Council Meeting July 12, 2010
Council Chambers:
ROLL CALL:The City Council of Lincoln Center convened in regular session at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Glenn M. Stegman presiding. Councilmembers present: Jack D. Crispin, Jr., D. Leon Kingan, Gwen Knight, Joel Mahin, and Arletta R. Morse. Officials present: Attorney Daniel D. Metz and Clerk Rose M. Gourley. Also present: Superintendent Jesse C. Meyer.
VISITORS:Others in attendance for all or portions of the meeting: Mandy Fincham, Doug McKinney, Katie Miller, Doug Helmke, Sheriff Russ Black, Mindy Wiebke, Bob Crangle, and Clay Haring.
MINUTES:Minutes of the June 14, 2010, regular meetingwere approved as written.
PAYROLL VOUCHER:Payroll Voucher No. 10-06, for June wages and salaries in the amount of $51,849.23 was presented. A motion by Morse, seconded byKnight, to approve said Payroll Voucher, carried.
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE:Accounts Payable lists were reviewed. Invoices prepaid in June totaled $470.82 and unpaid invoices received to date totaled $220,350.38. Upon motion by Mahin, seconded byCrispin, all said invoices in the amount of $220,821.20, were approved for payment.
DELINQ. ACCNTS.:The Governing Body reviewed a list of fourteen (14)delinquent utility accounts totaling $2017.66.
SOURCE WTR PROTECT:Katie Miller, Source Water Protection Specialist with the Kansas Rural Water Association, reviewed the City of Lincoln Center Source Water Protection Plan she had prepared with the assistance of City Staff. She explained that the Plan identified the City’s water supply wells and the protection area surrounding them within a 2-mile radius. It also identified source contaminants located within the area and measures to assure protection of the quality of the water supply.June 21, 2010 correspondence from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment indicated the Watershed Management Section had approved the Plan with 5 comments. Ms. Miller said those comments had been addressed and were now included in the Plan. Thereafter, Crispin moved to approve and adopt the City of Lincoln Center Source Water Protection Plan. Motion seconded by Knight, carried.
CDBG PUBLIC HEARING:At 7:45 p.m., Mayor Stegman opened a public hearing to evaluate aspects of the recently completed water source and treatment project partially funded under CDBG Project #09-PF-930. Doug McKinney and Mandy Fincham, Grant Administrators, said they felt good work had been done by the contractors, along with the great assistance lent to the project by City of Lincoln employees. All work had been completed with the plugging of the old test well. No other public comments were received. Ms. Fincham then presented the various Grant Close-Out Documents which were executed by the Mayor and City Clerk.
WATER MAIN PROJECT:Regarding the City’s application for CDBG funding for water main improvements, the Kansas Department of Commerce had set a KIAC meeting for June 27, 2010. The Project Engineer, Stuart Porter, and Grant Writers Doug McKinney and Mandy Fincham planned to attend. Mr. McKinney recommended that a Governing Body member or City Official attend, as well.
WATER RATE ORD #682:There came on for consideration an ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING NEW WATER RATES FOR WATER SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF LINCOLN CENTER.” Said ordinance called for a water rate increase effective July 15, 2010. The increase would provide the first step in the City’s three-year plan to bring the City’s rate structure in line with the current state-wide average. Crispin moved to pass said ordinance, seconded by Morse. Upon call for vote, the following Councilmembers voted Aye: Crispin, Kingan, Knight, Mahin, and Morse. Nays: None. The ordinance was declared passed, was approved and signed by the Mayor, assigned #682 by the City Clerk, and ordered to be published once in the Official City Newspaper.
REC COMMISSION:Lincoln Rec Director Mindy Wiebke asked for permission to have a fund-raising swim party at the Municipal Pool on August 21st. She said the Rec would hire the guards and make all necessary arrangements. Council had no objections. Ms. Wiebke also asked if the Council would allow the Rec
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to continue to use the City Hall upstairs for dance classes. The previous floor damage had been satisfactorily repaired. She said the cost of a portable dance floor was unaffordable, at present, but the Rec would continue to explore that possibility. Council agreed to allow said use as long as tap dancing, the source of the damage, was not offered. Ms. Wiebke asked to install mirrors on one wall to facilitate dance instruction. The mirrors would be mounted to a “J” strip and could be removed, if necessary. After some discussion, the request was approved.
PORT AUTH. GRANTS:Bob Crangle and Clay Haring, Lincoln Port Authority Boardmembers, addressed the Governing Body regarding the recent selection of the Lincoln Port Authority for KDOT funding of a ramp and heliport at the LincolnMunicipalAirport. KDOT will reimburse the Port Authority 90% up to a maximum of $404,550.00 for construction and construction engineering costs. Partial funding of an earlier application paid for the airport runway lighting in 2008. The application was resubmitted by Haring, resulting in the funding of the rest of the original project. Mr. Crangle provided information about a KDOT Pilot Program which, if successfully funded, could begin the process towards obtaining a hard-surfaced runway. The Pilot Program, in the form of a planning grant, would provide an updated Airport Master Plan. The approximate cost of $66,000.00 would require a 5% local match.
AIRPORT RES. #10-07:Resolution No. 10-07, entitled “A RESOLUTION BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF LINCOLN CENTER, KANSAS, IN SUPPORT OF THE AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT PLANS OF THE LINCOLN PORT AUTHORITY,” was introduced. Said Resolution provided for the City’s support and endorsement of the Lincoln Port Authority’s proposal to be submitted to the Kansas Airport Improvement Program (Summer 2010) Pilot Program. Morse moved to adopt Resolution No. 10-07. Motion seconded by Mahin, carried.
EXECUTIVE SESSION:At 8:20 p.m.,Crispin moved to recess into executive session, for a period of 15 minutes, for consultation with the City Attorney on a matter that would be deemed privileged in attorney-client relationships. City Attorney Metz, City Clerk Gourley, Superintendent Meyer, Katie Miller, and Doug Helmke wereinvited to attend. Motion seconded by Mahin, carried.
The Governing Body returned to regular session at 8:35 p.m.
LIBRARY APPOINTMENT:Mayor Stegman appointed Kathy Moss to fill the unexpired 4-year term on the Library Board created by the resignation of Deanna Killen. Mahin moved to confirm the Mayor’s appointment. Motion seconded by Crispin, carried.
ENERGY RES. #10-06:Resolution No. 10-06, entitled “RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF A BALANCED ENERGY POLICY FOR KANSANS INCLUDING THE DEVELOPMENT OF RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES AND THE USE OF FOSSIL FUELS,” was introduced. In order to supply homes and businesses with reliable, low cost electricity, the City of Lincoln Center would support the generation initiatives by KMEA, MKEC, and Sunflower Electric to provide for an energy policy consisting of a balance of resources. Crispin moved to adopt Resolution No. 10-06. Motion seconded by Knight, carried.
ENGINE REPAIRS:Superintendent Meyer reported the #5 Superior engine at the power plant was up and running. Because of the uncertainty surrounding the emission controls requirements and associated costs, it had been decided to delay starting work on the next engine until more details were known.
MUNICIPAL POOL RULES:Councilmember Knight relayed comments she had received regarding rules surrounding the “family swim” at the pool. She suggested a set of written rules might be advantageous for both the public and pool personnel. Other communications relating to the family swim time had been received and placed on file.
POST ROCK FESTIVAL:Councilmember Knight also relayed a request from the Chamber of Commerce for suggestions in obtaining a junk car to use during Homecoming/Post Rock Festival.
CITY PARK USE:Correspondence from Connie Harzman, on behalf of the LincolnCountyHospital and Lincoln County Medical Clinic, requested approval to reserve the LincolnCity Park on July 24, 2010, for the first
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annual Employee Appreciation Summer Carnival. The plan was to barbeque, have games, music, and recognize employees with service awards. Upon motion by Morse, seconded by Crispin, said request was approved.
2011 BUDGET:A public hearing was set for August 9, 2010, at 8:00 p.m., for the purpose of hearing and answering objections of taxpayers relating to the proposed use of funds and the amount of ad valorem tax in the 2011 Budget. Clerk Gourley advised the proposed Budget Summary would need to be completed by July 23rd to meet the newspaper publication deadline.
Sheriff Black asked about his request for an increase in the law enforcement contract. Council agreed to review the amended contract at the August meeting.
HEALTH INSURANCE:Councilmember Knight reported that she and Councilmember Morse had met with Clerk Gourley to review details of the various options provided for the City’s group health insurance. After considering employee preferences and budget restraints, a recommendation was formulated for the following plan: BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas’s Blue Choice Triple Option Comprehensive Major Medical Program. At the Option 3 deductible level, the City would pay the entire premium for single coverage, as well as80% of the difference between the single and dependent coverage for employees needing dependent coverage. Employees could “buy up” to the Option 1 or Option 2 deductible levels at their own expense. Crispin moved to approve said recommendation, seconded by Knight. Motion carried.
LIFE/DISABILITY INS:Upon motion by Mahin, seconded by Morse, the Advance Insurance Company of Kansas life and disability insurance renewal was approved.
NUISANCE PROPERTIES;The Governing Body reviewed an updated list of nuisance properties, and Attorney Metz reported 2 new cases filed in Municipal Court.
EXECUTIVE SESSION:At 9:25 p.m., Mahin moved to recess into executive session, for a period of 15 minutes, for consultation with the City Attorney on a matter that would be deemed privileged in an attorney-client relationship. The City Attorney and City Clerk were invited to attend. Motion seconded by Crispin, carried.
The Governing Body returned to regular session at 9:40 p.m.
EXECUTIVE SESSION:At 9:40 p.m., Morse moved to recess into executive session, for a period of 5 minutes, for consultation with the City Attorney on a matter that would be deemed privileged in an attorney-client relationship. The City Attorney and City Clerk were invited to attend. Motion seconded by Knight, carried.
The Governing Body returned to regular session at 9:45 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT:There being no further business, Mahinmoved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Crispin, carried. Council adjourned at 9:48 p.m.
/s/ Rose M. Gourley
City Clerk