who did that, and was it fixed? No one had any idea!

Red Subaru parked in lot again: Stan had placed a notice on this car awhile back because it was parked for about 6 weeks in the Bldg F lot. It is apparently back and not moving. He doesn’t want to have it towed because it costs the community so much. Ginger said that the tow company bills the owner of the car, not CHM.


ADJOURNED:Rachelle adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.


Ginger Hauser, Secretary

Attachment: Financial Statements as listed above, Letter of Resignation from Shalan Hunt, Swimming pool census