Report re: Devereaux Booster Pump Station Upgrade Tender / Page 1 of 2
DATE: / October 4, 2006 / REPORT NO.: ENG 06-047
SUBMITTED BY: / Kevin Henderson / FILE NO.: 26-1-1
Director of Operations
SUBJECT: / Devereaux Booster Pump Station Upgrade Tender
To inform Council of bids received for the Devereaux booster pump station upgrade as part of the Water Quality Assurance Program (WQAP).
The Devereaux booster pump station was identified through the WQAP as being in need of upgrading to achieve the desired 3000 US gal/min pumping capacity. The Devereaux station is the final pump station to be upgraded, and when completed will match the pumping capacities of the Arras River pump house and the Hansen Reservoir pump house, both “up stream” of Devereaux. The project was designed and tendered by Urban Systems, there were two bids received as follows:
- Amalga Construction Ltd.$894,000
- Hegge Construction Ltd.$627,300
The estimate for the project was $475,000, which was put together in the spring of this year, and the tendered price seems to reflect the current economics of the area.
There are three options available:
  1. Council could decide to not complete the work as planned; this would mean the Water Quality Assurance Plan goal of obtaining 3000 US gal/min could not be realized.
  2. Council could decide to re-tender the project, to obtain potential savings, the scope of work would have to be changed significantly, this would involve more engineering costs for redesign, and the potential of costs escalating further by the time the project is re-tendered.
  3. Council could decide to award the tender to the recommended contractor.

(1) Social / N/A
(2) Environmental / With the increase in pumping capacity, the upgrade will reduce the time needed to fill the Hart and Trail reservoirs.
(3) Personnel / N/A
(4) Financial / Even though the project is approximately $152,000 more than anticipated, the project can still be completed within the parameters of the entire WQAP budget.
Keeping with the City’s vision of a ‘Maintained Improved Infrastructure that Enhances the City’ and ensures the sustainability of the community.
Construction will begin immediately, and continue throughout the winter if approved by Council.
The WQAP is a dynamic program that changes and evolves in response to the outside environment, some components of the program become redundant or obsolete as new opportunities are explored. This very thing allows for the shifting of priorities that is necessary when a project is outside of the original estimate. The key components of the program are never lost, but some of the smaller items may need to be shifted to a later phase.
THAT Council award the tender for the Devereaux Booster Pump Station Upgrade to Hegge Construction Ltd. for the tendered price of $627,000.
Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Henderson AScT,
Director of Operations