Cosán - Special Class for Students with Autism
Enrolment Policy
Effective from May 2017
This Policy is underpinned by the General Enrolment Policy and isrelevant for parents/guardians and young people who wish to find out about Cosán, the Special Class for Students with Autism and how to apply for admission. The aim, vision and ethos of Hansfield ETSS is set out in the General Enrolment Policyand underpins this policy (see website: under policies). Cosán offers an autism specific learning environment within a mainstream second-level school. It strives to:
-maximise the learning skills, social skills, self-worth and sense of independence of its students
-provide access to a broad, balanced, relevant and developmental range of curricular experiences
-develop among students skills for success in the home, school and the wider community including basic skills of communication, self-care and key social competences
-where appropriate, support inclusion of students in mainstream classes.
It is noted that:
-Individual students on the ASD Spectrum may be more suited to a full-time mainstream setting. Therefore, a diagnosis of Autism will not automatically qualify a student for a place in the Special Class.
-Services such as Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy are provided by the Health Executive Service - Hansfield ETSS has no control over these.
-Hansfield ETSS will encourage students of Cosán to be involved in as much curricular and extra-curricular activities as suits their needs.
-Inclusion of students in mainstream is a core aim of Cosán. Therefore, when appropriate to the student’s learning, they will attend mainstream classes. The extent of inclusion in mainstream classes for each student will be determined collectively by the professionals who deal with the student daily i.e. teachers (special education and mainstream), the Principal and support staff. The views of other interested parties such as Psychologists, Speech Therapists and Occupational Therapists will be considered. However, the decision by the internal staff team is final.
Cosán is set up by according to Department of Education and Skills (DES) policy and, therefore, recommended limits will apply. Admission is subject to a place being available and all applications will be subject to the terms of the General Enrolment Policy.
An applicant may be accepted for admission into Cosán when:
a)the relevant criteria set out in the general enrolment policy are met
b)the applicant is less than 18 years of age on the 1st September of the school year in question
c)the applicant has a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)according to DSM-IV/DSM-V or ICD-10 and it is recommended that an ASD Unit placement in a mainstream school is required to meet needs
d)a report from the applicant’s primary school outlining the student’s academic, social, emotional and behavioural needs and indicating the current extent of social integration supports in place in a special class.
Applicants may be visited by a member of the ASD team to observe the student in their existing placement.If considered necessary applicants may be asked to supply further relevant documentation and information which would have an impact on educational planning.
In certain circumstances and in keeping with Section 2 of the Education for Persons with Special Needs Act 2004 the school may be unable to meet the needs of a student with ASD because:
-they are considered a risk to themselves or others.
-admission of the student would have a serious detrimental effect on the provision of an educational service to other students.
It is noted that the allocation of a place in Cosán does not guarantee a place in the mainstream classes for siblings.
Following admission to Cosán a personalised student plan will be prepared. This will be reviewed by the relevant staff team and services on an annual basis. Because of such review recommendations may be made that the student’s needs cannot be met by the Cosán or the mainstream school and that they should be enrolled in an alternative educational establishment.
- The Enrolment Process for intake in 2017/2018 will open on Wednesday 10thMay 2017. The closing date for receipt of applications is Friday 9th June 2017.
- Notification will be placed on the school website. Where appropriate, parents/guardians who had made enquiries before the opening date will be contacted by email or letter. The Special Education Needs Co-ordinator will also be notified that the enrolment process has opened.
- Parent/Guardians are required to make an application for enrolment onbehalf of their child. Applications from a third party will not be considered.
- Applications must be made in writing by completing the General Enrolment Application Form (available on the school website and/orthe school office).
- The completed enrolment application form must be supported by relevant documentation and reports. This documentation enables the school to apply to the National Council of Special Education (NCSE) for additional support and resources. The withholding of such documentation or reports may invalidate an applicationat any time.
- Parents/Guardians are required to give the school permission (authorisation on Application Form) to contact schools previously attended and access any relevant reports.
- Completed enrolment application forms and all required documentation and reports must be received in the school by the closing date.
- The submission of the written application does not confer an automatic right to placement in Cosán.
- Applications will be considered, for eligibility by the ASD Admissions Team which will include a member of the Board of Management, the Principal or Deputy Principal, and the Special Education Co-ordinator. The decision of the team is subject to the approval of the Board of Management.
- Offer of places will begin three weeks after the closing date of receipt for applications.
- A Letter of Offer will issue to parents/guardians of applicants being offered a place. The parents/guardians must confirm in writing to the principal whether they will accept or decline the offer of a place within14working days of the date on the Letter of Offer.
- If a place is not being offered the parents/guardians will be informed in writing stating the reason(s) for refusal and the right to appeal the decision to the Board of Management of Hansfield ETSS or the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Skills under Section 29 of the Education Act 1998.
Ratified by the Board of Management on 3rd April 2017
Implementation from 10thMay 2017
Review date:March 2018.