MINUTES of the Finance and Facilities Committee meeting held on Wednesday 19 April 2017 at 6.30pm in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen.
CouncillorJ Matthews Councillor K Bridger
Councillor M Lakin-Whitworth CouncillorS Bunney (Chair)
Councillor KenningCouncillor Turner
Councillor Harvey
In attendance: Finance and FacilitiesOfficer, Yvonne Clark and Lee Clark from Market Rasen Fire Station
- Chairman’s Opening Remarks.
- To approve and accept apologies for absence.
Received and accepted from CllrSmith and Cllr Johnson.
- Public Participation
Lee Marsh from Market Rasen Fire Station gave a brief report outlining the recruitment process underway and advised that Market Rasen Fire Station is only manned for 92% of the time and currently officers from other stations are on standby, if required.
Cllr Smith then entered the meeting.
Mr Marsh asked if the town council could help with recruitment advertising. The council offered to place notices on all notice boards, banners around the town and suggested they could attend local events.
Mr Marsh thanked the council and left the meeting at 6.45p.m.
- To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosure Pecuniary interests.
Cllr Matthews declared an interest in Accounts for payment Chq Nos 105480/1, charity donations.
- Notes of the last meeting held on 15 March2017 to be approved as minutes.
Item 8 Financial Position date changed to 28 February 2017. Item 10 month changed to February. It was RESOLVED to accept as a true record after these amendments.
- Matters Arising from the Minutes.
Finance Officer advised car park tarmacing carried out today.
Cllr Bunney advised damaged skatepark removed.
Cllr Matthews advised that the grass contractor had undertaken the first cut and it was satisfactory and that he had asked the town clerk to issue a contract.
- Councillors reports
Cllr Smith advised of issues with the drain near Tesco. Cllr Bunney acknowledged this and agreed that the whole area required some attention in the future.
- Finance Officers Report
Finance Officer advised she had been told at HSBC that a debit card could be issued on the bank account and that cheques and cash can now be paid in at the post office with a card. It was agreed that the clerk make further enquiries as to whether the card could be set up with no cash withdrawal facility and if cash could be obtained from the post office.
Review of accounts
Accounts reviewed.
Financial position as at 31 March 2017. Current account £122,688.25 Savings account £80,840.52.
Internal control of petty cash
Cllr Matthews advised he had undertaken this on 18 April2017. Cash balance at £192.25.
Mayors Charity report
Cllr Matthews reported that the total raised for the year was £7030 to be split equally between the Notts and Lincs Air Ambulance and Motor Neurone Disease Assoc- £3515 to each. Thanks passed on the mayoress, Cllr Turner, Cllr Lakin-Whitworth, Cllr Bunney and Tesco.
Accounts for Payment
It was RESOLVEDto pay the accounts. All agreed. Account total agreed at £22595.93.
Finance Officer to send receipt to North East Lincs Farms stating that invoice had been received for £120 for the spraying of the town for the current growing season.
Grant Applications None received.
Review of Salary Structure- paper previously circulated.
It was RESOLVEDto increase salaries by 2% this year, backdated to 1 April 2017.
- Festival Hall
Bookings March booking sheet circulated.
Emergency Lighting – Finance Officer advised that the 3 hr test had failed on 4 lights and Wil-Lec had advised these could be replaced for £180 plus vat and then a certificate can be issued.
It was RESOLVEDto go ahead with this.
- Risk Management- None
- Renewal of general waste collection-currently with Biffa
Finance Officer advised that Biffa currently charge £18.20 per empty every fortnight with a 10p per day charge for the bin. WLDC would charge £17 per empty with no bin charge.
Cllr Smith declared an interest and advised he would not vote.
It was RESOLVED to go with WLDC but to clarify that the bin is supplied and there is no rental.
- To review insurance cover/asset list
Clarification to be sought re the replacement value of the Festival Hall Lining and to possibly increase the Festival Hall contents to include this.
Finance Officer to meet with Cllr Bunney to discuss the asset list for the purpose of the annual audit.
- Agreement of charge for Classic Car Show event on Market Place
It was RESOLVEDto charge £40 for the event.
- The committee RESOLVED to move into closed session. No press or public present.
Confidential Items
a)Festival Hall Debtors list- reviewed,
b)Update on legal issues- Cllr Matthews provided update.
c)It was RESOLVED to rescale the Bookings Clerk salary.
The Chairman of the Committee declared the meeting closed at 7.35pm.
Signed ……………………………………………
Date ……………………………………………
Chair of Finance and Facilities