DRAFT MINUTES of theANNUAL PARISHIONERS MEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH held on Monday 20 April 2015at 7pm at Silkstone Common Methodist Church.
Chairman: Cllr R Leech
Councillors:B Barkworth, D Liddell,Mrs M Liddell, P Smith and R Stier.
Ward Councillors: R Barnard
3 residentsand the Clerk
RESOLVED to note apologies from Ward Cllr P Hand-Davis and Ward Cllr J Wilson.
RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Annual Parishioners Meeting on Monday 14 April 2014 as a true and accurate record.
Cllr Barnard reported that Barnsley MBC have increased the precept by 1.9% and face unprecedented financial challenges.
The Area Councils and Ward Alliances have their own local budgets to manage and the ward alliance has a grant fund to distribute to local groups.
The ward alliance is working with young people to provide training in dry stone walling and hedge laying. Further work is to be commissioned to carry out a neighbourhood pride role with litter picking and clearing fly tipping through a contractor.
The Chairman invited residents to put their questions to the Ward Councillors:
Cllr Liddell asked why Brierley Town Council are having a Parish review after the election and questioned why there was not to be a Parish Governance review of the whole borough. Cllr Barnard will query the legislative requirements with the borough secretary and advise the Clerk. Cllr Barnard also advised that if Brierley Town Council dissolve, their debt will be transferred to Barnsley MBC who will sell Brierley Town Council’s assets.
A resident asked if there had been any successful prosecutions for flytipping.Cllr Barnard advised that yes there had and that the offenders’ names are in the public domain.
A number of residents agreed that extended opening hours at the tip would be helpful and the lifting of restriction on commercial vehicles to take domestic waste to the tip.
Cllr Barnard confirmed that there are no changes planned at present to roadside collections.
An overview by the Chairman
Cllr Richard Leech
Thank you - Councillors
Firstly, I would like to thank all the councillors who have given their time and effort for the benefit of the Parish this last twelve months.
Bill Barkworth
Richard Brocklehurst
Steve Fletcher - our new councillor who joined us in December.
Pat Gallamore – who retired in October after 11 years’ service.
Peter Handley – who sadly passed away in February after 12 years’ service.
Derek Liddell
Meryl Liddell
Pat Smith
Ron Stier
Richard Brocklehurst and Pat Smith are not standing for re-election in May. Thank you Richard for your help over the last 7 years and Pat who has stood on the Council for 18 years.
I would also like to give special thanks to our Clerk, Karen Canadine who has, as ever, had a very busy year with all the new and existing Council projects.
Ward Councillors
Again, I would like to thank our Ward Councillors for the support they have given us when dealing with BMBC.
Robert Barnard
Paul Hand-Davis
John Wilson
Thanks are also due to Diane Brown, Linda Marsh, Tony and June Fieldsend who give their time freely in support of the Parish Council.
I must personally thank Graham Wells for his endeavours promoting CARE and assisting with other council projects. Silkstone in Bloom and CARE have again been instrumental in keeping the Parish neat and tidy this year. CARE has a Community Equipment resource where tools and gardening equipment are available for use on Parish projects. Both CARE and Silkstone in Bloom are in need of volunteers so please consider offering a little of your time to keep the parish tidy.
The managers and coaches of Silkstone United football and cricket teams must be thanked for the great work they do in promoting sport to the youth within the Parish. They do a great job and our cricket club thrives. Managers are needed to set up and run junior football teams on what is one of the best pitches in the Barnsley Borough.
Yvonne Dinsdale must be thanked for her help in running the Twinning Committee. Silkstone Parish is twinned with St Florént de Bois and we have exchange visits every two years. If you’re interested in the French way of life please give me a call.
Councillor attendance at Parish meetings has been 88%this year, very good for a Parish Council of our size. Being a Parish Councillor does not just mean attending one meeting a month. Most of your councillors attend meetings at least once a fortnight on your behalf. Thank you again for your time and effort.
Parish Council
The Parish Council has raised the precept this year by 5%.This equates to about £3.20 per chargeable household per year. The extra money will go towards increasing the service the Parish Council supplies throughout the Parish and to compensate for the reduction in services from the local authority. We are also contributing towardsthe continuing development of the Community Centre.
The Parish Newsletter continues to go from strength to strength, and is a good source of Parish information. All the newsletters are available in colour on the new Parish website . Can I thank Diane Brown who is stepping down as editor and welcome Meryl Liddell, our new editor. The editor always wants articles for inclusion so please contact her with any newsworthy items.
The Parish Council now has a Facebook page. Updated information is posted here regularly, please become a “friend”.
The Parish Council owns numerous pieces of woodland throughout the Parish. Some of our trees have suffered from the effects of previous hot summers and harsh winters and have, unfortunately, to be felled. The Parish Council has increased its Woodland Management budget to allow for the additional work.
Parish Projects
The long standing Parish Council development of the War Memorial site is now complete. An analemmatic sundial has been installed in the area.
The development of a new community centre continues on the site of the Scout Hut. The process the Parish Council has had to go through to get this far has taken many hours of Councillor, Clerk and Community Centre committee time. Thanks must go out to members of the new Community Centre committee who have made this project happen. As many of you will have seen construction is now underway and hopefully should be completed by the summer.
The Parish Council has succeeded in its bid to acquire Hall Royd Wood from BMBC, another long term project which will hopefully be finalised in the next few weeks. Hall Royd Wood will then be opened up to community groups to develop to increase public access into this lovely little wood. Also the Parish Council will be able to protect this important green space for future generations.
The Parish Council support both the Churches in the Parish where they can by providing grants for one off items and in considering grants to Church groups like the Uz group.
Grants are also awarded to other groups within Silkstone and Silkstone Common.
Our Parish continues to have a low level of crime compared to other parts of the Borough. However,because of a reduction in Police resources, we should be more vigilant than ever, why not consider joining or forming a Neighbourhood Watch Group. Use the new 101 phone number for reporting non urgent crime.
Dog fouling continues to be an issue within the Parish. A minority of dog owners continue to allow their dogs to mess and not clear up. This is both inconsiderate and dangerous when allowed on the playing areas of both our recreation grounds.
Coming Year
This May we have the Tour de Yorkshire passing close to the Parish, just at the end of Silkstone Lane at around 13.00 on Monday May 3rdand I’m certain we’ll experience heavy traffic through our villages.The Tour de France was a great event last year so let’s again show the world what Yorkshire can do
Also, in July, Rock in the Rec will once again go ahead. After consultation with the Parish Council, Police and BMBC the earlier finishing time of last year has been approved again and there will be greater management around the site. This is a great event for the Parish and should be supported.
Your Parish Council continues to strive to make our parish a desirable place to live. Please help all our community groups where you can. Cllr Richard Leech Chairman 2014-2015
There were no further questions from residents.
RESOLVED to note that the 2016 Annual Parishioners Meeting will be held in April 2016 on a date to be agreed by the Parish Council, when their meeting dates are set in November 2015.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.34pm.
Chairman’s Signature / DateAPM Minutes 13 April 15