•Officially the “Federative Republic of Brazil” is the______largest country in the world & the largest country on the continent of ______America (makes up ½ of South America) & the ______largest in the Americas (North & South America)

•Brazil’s Population is ______million & is the only ______-speaking country in the Americas

•Colonized by Portugal in ______

•“Colonization” is whenever any one or more ______populate an area or the extension of political & economic control over an area by a state whose nationals have occupied the area & usually possess ______over the ______population

•The climate of Brazil comprises a wide range of weather ______across a large area varied “______” (the detailed mapping or charting of the features of a relatively small area, district, or locality), but most of the country is ______

•Topography is a way to show ______(height) of natural man-made ______of a place or region on maps or charts

•Brazil's large territory comprises different ______, such as the Amazon Rainforest, recognized as having the greatest biological “______” (differences & variety) in the ______

•Larger mammals include pumas, jaguars, ocelots, rare bush dogs & foxes

•Peccaries, tapirs, anteaters, sloth’s, opossums, armadillos, deer & monkeysare also abundant

•In Brazil it is illegal to commit ______, but you can only be prosecuted if the victim files a lawsuit & it is illegal to die without mayor’s ______


•Officially the “ArabRepublic of Egypt” is in ______Africa

•The ______Peninsula forms a land ______to Southwest Asia making Egypt a “______ (extending or going across a continent)country” & a major power in the Mediterranean Basin, the Middle East & the ______world

•About the size of (TX & CA) & with over 82.2 million people (80% Muslim Religion), Egypt is he most ______country in the Middle Eastthe world's ______-largest country

•Most of the people in Egypt live near the banks of the ______River where the only “______” (able to be farmed) land is found

•The large areas of the Sahara Desert are sparsely ______

•About half of Egypt's residents live in ______areas, with most spread across the densely populated centres of ______, Alexandria & other major cities in the Nile ______

•With 6,000 years of recorded ______, Egyptian civilization is renowned for its colossal ______& monumental tombs & was one of the first major ______to design elements in art & architecture

•The ______of Egypt is an arid (______) desert climate, hot or warm during the day & cool at night with little ______(below ______inches a year)

•Egypt has a ______of wild animals including lizards, reptiles, mammals, fish, camels, Nile crocodiles & dolphins

•In Egypt it's illegal to show any public displays of ______, killing a cat is a crime punishable by death & citizens can be imprisoned for not ______

•It is illegal for a woman to belly dance unless her navel is covered with ______but she may be completely ______(except for the gauze)


•Officially the “Commonwealth of Australia”is a country in the ______Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent & smaller ______

•It is both a ______& a ______

•It is the world's ______largest country by total area & has 22.2 million people (Among the _____ population density---2.8 people per/square mile---in the world) but is highly ______advanced & industrialized

•Australia is the flattest continent with the ______& least ______soils & the ______inhabited continent

•The climate of Australia is mostly ______or desert “Australian ______” & has adiverse range of habitats

•______include the koala, platypus & wombat

“Great Barrier Reef” is the worlds largest ______reef (2,900 individual reefs) located in the ______Sea, off the coast of Queensland in north-east Australia

•In Australia it is illegal to pick up the ______on the first ring---punishable by a $12,000 fine, wear ______after midday Sunday, walk on the right hand side of a footpath, roam the streets wearing black clothes & leave your car keys in an unattended vehicle

•Taxi cabs are required to carry a bale of ____ in the trunk & only licensed electricians may change a light bulb


•England is the largest country in the ______Kingdom (U.K.) where the World’s Oldest ______(Parliament) still exists & is the ______largest country in the world

•With over 51 million inhabitants, England is by far the most ______country of the United Kingdom with its capital being “______”

•The ______of England is a temperate ______climae characterized by ______temperatures (32 °F) in winter (90 °F) in summer

•The weather is frequently ______, the coldest months are January Februarywhile July is normally the warmest month with rainfall spread fairly ______throughout the year

•______-watching is popular & in the wild, foxes, rabbits, badgers, weasels hedgehogs may be seen

•The U.S. is directly tied to England---settlers of ______Colony were(pilgrims) from England

•England is known for Stonehenge, Roman Empire Iron Age, Roman Catholic Church, North Sea, ThamesRiver, ______(clocks & Industrial Revolution---U.K.) & ______(Isaac Newton’s laws of motion & Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution)

•The English drink more _____ per capita (100,000 people) than any other country in the world---______

•In the U.K., a man who feels compelled to ______in public can do so only if he aims for his rear wheel keeps his right hand on his ______

•It is an act of ______to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside down

•No ______may be driven down the roadway between 10 AM & 7 PM unless there is prior approval from the Commissioner of Police, all land must be left to the eldest _____, divorce is illegal, those wishing to purchase a television must also buy a license, it is illegal to be drunk in a pub (which is where most people go to get drunk)


•Officially the “French Republic”it is the ______largest country in ______area & has a population of 66 million people

•Four ______types prevail in France

•Temperate ______climate is found in the ______, where winters are mild & summers are cool & rainfall is frequent

•A ______continental climate prevails in the ______of the country, with hotter summers & more rigorous winters & rain falls on fewer days of the year

•A ______climate prevails at high ______, where temperatures are influenced mainly by altitude, and winters are generally bitterly cold and prolonged

•A ______type of climate is found in along the ______coast & characterized by hot, dry summers, mild & humid winters & a small number of rainy days during the year

•Snakes, lizards, birds, mammals, frogs, toads, newts, insects, flowers & orchids are common ______round

•France Ranks______as a ______destination---Big Ben, EiffelTower, Tour de France (Bike Race)

•French ______, French ______(Sleeping Beauty & Cinderella) & French Food (Truffles, French Green Bean)

•France is directly tied to ______because of the Louisiana______(This is why we have a French Culture/Heritage)

•In France, it is illegal to call a pig ______, it is illegal to ______on railways & it is illegal for UFOs to fly over wine vineyards & ______are considers deadly weapons


•Officially the “United Mexican States” it is the ______largest world country by ______area & the 5th largest in the “______” & has a population of over 113 million with ______million people living in its capital “______”

•Mexico’s ______is wet & dryhas ______forests, dry deserts, fertile ______& snow-capped mountains

•With over 200,000 different ______, Mexico is home of 10–12% of the world's ______

•Rank 1st in ______(707 known species), 2nd in ______(438 known species) & 4th in amphibian (290 known species) species

•______in the world in tourism & 2nd for ______tourists (Cancún, Acapulco, Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta & San Carlos)

•______to the North is the U.S.Mexico is directly tied to the U.S. because of ______& illegal ______importation

•Illegal ______work in the U.S. for low ______

•In Mexico it is illegal to be involved in a ______accident no matter who is at fault & bicycle riders may not lift either ______from the peddles


•Canada is a North American country consisting of 10 provinces & 3 territories located in the northern part of the continent (North America) & borders the ______to the South & is the worlds 2nd largest country by ______area

•Canada has a total ______of 33,476,688 which mostly live close to the U.S./Canadian ______due to the ______weather of Canada (Very cold climate due to the closeness of the North Pole)

•Canada is known for its ______such as american bison, arctic hare, bobcat, brown bat, reindeer (caribou), coyote, grizzly bears, red fox, polar bear, pinniped (seal), ______, whale, white tailed deer & ______

•Canada has a large French & British ______due to early explorers who settled the area or left the U.S. after the ______Revolution

•Not much ______(similar to the U.S.---nobody wants to leave) & the main sport is ______

•In Canada it is illegal to pay for a 50 cent item with only ______, remove any bandage in public, paint wooden logs, water your lawn while it is raining, paint your house or doors ______if you are released from prison, it is required that you are given a handgun with bullets & a horse so you can ride out of town


•Officially the “Republic of Iraq” is a country in Western ______also known as ______(land between rivers)---Tigris & Euphrates ______

•Iraq is the ______largest country in the world & has 32.2 million ______-speaking people (Nation of Islam)

•______is mostly hot arid with a ______influence (Desert)

•Summer temperatures average above (104 °F) & winter temperatures infrequently exceed (70 °F)

•Typically precipitation is ______; most places receive ______than (9.8 in) ______

•______cats, goats, badger, ______& wolves are common animals in Iraq

•______industry---At current world consumption---Iraq has enough oil for ______years (U.S. has 10 years worth of oil)

•______billion barrels in the ground

•Iraq is important to U.S. history due to the Persian ______War (1990) & in 2003 the ______of Iraq

•In Iraq it is illegal to watch a ______film, take more than 100 grams of gold out of the country & photograph the military soldiers & specific buildings


•Officially the “People's Republic of China” (PRC), is the world's most-______country with a population of over ______billion (7 billion in the world)---One ______Policy to stop overpopulation

•China ranks ______in the world in ______size & is one of the world's oldest ______with one of the world's oldest written ______systems

•It is a ______-diverse country with mammals such as the horse, camel, tapir, & jerboa & species such as monkeys, apes, deer, bears, wolves, pigs & numerous ______

•China's ______varies from bitter cold in winter to unbearable heat in summer (Tropical & sub-arctic)

•Mostly ______

•______was the official philosophy (not a religion but a way of life---do good deeds)

•______accomplishments (______, needle, ______, natural gas as fuel)

•China rules the World’s ______because of 1.3 billion people spend money internationally (U.S. population x 4)

•In china it is illegal to go to ______if you are “______”, date someone you ______with & name your kids ______(like in the U.S.)


•Commonly called the United States, the U.S., the USA, America & the States) is a ______constitutional ______comprising ______states & a federal district (Washington D.C.)

•The U.S. is ______in the world in ______size, has a population of 314 million people & considered the most ______country in the World

•The U.S. has a capitalist ______economy (private & government ______) & is among the ______& most ______countries in the World

•Among the ______leaders in technology, art, & ______

•The U.S., with its large size & geographic variety includes most ______types & ______features (extreme weather ______with the country)

•______of the world (immigration)

•In Louisiana it is illegal to mock a contestant at a ______match, instruct a pizzadelivery man to deliver a pizza to your friend without them knowing, rob a bank and then shoot at the bank teller with a water pistol, shoot lasers at police officers, lying is punishable by 1 year in jail & it is illegal to host a “fake” wrestling event



•A round ______scale model of ______or representation of the Earth

•It is the most ______depiction of area, ______& direction

•The only representation of the earth that does not ______either the shape or the size of large features


•A ______representation of the Earth or a visual representation of an ______---a symbolic depiction highlighting relationships between elements of that space such as objects, regions & themes

•Show ______areas in great ______& are mostly ______

•______are the people who make maps

–Use mathematical formulas to take a _____ picture of the globe & make a ______picture of a map


•The method of representing the ______of a sphere or other 3D body on a plane (flat 2D surface)--- basically to ______the round Earth onto a ______surface

•Map projections are ______for creating maps but all map projections distort the surface in some fashion depending on the ______of the map (larger or smaller)


•______that are drawn on maps & globes can help you ______places

•Every place on ______has a ______that can be found by using the grid system (coordinate system)


•When you are working with a ______surface such as a sphere, you need to use a different system, one based on ______(polar coordinates) measured from reference ______

•One of our reference points is the ______of the ______

•On a body such as the Earth or our moon, we can pinpoint the ______of any city or landmark using 2 ______, latitude & longitude

•These are ______coordinates

•On the Earth there are two ______sets of reference points

•The ______divides the ______into the ______Hemisphere & the ______Hemisphere

•The ______Meridian divides the ______into the ______Hemisphere & the ______Hemisphere

•______is defined as the elevation of the ______point above (or below) the ______

•The measurement is ______in degrees, minutes & seconds

•The equator is at _____ & the poles are at _____

•Latitude - ______lines that circle the Earth parallel to the ______(run right & left)

•They measure the distance ______or ______of the equator in degrees

•______is defined as the measurement of the location point ______or ______of the Prime Meridian

•The value is also______in degrees, minutes & seconds

•On the Earth we designate lines of equal longitude as ______

•The Prime Meridian has a value of _____ no E or W but the values increase up to ______in both directions

•Longitude - ______lines that travel from ______to ______& are parallel to the Prime Meridian (run up & down)

•The lines measure the distance ______of the Prime Meridian in degrees

•______Location is a ______location using latitude & longitude coordinates 10.65°N (latitude), 71.6°W (longitude)----House Address

•______Location is not specific (Texas is just west of Louisiana)----By the Red Barn Express


•Geographers ______the Earth in ______to create ______(4)

•When the ______is used to divide the Earth in half the hemispheres are called the Northern & Southern hemispheres

•When the ______is used to divide the Earth in half the hemispheres are called the Eastern & Western hemispheres


•______- tells what kind of______the map is showing

•______- lists & explains the symbols, ______, lines shown on the map

•______Lines - are used to ______borders b/t cities, states, countries

•______- are represented by a ______w/ a star in it

•______- represented by a ______with the size of the dot determining the size of the city (larger the dot the larger the city)


•It is a ______instrument that measures ______in a frame of reference that is stationary relative to the surface of the ______(the earth has a magnetic field which pulls the needs to the North & South Poles when alligned right)

•It indicates ______on a ______

•______directions are north, south, east, and west which are indicated by arrows or points of a star

•______directions are northwest, northeast, southwest & southeast


•Shows the ______b/t map ______& the ______distances on Earth

•By laying a ruler across the scale you can calculate how many miles or kilometers the ______is

•The type of ______used to create the map is listed near the ______bar


•Show the ______& the ______, or shape of the Earth’s physical features

•The purpose of the physical map is to show features of ______such as mountains, soil type or land use including ______such as roads, railroads & buildings

•A study of the country’s physical ______can help you understand the country’s ______

•Answers the questions of what the ______looked like ______&why it looks like it does now

•______(height) of land is often shown on physical maps


•Shows the ______of the political units such as cities, states, countries & towns

•It is unlike other maps in that its purpose is to show ______& make deliberate political statements about which ______of the earth ______to a country or state

•Many features on a political map are ______-made or determined by humans rather than by ______


•A climate map is a depiction of prevailing ______patterns in a given ______

•It usually consists of a conventional map overlaid with ______representing climate ______& a map's ______helps you identify each zone

•Give general information about the climate ______(rain and snow) of a region

•Cartographers, or mapmakers, use ______to show different climate or precipitation ______


•A road map is one of the ______widely used map types

•These maps show major & minor ______roads (depending on detail) as well as things like airports, city ______& points of interest like ______, campgrounds & monuments

•Major highways on a road map are generally red & ______than other roads, while minor roads are a lighter color & a ______line

•People use road maps to plan ______& for ______directions


•A topographic map is similar to a physical map in that it shows different physical ______features

•They are different however because they use ______lines instead of colors to show changes in the ______

•Contour lines on topographic maps are normally ______at regular intervals to show elevation ______(e.g. each line represents a 100 foot (30 m) elevation change) & when lines are close together the terrain is steep


•An economic or resource map shows the specific type of ______activity or natural ______present in an area through the use of different symbols or colors depending on what is being shown on the map

•Feature the type of natural resources or economic activity that ______an area

•______use symbols to show the locations of natural resources or economic activities

•For example, ______on a map of Florida tell you that oranges are grown there


Where Is It?

•Tells exactly where a______is ______

•May include ______cardinaldirections, addresses or “next to”

•Example: Baton Rouge is the capital city of Louisiana, is 157 miles from the Gulf of Mexico

•It is near a smaller city called Denham Springs

What Does It Look Like?

•Part of an ______you ______

•Includes ______, rivers, lakes, culture, ______, vegetation or buildings in a ______

•This theme helps us answer the ? “What makes this place ______from all otherplaces on Earth?”

•A ______is the shape of an area on the Earth’s ______

•Mountains, hills, plains,plateaus are the ______main kinds of landforms

•Example: Baton Rouge is a special place b/c it has a semi-tropical climate, perfect for outdoor activities (fishing, boating, skiing)

How Do People Use & Work With The Place?

•Is how people______or change the ______(the area in which they live)

•It looks at where people have ______, build ______, or ______

•Example: By building Baton Rouge the land changed by becoming a large city with many workers and vast transportation. (New roads, airports, highways)


How & Why Do People, Goods, & Ideas Move From One Place To Another?

•HowWhy do People ______ a Place?

•People ______ in cars, trains, & airplanes

•They move to start ______ (restaurants & stores)

•How are GoodsIdeas moved?

•______(clothes & food) are tradedmoved on ships, trains, & airplanes

•______(culture) moved by ______ an area & taking it home with you or newspaperT.V.

•Example: Americans were the 1st to wear Denim Jeans. Today people around the World wear the same jeans that Americans wear

How Are Different Areas In A Region Alike?

•We study the Earth & people______it into______

•Places in the same region have the same ______(share somethingimportant like language, kinds of work or similar landforms)

•Example: Baton Rouge, New Iberia, Houston, Dallas, & New Orleans are part of the Mid-South Region of the U.S.