The following words should be understood and used in your discussion and written analysis.

Definition / Synonyms and similar terms / Links to COSI
asylum / A place for the care and maintenance of the mentally ill and other people requiring specialized care.
Protection or sanctuary from attack or danger. / safe house, refuge, shelter, sanctuary, protection, institution, mental hospital, nut house
audience / The spectators of an event or play. The location and expectations of an audience will impact on the staging of any performance. / auditory, audible, spectators, attendants, house, crowd, audition
black comedy / A theatrical form that allows serious or sensitive issues to be presented in a comical context. The audience are encouraged to laugh at things that are not normally considered humorous. Examples of issues dealt with in black comedy include danger, confusion, death, misfortune. / farce
blocking / The plan of the positions and moves of the actors. This is usually done early in the rehearsal period. / layout, plan, setup
bourgeois / Having conventional ideas, tastes or values. Often used as an insult. / bourgeoisie, middle class, know-it-all
cast / The actors who will rehearse and play the roles of the characters in the play. / crew, group, ensemble, company
comatose / In a state of deep sleep, from which it is hard to awaken. / listless, coma, unconscious, drowsy, out of it, oblivious, dull, sluggish, apathetic, senseless, lethargic, drugged
conscription / Compulsory military service.
When a country needs people to fight in a war, but there aren't enough volunteers, sometimes they'll begin conscription, which is a law that says if you are able to fight, you have to fight. / conscripted, forced, selected, drafted, mustered, corralled, recruited, mobilized, coerced, conspire
constancy / Being unchanging, constant or faithful. / constant, loyal, devoted, devotion, allegiance, regular, stable, persevere, perseverance, devotional, loyalty, firm, steadfast, true, permanent, dogged
costume / The clothing worn by an actor to designate character. / apparel, clothing, attire, garb, dress, outfit, guise, costumed, uniform, garments
design / The conceptualisation of the staging of the play. The overall design concept includes lighting, staging, sound, costume and make-up. / designer, appearance, designed, layout, scheme, sketch, plan, concept, blueprint, arrangement, project
dialogue / Speech delivered by more than one speaker. / conversation, talk, discussion, discuss
director / The person with the overall concept of the production. The director manages all rehearsals and oversees the work of the designers. / direct, direction, manager, arranger, conductor, boss, chief, head, principal, leader, overseer, in charge
therapy (ECT) / A medical procedure, done under general
anaesthesia, in which small electric currents are
passed through the brain, intentionally
triggeringa brief seizure.
It seems to cause changes in brain chemistry that can quickly reverse symptoms of certain mental illnesses. It is often applied when other treatments are unsuccessful. / shock treatment, zapped
ensemble / A performing group that shows a strong sense
of trust, belonging and working well together. / assemble, group, cast, whole, band, all,
comrades, family, troupe, company
farce / A comedy involving a series of ridiculously unlikely or absurd events or situations. / ludicrous, ridiculous, farcical, unbelievable, absurd, strange, laughable, unlikely
form / The structure of a play. The form often relates to traditional drama structures. / format, formative, formula, formation,
circumstances / Background information, at any given moment,
that helps with the interpretation of the text. It may include information about previous incidents or events, relationships between characters, motivation and so on. / synopsis, background, back story, reasons,
influences, conditions, situation
glutton / A person who has too much of something, usually food. / glut, pig, greedy, eater,
idealism / A belief that things can be perfect. / idea, ideal, optimism, optimistic, noble-minded, utopian
idiosyncrasy / A person’s thoughts or actions that are different to others. / idiot, idiotic, peculiar, individual, eccentric, eccentricities, singular, singularity, different, aberration, abnormal, abnormality, attribute, foible, oddity, peculiarity, characteristic
illusion / Something false that people believe to exist or be true. / falsehood, imagination, trick, fantasy, vision, phantom, fallacy, magic, error, magical, magician, illusionist, misconception, misconceive, ghost, dream
infidelity / Not being faithful to something or someone. / unfaithful, fidelity, false, treachery, treacherous, underhand, disloyal, cheat, cheating, dishonest, adultery, adulterer
inmates / People confined to a prison or hospital. / resident, prisoner, captive, patient, occupant, incumbent, detainee, inpatient
institutionalised / To place a person in an institution or place where their needs are cared for. The person is usually unable to leave voluntarily. / locked up, institute, institution
interpretation / The meaning made of a given piece of text, based on the evidence found within that text. / interpret, definition, version, rendering, translation, reading, understanding, illustrate, illustrator, interpreter, clarify
liaison / Communication or interaction between different parties.
A collaboration between people, often illicit or involving a hidden sexual relationship / liaise, network, schmooze, affair, assignation
lighting / The way lights are used and modified by changing focus, colour or intensity to draw attention to aspects of a production. / lit, illumination, spotlight, lighten, light
Lithium / A drug used to cure or treat periods of manic depression. It is designed to stabilise mood swings. / lithe, Valium, downer
lobotomy / A surgical operation involving operating on the prefrontal lobe of the brain, formerly used to treat mental illness. / psychosurgery, lobe
madness / Mentally disturbed - Wildly excited - Enraged or angry or greatly irritated - Extremely foolish or unwise.
The state of being mad or insane - In a rage or frenzy / nuts, loony, wild, demented, absurd, lunatic, daft, foolish, maddening, frenzied, frazzled, senseless, maniacal, strange, odd
manic depression / A mental disorder that alternates between feelings of excitement and depression. / manic, depressed, low, funk, high, euphoric, roller coaster
misogyny / A hatred of women. / abhorrence, dislike, bigotry, aversion, antipathy
monologue / A lengthy speech by a single speaker, which may reveal thoughts, feelings and motivation. / talking to yourself, speech, recitation, solo, aside, talk, lecture, soliloquy
moratorium / A temporary ban, delay or stopping of some activity. / cessation, halt, deferment, reprieve, postponement, freeze, truce, break, suspend, pause
motivation / The driving force behind the words and actions of a character. / cause, reason, drive, impulse, provocation, stimulation, inducement, spur, motive, encouragement, influence, motivate
naturalism / A style of writing or performance designed to be realistic, not exaggerated or unnatural. / pragmatic, real, natural, literal, faithful, authentic
obsessive compulsive disorder
(OCD) / A persistent and uncontrollable drive to complete a particular activity or series of them. / driven, feverish, fanatical, fixated, compelling, forced, controlling, irresistible, compulsory, disturbed, illness, ill, sick, troubled
patients / People under medical care or suffering from something that requires attention. / clients, patience, inmates, sick, sufferers, patient
play review / An evaluation of a performance of a play. Play reviews are usually written. / response, critic, criticism, opinion, inspection, inspect, examination, survey, investigate, scrutiny, check
plot / The story or sequence of action of a play. / story, plan, outline, layout, design
pragmatic / Dealing with things in a practical way. / black-and-white, simple, straight forward,
clear, unambiguous, pragmatism, practical, sensible, down-to-earth, matter-of-fact, realistic, logical, useful, rational, functional
props / Moveable objects used by characters as part of the dramatic action. / equipment, tools, supports, property, belongings
psychosis / A severe mental disorder that affects their whole personality and behaviour. / psycho, psychiatrist, madness, psychotic, mania, derangement, deranged, manic, maniac, crazy, disturbed, ill, illness, mental illness, lunacy, lunatic, neurosis, sickness
pyromania / A compulsion to set things on fire / arsonist, pyromaniac, pyro, fire, burn
scenes / The sections into which a play is divided by the playwright. / scenic, scenery
set / Stage/acting area complete with furniture, decorations, props and scenery. / stage, performance space, layout
setting / The location of the action of the play. / scene, surroundings, place, site, spot, environment, locale
Socialism / A political system or belief that values equality and social justice for people. / democracy, equality, freedom, choice, collective
stage directions / Information in the written play text that gives advice to the actors and director about the setting, characters’ actions or movement, or how lines are to be delivered. / prompt, instructions, cues
stage manager / The individual who manages and supervises all backstage action. The stage manager ‘calls’ the show by cuing the lighting and sound operators and the changes of set, props or curtains. / boss, controller, organiser, facilitator, director
style / The way or manner in which a play is written or performed. / fashion, approach, kind, genre, label, type, technique, form
sub-text / The underlying idea behind what is said. / meaning,
technician / The person who operates the machinery, lighting, sound equipment or computers used to enhance a production. / technical, technicality, practitioner, tradesman, craftsman, expert, authority, master, operator
therapeutic / Something that is healing or provides relief from sickness or disease. / therapy, therapist, remedial, curative, cure, medicinal, medicine, medical, beneficial, remedy, good, worthwhile, relieving, recuperative, helpful
thespian / An actor or actress, usually in a drama or tragedy. / actor, actress, performer, theatrical, player, stage player, theatre, ham, character, star, dramatist, tragic, theatrical