Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council Planning Meeting held at the Stanford Centre Cooper Lane Laceby on Tuesday 16 May 2017 at 7.30 p.m.
11756Present: Chairman – Councillor D. Marshall.
Councillors: - Mrs. S. Turner. Mrs. S. Greenbeck. P. Schofield.
Mrs. B. Metcalf – Vice Chairman. S. Murray.
Mrs. R. James. D. Johnson. Mrs. J. Howells.
Also Present: - Ward Councillor D. Hasthorpe.
One member of the public.
Debbie Weatherill – Clerk.
11757Apologies: None.
11758Declarations of Interests
Councillor D. Johnson stated he had an interest in item no. 4 Planning Matters relating to the McDonalds Site being a relation to one of the complainants. Councillor Johnson signed the Declaration of Interest form.
11759Dispensation Requests
None received.
Public Forum – the following concerns were offered by the member of the public present regarding the planning applications for the McDonalds site:-
- Concerns regarding additional signage in respect of further light pollution, which if extended opening hours are approved, will take place all night.
- Concerns regarding the application for a 12 metre high McDonalds sign, which would be seen from the bypass, again in respect of light pollution but also in respect of a conservation area being opposite the site across the bypass.
- Concerns regarding the previous planning application for the 24 hour extended opening hours at the site.
- Rubbish from the McDonalds site being left in the bus stop area and then blowing around the bypass onto the conservation area.
- Antisocial behaviour at the site to include noise, car engines revving, loud radios and tyres screeching, which can be heard by residents.
- 17 objections already raised regarding these planning applications and the application for the extended opening hours.
- The McDonalds site being close to an adjacent residential area (Laceby Acres), and across the road from a Conservation Area.
Councillor James stated that the planning committee would only take into account material considerations when debating the planning applications.
11760Planning Matters
Councillor Hasthorpe stated that the Laceby Parish Council could, if they so wished, withdraw their comment in respect of the previous application for the extended opening hours at the McDonalds site for 24 hour opening.
DM/0264/17/ADV – Relocation of 4 internally illuminated free standing signs and installation of 5 various internally illuminated and non-illuminated signs at at Mc Donalds Hilmore Road Laceby.
Members of the Laceby Parish Council were greatly concerned regarding the number of planning applications being submitted by the McDonalds Company in respect of the site within Morrison’s car park area.
It was noted that there were at least 17 objections raised to the planning application for the extension to the opening hours (24 hour opening), and that many residents from the Laceby Acres development backed onto the site, and the Cottager’s Plot Conservation Area was just across the bypass from the site.
Light pollution from all of the signs at this site was also considered detrimental in this area too.
It was unanimously resolved that the Parish Council objects strongly to this planning application.
DM/0293/17/ADV – installation of new internally illuminated double sided 12 metre high pole sign at McDonalds Hilmore Road Laceby
It was noted from plans provided that this sign would appear above the hedgerow and would be able to be seen from the Laceby bypass, and opposite the Conservation Area known as Cottagers Plot.
Members of the Parish Council unanimously objected strongly against such a high sign and therefore this planning application since they did not wish to see this type of sign opposite a Conservation Area and lighting up resident’s bedroom windows.
DM/0262/17/Ful – extensions and alterations to the existing building, reconfiguration of car park and drive thru lane. Installation of customer order displays and alterations to include new roof design with khaki green aluminium cladding at McDonalds Hilmore Road Laceby.
DM/0263/17/ADV – display 8 internally illuminated signs to roof at McDonalds Hilmore Road Laceby
Members of the Parish Council objected to both these applications in the strongest terms, since it was felt that there was no need for the alterations and additional 8 signs to the proposed new roof of the McDonalds on this site, adding to further light pollution in this area.
DM/0963/17/FUL – variation of Condition 5 (Opening Times) as granted on DC/671/01/WOL – (Erect building to form drive thru restaurant (Class A3) and associated car parking) to allow temporary (12 month period) 24 hour opening at McDonads Grimsby Road Laceby
It was proposed by Councillor Greenbeck, seconded by Councillor Turner that the Laceby Parish Council’s previous comments should be withdrawn in respect of this planning application and objections raised in light of all new planning applications for the site received, and in support of the number of complaints and objections raised by residents living in the area. The Planning Department including the McDonalds Company appeared to forget this McDonalds was adjacent to a residential area, and opposite a Conservation Area.
An email received from NELC stated that they were in the process of introducing a new Consolidation Order 2017 for the villages, and this would include the turning area at the end of Caistor Road. They stated that the timescale had ‘slipped’ but it was anticipated that advertising the no waiting order for the turning area should be able to start within a few weeks.
Councillor Hasthorpe informed the Parish Council that the Consolidation Order enabled all parishes to be detailed under one order rather than having separate orders for each parish in North East Lincolnshire.
The meeting was closed at 8.15 p.m.
SIGNED……………………………………….. 6 June 2017
Laceby Parish Council’s Planning Meeting – 16 May 2017Page 1