The regular meeting of the Kirklin Town Council was held on Monday, March 10, 2014 at 7:00pm at Kirklin Town Hall.
Councilors present were: Councilor Melinda Jobe, Councilor Patricia Quick, Councilor Doug O'Connor, Councilor Walter Minnick, Councilor Randy Weaver –absent
Also present were: Trampus Whalen-Town Attorney, Jeremy Warren – W L &L, Jerry Faucett – Storm Water Utility Board, James Stewart – Town Resident, Scott Jackson – Reserve Deputy, Brandon Garbar – Reserve Deputy, John Faucett – Town Marshal, Brad Barnes – Utility Supt.
A motion was made by Councilor Walter Minnick to accept the Minutes as read. The motion was supported by Councilor Patricia Quick and carried with a unanimous vote.
Councilor Walter Minnick made a motion to hire Moses Surveying to complete a survey for the location of a drain included in the easement agreement. Councilor Doug O'Connor recommends that we hire Eco Infrastructure Solutions to locate & camera existing infrastructure on the property in question. After discussion, Councilor Walter Minnick rescinded his motion to hire Moses Surveying. Councilor Doug O'Connor made a motion to hire Eco Infrastructure Solutions to televise the pipe to determine the location for the easement. The motion was supported by Councilor Walter Minnick and carried with a unanimous vote.
Jerry Faucett reported that the Storm Water Utility Board had not met for the past two months due to the weather & no projects currently in the works. Faucett reported that the last project completed seemed to have helped drainage to a property located outside the corporation limits which leads the Board to believe a county tile may be tied into the tile that runs through town.
John Faucett still plans to consult with the Frankfort City Court Judge – Mr. Ponton to see if tickets can be ran through that court.
A motion was made by Councilor Doug O'Connor to sign the termination agreement that has already been signed by the Kirklin American Legion which will terminate the lease of the town-owned property on W. Ross Street. The motion was supported by Councilor Patricia Quick and carried with a unanimous vote.
Clerk-Treasurer reported that she had not ordered computers yet. Councilor Randy Weaver was collecting information to have computers built and a network developed & has not received all the pricing yet. Councilor Doug O'Connor feels that the clerk should just order Dell computers. A motion was made by Councilor Doug O'Connor to purchase a commercial laptop for the Clerk-Treasurer & a tower for the utilities office. The motion was supported by Councilor Patricia Quick & carried with a unanimous vote.
A motion was made by Councilor Patricia Quick to accept the agreement with Kirklin Township to provide fire protection in 2014 for the amount of $4,000.00. The motion was supported by Councilor Doug O'Connor and carried with a unanimous vote.
Brad Barnes reported that he has begun preparing to start disinfection at the WWTP April 1st. He reported that the chlorinator at the water plant needs upgraded since parts are hard to find when things go out on it. He has been able to obtain the following quotes: Wallace Siemens – approx. $2,800.00, Living Water $975.00. Brad Barnes recommends going with the $975.00. Councilor Doug O'Connor made a motion to purchase new hydro unit equipment from Living Waters for $975.00. Councilor Patricia Quick supported the motion and it was carried with a unanimous vote.
John Faucett reported new mandatory training for paid Police Officers & some unpaid Police Officers which includes 4 hours of class time & 2 hours of road time. He would like to purchase a vehicle from the State Police surplus & reported that most vehicles have between 150-175k miles on them and can be purchased for $1,000.00-$1,500.00. After the training, John feels like the vehicle can be sold. A motion was made by Councilor Walter Minnick to allow John to purchase a vehicle not to exceed $1,500.00. The motion was supported by Councilor Doug O'Connor and carried with the following vote: Minnick-y, Jobe-y, O’Connor-y, and Quick-n. (continued)
John reported that he is expecting a letter of resignation from Randy Emery as a Deputy Marshal due to his arrest. John asked if the Council wanted to replace Emery. The Council felt that they were not ready to replace him yet & for John to check with the Council in a couple/few months to see if they have changed their mind.
John reported that he would be taking the Charger to American Eagle to have the lights looked at & to Kinkaid’s for the brake issue. He feels the rotors may be messed up after tires were rotated and may need to be replaced by summer. John plans to sell another generator and a truck with trailer on Govdeals soon. John would like to have all police cars remarked so they all look the same. He has received two quotes for 2 cars - $800.00 & $750.00. Tabled until next month & John is to obtain additional quotes.
The Clerk-Treasurer presented a bill, that even with the adjustment for the sewage portion, still totaled $3,765.63. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilor Doug O'Connor to split the cost of the additional water usage for Morris Kercheval, 402 N. Illinois Street. The motion was supported by Councilor Walter Minnick and carried with the following vote: Minnick-y, O’Connor-y, Quick-y, Jobe-abstained.
Invoice was presented and a motion was made by Councilor Doug O'Connor to pay the invoice for $2,693.92 to Taser International for the purchase of 2 new taser guns with supplies. The motion was supported by Councilor Walter Minnick and carried with a unanimous vote.
Councilor Doug O'Connor shared information received at a IACT town roundtable. The information concerns abandoned properties and financial help for communities to address the issue. O’Connor requested that the Clerk-Treasurer make copies for each Council Member. O’Connor is also concerned about Senate Bill 273 and shared information learned about how it could affect the annexation process for Kirklin. Town Attorney, Trampus Whalen feels that the Council should continue to watch the bill and discuss again in April. He will also check into the bill further.
The Council agreed to set town-wide cleanup day for Saturday, May 31st between the hours of 9:00am-3:00pm. Dumpsters will be provided at the town park with someone to monitor the dumpsters at all times.
A letter was presented to the Town Council from John Gillespie at 202 N. Illinois Street concerning help in replacing or removing a sidewalk that he feels has become hazardous. After discussion about the need to move forward with a plan to replace sidewalks throughout town, a motion was made by Councilor Doug O'Connor to begin a 50/50 sidewalk program between the town & town residents to repair/replace sidewalks that are in disrepair. The motion was supported by Councilor Patricia Quick & carried with a unanimous vote. Jerry Faucett reported that a portion of the sidewalk in the 300 block of North Main Street is raised as well. He reported having previously asked the Town Attorney if he could remove the tree. Faucett said that Ray Adler told him he needed the approval of three Council Members. Councilor Patricia Quick made a motion to approve allowing Jerry Faucett to remove a tree on his property (in the right-of-way). Councilor Doug O'Connor supported the motion and it was carried with a unanimous vote.
Jeremy Warren, owner of W L & L, was present to ask the Council why he couldn’t drive his truck on the sidewalk when plowing snow for the Farmers Bank property. The town does not have an ordinance prohibiting it at this time, but informed him that there had been discussion about possibly putting a weight limit in the future.
Register of claims presented & signed
All reports were given to the Town Council prior to the meeting
Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted- Mary King