Costume list for ‘Prickly Hay’

*If it says ‘we have costumes for you,’ please feel free to bring in your own if you would prefer.

All performers will be wearing plimsolls.

Speaking parts

  • Shrew – A mostly grey coloured costume. Mousey ears and a tail that does not touch the floor.
  • Mouse - A mostly brown coloured costume. Mousey ears and longish tail.
  • Rat - A mostly black coloured costume. Mousey ears and longish tail.
  • Sam and Sally – normal boy/girl clothes. Dirty looking from always cleaning the stables. (We will sort you with other costumes on the day you are not performing)
  • Narrators – all one bright colour of your choice.
  • Innkeeper – We have a costume for you. *
  • Joseph/Mary – we have clothes for you.*
  • Shepherds – we have costumes for you.*
  • Wise men – We have costumes for you. *
  • Angels – white dress/top and skirt. Silver tinsel at bottom of skirt/dress and a tinsel halo.


  • Animal dancers – any nativity suitable animal costume(e.gpreferably not polar bear/whale). Could be a onesie, or could wear all one colour and a face mask, etc. ONE RULE - PLEASE DO NOT BE A DONKEY!!
  • Townspeople dancers - Girls, a plain-ish long dress. Boys, a long T-shirt and tights or smock and tights. Any colour’s.
  • Donkey dancers – any costume that looks donkey like. You could just wear a donkey onesie or all brown clothes and some homemade donkey ears.
  • Star dancers – bright yellow costume with gold tinsel. Could be a t-shirt and tights, leotard and tights, yellow dress…..
  • Sheep and shepherd dancers – Sheep need to wear white and look as sheep like as possible, or wear a sheep onesie. Ears would be a bonus! Shepherds – we have costumes for you. *
  • Wise men dancers – we have the tops for you, so can you bring a crown and coloured trousers.*

Singing parts

  • Animal singers – ‘The Stable Hoedown’ - see notes for animal dancers.
  • First and second Innkeepers - a dull coloured smock and tights – see smock notes.
  • Mary Singers – a light coloured smock/long dress. A baby doll wrapped up in a blanket. Please don’t go out and buy a doll if you don’t have one – we can find on at school if need be.
  • Wise men singers – choose one bright colour to wear, trousers and top. A bright coloured cape to wear and a crown. (See examples below)
  • Barn singers – (see notes for animal dancers)

Wise men examples – Think about if you’ll need trousers.

Angel example

Smock examples– simple tea towel for the headpiece.