I. Krasnikov, E. Radko
Independent researchers.(Kiev, Ukraine).
PACS: 01.40.-d; 01.55.+b; 01.70.+w; 01.75.+m;14.20.Dh; 98.80.-k
УДК 113/119:140.8+524.8[/.83/.85/.88/.884]+537:539
Abstract–This work is the review of main positions of knowledge about the building, functionality and interaction in the Universe, which had been developed on the base of postulate about communication of All Existence in the World into united "Information Field" of the Universe. The most important affirmation in such presentation there is a compubiquity and primariness of the "Consciousnesses of Absolutes" in all of, without exception, the processes, what is occurring in the Universe. It is explained the structure of the Universe, is clarified a sense of the major conceptual categories such as: "Time", "Information", "Energy", "Space", "Mass", "Informational Field", "Knowledge"; is shown their relationship and interconnection. It is brought data about the kinds of energy and about the carriers of an information in the Universe, about the processes of forming of "informational flows" and of all "Information Field", about "informational matrixes" and about ambience of their existence, about "world ether" and vacuum, about structure of atoms and particularities of structure of radioactive atoms, as well as about the essence of radioactive radiation. It is formulated the main task, standing today before Mankind - rapid overtype of existed natural-scientific paradigm on the base of proposed new knowledge for radical change of "total information potential" of Society before forthcoming entering of planet into the space of Universe with compacted energy.
- Introduction.
- The basic notions.
- Informational Complex of the Universe.
- Structure of levels of the Universe.
- Matrix Field.
- Calibration network.
- Glunometry Space.
- "World ether" and vacuum.
- Interaction in the Universe.
- Primary structural forms.
- Dyad ("Matter"/"Anti-Matter").
- Structural elements of atom.
- The particularity of structure of radioactive atoms.
- Radioactive radiation.
- Conclusion.
All positions of the new natural-scientific paradigm, which are represented in the "Cosmological Physics" are founded under new understanding of the physical image of the world and developed according by the postulate of communication of "All of Existence" in the world into the "Uniform Informational Field". It is the first step towards the creation of new theory of transformation and transition into each other of such categories, as Time, Space, Energy, Information, challenging the necessity of introduction of new concepts and presentations into such ancient science, as Physics.
All of there is the Information. All of is permeated with the Information. All of exists and may be converted into the Information. It is the most fundamental concept of the "Cosmological Physics"[1]. During all many-age-old history of human civilization, knowledge about this Unity in one or another degree was known enough well, and it was transmitting from generation into generation in varied manners, was fixed in variform systems of presentations. Now it becomea timefor the introduction ofthis knowledge into the traditional scientific analysis, because the latest results of experimental studies requires the changes of a numerous conventional basic postulates. In modern science the notion "Information" exists in much more broad sense, than earlier: this isn't simply word, this - a universal category. It exists as phenomenon, creating something similar to itself, but not always in initial importance and meaning.
The first sign of the Information there is "non-disappearance". She does not disappear, but she may serve as derivative of another physical phenomenon, such as: Space, Energy, and Energy Potential.
The second sign of Information - a possibility to produce a new feature in the same form as itself, as well as and the possibility of the transition into absolutely another quality and features. Information can create the Space, conditioned by Time, by Energy and by an Energy Potential - this is so-called transition of "non-material" essence into "material" essence. This is a unique generator of "All of Existence".The Nucleus of this generator is located in the depth of Core of The Universe.
2.The basic notions.
In modern physics exists such false presentation as "annihilation" - the process of the conversion of the particle and anti-particle into the other particles, occurring upon their "collision".
Indeed this is not a "collision" of the particle and anti-particle, being accompanied by disappearance of a space, of a time and of an energy, what characterize the fractals of this particle and anti-particle, but there is an interaction of their fractals - with change of their qualitative structure during a certain time, and with transition of all these categories into informational manner of existence [1].Information herewith is coding into "zero-space". This is a "convolution of space", the main sign of which is "zero" of information at this moment- i.e. absence of all signs of the information - in forms, accustomed for determination in terrestrial conditions. This "convolution of space" is a transitional stage, in which the information is in a state of its temporary spatial stillness.Strictly in given instantis creatingthe "Law", which will determine a further existence of this information.This does not signify that in the "convolution" - the information is in frozen (dead) state. It is a temporary anabiosis and temporary state.
The intercoupling between main conceptual categories is demonstrated bya "Topological schemeof Triagonal Structure of the Universe", represented on Fig. 1.
Fig.1. Topological schemeof Triagonal Structure of the Universe.
О - The Absolutes,
А - Space,
В - Mass,
С - Energy,
D - Information,
F - Action codes.
As it can be seen from scheme, the structure of the Universe is represented by a sphere (feminine beginning), which is residing into a cube (male beginning). "Information" (presented by the "Informational Field") is located on a surface of sphere and is created by The Absolutes. The informational "action code", being sent from The Absolutes through the "informational matrix" (in turn is controllable by a particular program), are concentrated on the verge a cube. The "action code" are directed rectilinearly, and don’t haveintersections with each othernowhere. They are crossed only in zero point of The Absolutes.
Notion "Triagonal" itself means the triad of such notions, as The Absolutes, Information, "action code", what are united by the purposes: a life, action, motion, manifestation of the essence.
All spin around The Absolutes. All of is creating in The Absolutes. All of exists inThe Absolutes, whereas The Absolutes - there is a collection of the informational fractals, which exists as a one single fractal. Formally The Absolutes is at each point of "Space". At the same time The Absolutes gives birth from itself a "Time" and manages by him, "Time" gives birth from itself"Information", what serves as the impetus for "Energy Clot" which is transforming under certain conditions into "Mass" and into "Space". Primarily is a Time, all of other - a second time, but also - paramount.
A Nucleus is a conglomerate of the particles and anti-particles; this is a "collapse", "Convolution All of Existence". A "Matter" is zero, only a "Time". This is a "printery" of the Universe, where transformational "Matrixes of Time" are creating to spend for the creation of the Universes, the Galaxies, the Stars, the Suns, and of all, that called as "Matter" and that is given us in our sensations.
A "Time" is "Gist". "Information" is a fractal of "Time".
The Absolutes generates "Information", what exists in the manner of "programs" and "matrixes" (the "matrixes", which are united by one "purpose" and by the "laws", constitute the "programs").The "programs" are created of double-purpose, i.e. if there is some "law", on the base of which the "program" is built, that is to say and her "sparring partner" - in the manner of the "program" for opposite action. This pertains and towards the "matrixes", what also are by double-acting. The "programs" and the "matrixes" are uniting by the "informational flows".
By functionally the "informational flow" is a manifestation of activity of "action codes," what areforming the groups of the particles of the "Informational Field" - the "keyzons" and their associations of a type of the "solitons"into these flows. Herewith, informational soliton constitutes both from a solitary keyzons, and from the groups of solitons, united under the certain laws of physics and mathematics. (By knowing these laws, is possible decipher, as well as create the "information flows", i.e. is possible build the "information matrixes" and the "programs"). The controlling by the keyzons and solitons realize by means of their accommodation in certain sequence by the "programs" or by the "subroutines".
Represented scheme of "Triagonal Structure of the Universe" speaks - all of is interconnected and all of is united in its expressions, with the simultaneous existence of a "dualism".So far as The Absolutes manifests itself and exists in World Space in the manner of "informational flows" - these flows not only carry over full information, but simultaneously and form herewith all space, in which and exists The Absolutes. These flows represent by entanglements in the manner of "scythes". The keyzons inside that "scythes" is in agitated state: they are ready for the transmission of the information into the space at any time, as well as for messaging between itself.
This is very complex system, representing certain hierarchical structure. Especial importances have the keyzons, located on the end "information braid". They differ by additional empty orbits, to which are moving the keyzons upon their messaging. The Information herewith nowhere disappears - she is only being redistributed and restructured. The "informational scythes" are holding by itself at the expense of their own internal energy tractions; herewith - break such chain of keyzons in terrestrial conditions - practically impossible. Thus, The Absolutes produces information by means of "action codes" and creates the Universe, herewith the form of the existence and transmission of the information are the "keyzons flows" which intertwine and form an "Informational Field of the Universe".
(Figuratively, full picture may be represented in the manner of chariot: ahead of "horse" - a Matrixes, "rein" - a Rays of management (the "keyzons flows"), "charioteer" - a Time, "chariot" - a Nucleus of the Universe).
What is the "Informational Field" of the Universe?
As it had been formulated by us earlier in [2]:«Information" - this is a total product of the functioning of all consciousnesses on all levels in the Universe, herewith a knowledge, which is producing by the "Consciousness of Absolutes" (i.e. an "Absolute Knowledge"), there is "Information" for all levels of the Universe; thus any knowledge, existing on certain level, there is the information for all lower-levels in "Hierarchy of Consciousnesses". Thus, the "Informational Field of the Universe" there is in its essence an "Absolute Knowledge" about the process of the building of the Universe, representing at the same time by the "Information" for the Whole Universe, as the "Manual" for the realization of such building».
By functionally, the "Information" (strictly information) is expressing itself in the manner of the functions of "info-potentials" which are representing in itself a typesetting of an ensemble of "action codes". In this case - the "action code" in itself - as a numeric importance has a secondary sense.The "code" there is a filling of the function, but function is decomposing onto numbers and only after this operation, the function is representing in the manner of "code", i.e. the "code" is the secondary.
(Transition of a function to the codes is accompanying by energy pats. There is a possibility of the fixing these hits of energy by means of terrestrial technology. Hereunder, there is a possibility to deal non with a "function", but with the "action codes", i.e. with numeric rows, in which will be tracked a certain functional dependency).
Thus, a "function" is the prime cause. She gives paramount importance of the phenomena.
The First Law of "Cosmological Physics" states:
«Fundamental importance has only a "Function". It is primarily».
Any physical phenomenon may be described by means of the "function", but the order and the laws of existence of these "functions" are created inside a Nucleus of The Universe. Strictly speaking, already that alone explains a communication capability of "All of Existence" into "Whole Universe". The World is unity, but multiform, does not exist deflections, exceptions. All are subordinating by certain regularities, described by means of "functions".
And even Chaos there is nothing else than information manifestation of "intermittent function", i.e. when "law of existence", being described by one "function", suddenly is transformed into the "law", being described by other "function". Thus, Chaos there is a phenomenon, being accompanied by "breakups of functions". With standpoint of Evolutions - Chaos precedes always new phenomena, the "laws of existence" of that will be described by "unceasing function". In other words, Chaos is a predecessor of the new, i.e. by a signal about replacement of one Evolution process onto another.
3.Informational Complex of the Universe.
3.1. Carriers of information - the “keyzons”.
The presence of The Absolutes at any point of space comes to light through presence of the information particles - the "keyzons" and of the clots of these particles in the manner of the "solitons" [2]. They exist in two kinds: "electrical keyzons" and "magnetic keyzons", being interacted with each other directly (according to its kind). Herewith, being "alike charged" keyzons - are repeling one other, but on the contrary, "opposite charged" keyzons - are attracting to one another. From appearance - keyzon reminds a "chestnut in shell". Essentially it is a potential field. They differ by signs and size: figuratively, magnetic keyzon - small, as "powder particle", but an electrical keyzon- large, as an "apple". The size of magnetic keyzon constitutes 10-90 cм, while the size of electrical keyzon - of the order 10-50 cм. So far as the smallest material particles, such as the "leptons", have a size of the order 10-20 cм - they very heavy and inertial in contrast with the keyzons, so the transmission of the information with use of them - impossible. But the keyzons - it is very fine level. A velocity of their moving, as such - does not exist, i.e. it may be considered they are moving with endless velocity. In space of the Universe these particles exist both in "neutral" and in "charged" ("excited") states. They are a product of activity of The Absolutes and take part in the processes of forming an "informational flows", what are pervaded by "primary informational energy". The keyzons have a zero mass, and spin moment, given by their rotation around its axis. They have a possibility for messaging between itself, with simultaneous sending of the information to the space, i.e. they are solitary individual generators of the informational fields.
Primary record of the information both into magnetic, and into electrical keyzons is producing by The Absolutes, who is a primary source of the informational fields. The spin moments of electrical and magnetic keyzons there are a "toolbox" for carrying over the information from Meta Galaxies into the Galaxies and further. The informational carry-over from "Antiworld" is realizing only by magnetic keyzons, because the transition of magnetic keyzons occur through magnetic power lines in the Universe (the "Information Field" is a single being and the universal property of Whole Universe).
Due to the presence ofown spin moment a keyzon is revolving as "whirligig", herewith a velocity of this rotation is stating at the instant of it birth.Hereinafter, keyzon spends its initial energy, what brings about reduction of spin moment, and can came even towards the stopping of the rotation. As soon as this moment approaches, primary source of the "Information Field" will add him energy and information what recovers the spin moment. Therefore, by functionally, a keyzon consists from "informational component" and "energy component", united by the "matrix" and by the "action codes". Under influence of the "action codes" occurs the exchange between the keyzons by own energy potential and prestored information. Without of managing influence of the "action codes" the keyzons don't interact with each other."Solitary keyzons", having "information component", can't exist outside of the "matrixes", i.e. they are also inserted in the "matrixes" and between them there are respective energy interaction. ("Solitary keyzons" there are the "remnants" of a "Pra-Matter". If it were being possible to entrap such keyzon, and to decipher an "informational" and "energy component", it could be possible to decipher exact compound of "Pra-Matter").The information volume of the keyzons (in accustomed understanding) is unlimited, but herewith there issmall-informative and multi-informative keyzons.
3.2. Carriers of Consciousness of Absolutes - the "cavitons".
The Consciousness of Absolutes radiates an "especial substance" which comes directly from a Nucleus of the Universe. This "substance" contains into itself the unique particles - the "cavitons" (so-called "psi-particles"). These particles - "cavitons", essentially is the "clots" in mentioned "substance" - evenly distributed "compactions" what are created by The Absolutes in above continuous substance.
The size of such "caviton" ("psi-particle") is about 10-120 cm.
Thus, the Consciousness of Absolutes manifests itself in the form of continuous "waves of cavitons", that represents in itself the primary source of "informational flows". The Absolutes governs by these waves in a continuous regime.
Electrical and magnetic keyzons are used as a "container-carriers" for defense of this "psi-particles" from misinformation, distortions, and losses in the process of transportation.
The "cavitons" there are a "reflection" and "manifestation" of the Consciousness of Absolutes, or more precisely - there is "wave information" in so-called form of "Spirit". This is an "arrow", which is piercing a "Field of Life", and all its formations. The barriers for the "Spirit" don't exist.
Electrical keyzons are slithering along electrical power lines, which are represented by "Spatial lattice", magnetic keyzons (more slow) are slithering along magnetic power lines, formed by "Matrix network", however at will of The Absolutes, they can move outside of power lines.
The velocity of spreading the "waves of the keyzons" is enormous - it can exceed the hundreds parsec/s.
The sources of electrical and of magnetic keyzons are the "generators", accordingly of electrical and magnetic keyzons, that is residing in The Absolutes and brought into operation by The Absolutes.
All processes are pertaining to reproduction of the main functional components of systems, generating "informational flows", as well as uppermost manner of the creation of "Information", completely are under controlling by The Absolutes.