Costings and Procedures for Buying in Portage Cpd Modules

Costings and Procedures for Buying in Portage Cpd Modules


The National Portage Association offer Portage CPD Training Modules for Portage Services and Regions to buy in as part of their professional development package for Portage teams and local Early Years Practitioners who have attended the Portage Workshop. Currently there are two modules available:

Working with Children with Profound and Multiple Difficulties ------1 Day

Understanding and Responding to Children’s Challenging Behaviour ------1 Day

The NPA will be responsible for providing Accredited Trainers who are trained in delivering the modules; they will also provide the course materials, worksheets and certificates. The modules are offered at the following cost to services or regions.

Services will be charged the following:
TOTAL amount / £2,500. 00

It will be the responsibility of the host service/region to book, pay for and provide:

The venue / This will need to be large enough to accommodate up to a maximum of 24 candidates and 1 or 2 trainers (depending on module).
Food and Refreshments / This may include coffee and tea in the morning and afternoon. Provision of lunch would be optional.
ICT equipment / This will include laptop, projector and screen.
Training Resources / This will include Flip Chart and paper, marker pens, Blue Tac, post-it notes and name labels for each candidate. The provider will print the course materials provided by the trainer.

They will also take responsibility for:

Advertising the training / This can be advertised on the NPA website.
Coordinating applications / This will include sending out confirmation of places requested
Register of attendees / Copies of this will need to be kept by the service/region and will also need to be given to the trainer/s and copied to the NPA Office.
Evaluation forms / Copies of this will need to be kept by the service/region and will also need to be given to the trainer/s and copied to the NPA Office.

Costings are based on a maximum number of 24 participants on a course. This could include 2 free places for parents who have completed a Portage Workshop.

Any additional candidates will incur additional costs to those quoted above at a rate of £100 per person. Additional places to be agreed first, before any bookings are taken.

PCPD Procedures

  1. Service / Region to complete a Request for Portage Training Form – available on the NPA website; expressing preference for PCPD module and giving a range of dates on which they would like the training to be delivered. Request form to be sent to NPA Office.
  1. The Service / Region will calculate the cost of the training to participants based on their total outlay which will include payment to NPA for trainers and materials, venue and refreshments – these may vary dependent on the facilities that the Service / Region are able to arrange.
  1. The NPA Office will contact the most suitable Accredited Trainer for the module required, giving the dates suggested by the service. The trainer and service / region Lead will be have direct contact information with each other in order to plan details for the training.
  1. The NPA Office will contact the service / region and confirm the date of the training. A Letter of Agreement between the NPA and the Accredited Trainer will be sent to the trainer.
  1. The Service / Region Lead will book the venue and advertise the training. The training can be advertised on the NPA website, making it clear that the PCPD Modules are suitable for people who have already completed a Portage Workshop.
  1. The Service / Region lead will liaise through the trainer how many copies of files/materials will be needed.

Please note: A minimum of 6 weeks notice is needed for materials to be ordered and delivered to service.

  1. Once the Service / Region Lead has liaised with the trainer about the venue, the trainer can book appropriate accommodation and transport as required. The trainer will claim accommodation and travel expenses etc. as agreed with the NPA.
  1. The NPA Office will invoice the service / region for the cost of the training as indicated in the information with any additional costs for candidates over and above the 24 added.

The National Portage Association is a company registered by guarantee No.4165317, registered in England & Wales.

Registered Charity No. 1087865. Registered Offices: King’s Court, 17 School Rd, Hall Green, Birmingham B28 8JG