Tarves Community Council
Minutes of meetingheld on Tuesday 16thMay2017
In Barthol ChapelPrimary Schoolat 7.30 pm.

Councillors Present: Allan, Cameron, Davidson, Massie,MiddletonTaylor, Thomson & Webster.

Also Present: - J. Sleigh (sec of BCCA), members of the public and newly elected Aberdeenshire Councillors Adam, Hassan& Johnston.

Apologies; -CllrHekelaar (at another meeting),McWilliam,Smith,also V. Smart & J. Boughey of


Minutes of Previous Meeting on 18thApril 2017,

Minutes of previous meeting wereproposed for approval by IMand seconded byJT,with all members in agreement.

Introductions – As two of our Aberdeenshire Councillors in attendance were new, Chair started the meeting with introductions.

Declaration of Interests – There were no declarations of interest.

Barthol Chapel matters –.School; -problem with new roller door at the kitchen – still on going. Broadband – radio bandwidth to school – local will find out how to spread it out to others. Traffic: -Local resident addressed the members re traffic on the roads around Barthol Chapel. Asking if there is anything we can do to urge drivers to slow down and use passing places. Lots of HGV traffic on the roads and he has spoken to some of them re speeding – this has resulted in them sounding their horns as they pass his house and he has also had abusive phone calls. There is a consultation just now about reducing urban speed limits to 20mph and single-track roads to 40 or 50mph. SLOW markings at Balgove need to be re-done. If you think speed is excessive – call the police. First Aid: -BCCA intend to run a one-day course – if they do not have 10 people interested they will open it up to Tarves residents. Church Community Café–started on 13th May and will be every second Saturday. Barthol Chapel Picnic – on Sunday 21stMay. – wear a historical hat.

Matters Remaining Unresolved

Affordable housing in Tarves –Area Manager has not responded (currently on leave). Sewage smell in DuthieRoad – DH & PJ met with Scottish Water and were told about the combined sewer and given a long explanation and told that Aberdeenshire Council should replace a plastic fitment. Although Roads Dept had said that this was already fixed. PJ has spoken to Roads.


Path for Pedestrians including Dog Walkers –A route from Braiklay Avenue to Duthie Road without coming through the playground was discussed. CT & PJ have investigated and there is a 2m space.CT will speak to the householder beside the proposed path.Treeson Boolroad/Craigies road –PJ wrote in March – no answer yet, so re-sent. Tarves School repairs /All Weather Court Chair has spoken to Allan Whyte re progressand also about Developer Obligation Funding – Communities should be aware if time is running out to use funds. Braiklay Park Notice Board – Materials purchased and it will be done soon-IM. Cairdseat Cott. Right of Way – Access Officer informed and letter sent to occupier, action will be taken if he does not comply. Walkers should take photos of any obstructions to the path and send to the Access Officer (contact details to follow).Prop of Ythsie Lease –No progress – PJ working on notice of motion with Legal & Governance. New Ward members agreed to support this.Haddo Country Park – Meeting on Thursday 18th May – AW & PJ to attend. CC Scheme: - Was rejected at full council – DH at meeting tonight – Clarification is required on several topics. Further consultation will be held.Public Toilet Upgrade– Open again and upgrade finished. Someone was questioned in relation to the vandalism. Haddo Quarry Planning app–No update BD still to make complaint. Hare Coursing at Barthol Chapel – More people arrested this afternoon.

Local Members Report -Bike Stands – still to be installed. Meeting with new Councillors was cancelled. Formartine Area Bus Forum Meeting – Changes to service on 292 route from Tarves to Ellon. Shaun Norman – re fence application (round tank in school playground) – delegated to different members of AC staff – still awaiting replies. Murly Tuck opening – going well and is very busy. Stonehaven CC re Scheme Review – presented to full council. Melvin Hall Pointing – is progressing and is tidied up.

Committee Reports –Formartine Partnership –money has been secured to extend Ythan way - £50,000 – North Lodge to Methlick. Haddo – Visitor Officer has resigned and a new one is in place.

Roads, Paths & Signs –Tillygonnie/Duthie Webster Road – white lines at junction need to be re-done. Duthie Webster Road – cars parking on pavement – Still a problem. . B999 Flooding –Area Manager still to respond. Car leaking oil in Tree Road – Still a problem. Speed sign in DuthieRoad – has gone EC will report.Scottish WaterToby Lidhas been replaced with an old one until a new one is provided. Shop Doorway – White line has appeared and some tarring to form a ramp at the door. Schoolhouse – is next to Murly Tuck – and is an eyesore. The Council should be serving an amenity notice – We ask that the new Aberdeenshire Councillors investigate.

Planning Matters.Eastfield – 10 Duthie Road –Ext to Dwellinghouse in CA,revised design statement – changed roof to slate but retained dry stone wall cladding effect and untreated timber linings. Objections same as before. The Conservation area was reduced previously due to inappropriate development.


3 Kirk Lane, ancillary accommodation – concern from neighbour re being overlooked. Bruntstane – Biomass Boilers - retrospective - acceptable. 31 Mackie Avenue – extension – acceptable. 48 Pringle Avenue – extension –acceptable. Couliehare, Tarves – prior notification agricultural shed – deemed no application required.

Correspondence– 20 mph Members Bill Consultation – DH will be asked to respond. TCC Dates for next school session – Prefer to be in by end of May.Weekly Lists – Currently not including all validated applications for the week. Area Committee officer had response from Formartine Planning stating they had introduced a cut off Thursday or Friday – gives less time for public to consider proposals. Scottish Government requires Weekly lists to include all applications validated in one week. Chair to respond.

AOCB –. TDT – would like TCC to have a publicmeeting to finalisefindings before the end of June. Tuesday 27th June at 7.30pm in Aberdeen Arms was suggested. Dog Mess in Duthie Road is dreadful. Former A. Cllr Shand – stated he has enjoyed TCC meetings, thanked everyone for their kindness during his time on Aberdeenshire Council, and wished the new Councillors all the best. Fence at Hanover Court – needs replacement – Chair will try to find a contact at Hanover Housing Association.

The above minutes were approved at TCC meeting on Tue 20thJune2017 in Tarves School.

Robert P. Davidson


Community Council Meetings are always open to the Public