Cost of Camp/Discount Policy

If you are registered and fully paid up for ALL weeks of camp by June 6th your cost is $83 per week per child. For those who wait until after June 6th the cost of camp is $95 per week per child. No other discounts apply for 2016.

Payment Policy

Payment in full must be received 10 days before each week of attendance. Children who are receiving a grant must still register and complete the required paperwork 10 days before the week(s) they are registering for so that the grant can be properly applied to their account. A budget plan is available at the start of the registration period.

Camp Registration/illness makeup policy

Camp is by the week, not by the day. Campers are signed up by the week and are expected to come the week they are signed up for, there will not be any splitting of weeks, or day by day camping. If a camper does not come one day, that day is lost. In the case of a camper becoming ill after the first day of camp and losing the week, we will allow that camper to finish his/her week in the following week, with just a $15 charge for the 5th day in the makeup week. There is a $25 per child non-refundable registration fee which is applied to the first week of camp.

Cancellation, Refund, Late Penalty Policy

  • Campers who are expelled underCamp MMDY’s behavioral policywill not be allowed to continue their participation in the program and there will beno refund offees.
  • There is a $25 penalty for parents picking up children late and police will be called to take charge of children who have not been picked up within ½ hour of camp ending with no contact from said parents. Three repeat fines will result in the child being expelled from the program with no refund of fees.
  • Children must be withdrawn from camp at least 10 days before camp starts to receive a refund. The registration fee is not refundable under any conditions.

Policy Regarding Conduct at Camp

We expect campers to have fun, to be treated fairly and respected, to respect others, to keep hands and feet to self, bring healthy snacks and drinks,follow the rules, make new friends and have a blast! Threatening, swearing, unsafe behavior, disobeying counselors, misusing or destroying camp property, bullying, and other extreme behaviors will not be tolerated at camp MMDY. Camp MMDY has adopted a strict behavioral policy with specific responses to issues that may arise. Your signature on this form affirms your willingness to abide by this written policy. Parents will be informed in writing of any camp rules that were broken and must respond to such notifications should they occur.

Emergency Pick Up Procedure and Policy

For Emergency pick up when you are unable to pick up your child yourself, you must send a note with YOUR PHONE NUMBER to camp with an authorized adult if you are unable to pick up your child from camp. The adult must have a photo id with them. You will be called to confirm we may release your child to the adult.

How to Reach the Camp Director

Check the facebook page for the current phone number (number was not available at the time of printing)

Week’s I Signed up For Camp

Here is a list of the weeks of camp, please check off the weeks you have signed your child up for. This page is yours to keep as a reminder.

___ Session 1, June27 – July 1, Canoeing Week (Budget plan payment due by June17th)

___ Session 2, July 5 – July 8, Kayak Week (Budget plan payment due by June 24th)

___ Session 3, July 11 – July 15, Archery week (Budget plan payment due by July 1st)

___ Session 4, July 18 – July 22, Fishing week (Budget plan payment due by July 8th)

___ Session 5, July 25 – July 29, Basketball week (Budget plan payment due by July 15th)

___ Session 6, Aug.1 – Aug. 5 Survivor week (Budget plan payment due by July 22nd)

___ Session 7, Aug. 8 – Aug.12, Olympics week (Budget plan payment due by July 29th)


You have my permission to use my child’s photo for promotional purposes: (circle one) YES NO

Your signature below acknowledges that you have read and agreed to the above stated policies.

I have read and understood Camp MMDY’s behavioral policy and cancellation/refund policies. My child(ren) have my permission to participate and engage in ALL camp activities. Parents need to be aware some activities involve the potential for injury. The undersigned hereby expressly release & holds harmless the Town of Limington and its agents and employees from & against any and all claims, suits, actions and damages arising out of and connected with or resulting from my child(ren) participation in camp and before & aftercare.I/we acknowledge that even with the best supervision injuries can be severe to result in disability or death. We have read this warning and shall assume responsibility for expenses and travel if an injury should occur. In case of an emergency every effort shall be made to reach the contact people listed.

Parent/Guardian signature ______date ______PHONE:______

Home Address: ______Email Address:______

Emergency Contact Info: Name______Phone #______Relationship______

Alternate Emergency Contact Info: Name ______Phone #______Relationship______

T-Shirt Size


1st child*______name goes by:______Birthday:______

2nd child*______name goes by:______Birthday:______

3rd child*______name goes by:______Birthday: ______

(* Please complete a separate medical record for each child registered).

Camp Cost Calculator*

Check each Summer Day Camp Session you are signing up for.

X / Session Date / per child if paid by June 6*** / per child after June 6*** / X # of children / Totals
June 27-July1 / $83 / $95 / $
July 5-8 / $70 / $95 / $
July 11-15 / $83 / $95 / $
July 18-22 / $83 / $95 / $
July 25- July 29 / $83 / $95 / $
Aug 1-5 / $83 / $95 / $
Aug 8-12 / $83 / $95 / $
Estimate # hrs/wk for before/aftercare** / X hourly cost / X # of children / X # of weeks
$2.50 / $

*A non-refundable $25.00Cancellation Fee applies to first week of campfor each child registered. This is not an extra charge, it is credited to your bill when you child attends his/her first week of camp.

**Before care 7:30-9:00 am, After care 4:00-5:30pm. You must determine how many hours per week you will need and note that the cost is per child.

***Very Important! If you sign up in advance to get the discounted rate, you MUST complete all payments by JUNE 6th in order to get the discount. If you have a balance after June 6th cutoff date you will be charged at the $95/week rate for all weeks remaining unpaid after June 6th. There are no exceptions to this rule as we use this information for hiring purposes! Thank-you for your understanding!

Camper’s Budget plan/Payment record

Registration Date: / Amount
Non- refundable, cancellation fee - $25 for each camper. $25 is applied to the cost of first week of camp. If you cancel you will receive $25 per child less than you paid in. / TOTAL DUE / $
Received by: / $25 X # of children / -$
Balance due / $
*Week 1payment Due on or before June 17th / Received by: / Amt received / -$
Balance due / $
*Week 2 payment Due on or before June 24th / Received by: / Amt received / -$
Balance due / $
*Week 3 payment Due on or before July 1st / Received by: / Amt received / -$
Balance due / $
*Week 4 payment Due on or before July 8th / Received by: / Amt received / -$
Balance due / $
*Week 5 payment Due on or before July15th / Received by: / Amt received / -$
Balance due / $
*Week 6 payment Due on or before July 22th / Received by: / Amt received / -$
Balance due / $
*Week 7 payment Due on or before July 29st / Received by: / Amt received / -$
Balance due / $

*Payments received after June 6th will reflect the $95 per week non discounted cost.