Cortland Rotary Club Officers 2007-2008
District 7170, Club No. 4869 President ………... Robert O. Ross
No. 506, Organized June 3, 1919 President Elect …..... Brian Mitteer
P.O. Box 5248, Cortland, NY 13045 Vice President ….Mary Ann Gotie Secretary………….Judy Riehlman Co-Treasurer…..….Dennis Wright Co-Treasurer…………. Don Kline Past President……James Nunciato
Cortland Rotary Club
Summary of
Service Projects 2006-2007
To: Members of the Cortland Rotary Club
From: President Bob
Subject: 2006-2007 Service Projects
Date: July 23, 2007
As a club we have a lot to be proud of. This past year we supported projects in our local community, many of which were targeted at the youth. The club also sponsored a new Rotary Club in Dryden, NY and worked on several international projects. Please share the success of our club with your friends and associates.
Projects that benefited the local community included: The donation of a book each week to a local library by a Rotarian. The book was dedicated to that week’s speaker at the club meeting. Books were purchased from lists provided by the librarians. A contribution of $1,000 was made to the United Way Campaign and approximately one dozen Rotarians participated on the Rotary Team during the United Way’s Day of Caring; the team cut trees, cleared brush and cleaned the kitchen at the Boy Scout’s Camp Barton.
Many projects supported the youth of our community. The club sponsored Erica Masler from Cortland, Kortni Wright from Cincinnatus, and Victor Marchetti from Homer to attend RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Academy) during the last week in June. Tom Dumas of our club also coordinated the RYLA program for the Cortland Breakfast Rotary Club, which sent three students as well. Support was also provided to one student, Derek Allen, to attend the American Legion Boys State leadership development program. A grant of $300 was provided to the Cortland School District’s Foundation to purchase of 30 books that were loaned out to students who participated in "One Book One Community" Program, a collaborative project initiated by the Cortland County Schools and County Librarians and SUNY Cortland. The purpose of the project was to raise the awareness and interest of the community (youth, college students, and adults) in reading and talking about books and local history. The project promoted the reading and discussion of the award-winning book, "A Northern Light" by Jennifer Donnelly. The book uses as a centerpiece the murder of Grace Brown by Chester Gillette in Cortland more than 100 years ago.
The club sponsored two inbound exchange students and provided each with host families and an allowance of $50 each per month. The students were Felix Maldague from Rebecq in Belgium. He attended Cortland High School and Mia Muramoto from Eniwa, Hokkaido, Japan. Mai attended Homer High School. Host families:
For Mai: Steve and Lori Circio; Stephen and Maureen Waligurski; and Donald and Sarah Walsh
For Felix: Jim and Chris Place; Robert and Jackie Sanders; and Jeff and Gonda Gebhardt
The club also sponsored two out bound students Krista Speicher to Brazil and Laureen Reed to France. Our club hosted the training session for 41 students getting ready for their 2008 overseas experience.
Scholarships: A total of five (5) scholarships were awarded as follows:
Name High School College Amount
1. Michael Catalano Cortland Gettysburg College $1,000
2. Mia Starmer Cortland Tompkins Cortland CC $1,000
3. Dustin Morris Homer Alfred University $1,000
4. Katherine Hughes Homer SUNY Brockport $1,000
5. Ashley McAdam McGraw St John Fisher $1,000
International projects: Twenty-five (25) used computer systems were acquired from Tompkins Cortland Community College they were cleaned, packed and shipped to the Rotary Club of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic for a project to establish a computer lab in a local school. The club provided $2,000 to the Club Rotario Santiago Gurabito, Dominican Republic to build 12-15 latrines. Our club continued the program “Horns for Humanity” started by past president Manny Medeiros. Ten instruments including a violin, saxophone, flute and trumpet were sent to the Bogata Rotary Club for distribution to the village of Cali, Colombia last January.
Following a devastating tornado the Rotary Club of Greensburg, Kansas needed help to enable the local school to conduct graduation after the school was destroyed. We sent a check for $100.
Rotarian Bill Cadwallader led the way by running an International Conference on Women’s Health Issues at Ft Lee NJ.
Our Club was proud to be the sponsor a new Rotary Club in Dryden, NY and many of us attended their charter.
Marty Christofferson, Director of Information Technology at Tompkins Cortland Community College was recognized with the Pride of Workmanship Award. Also, this year Maureen White a physical education teacher at Virgil School was recognized as the Livonia Schneider Teacher of the Year. She received a check for $500 and was named as a Paul Harris Fellow.
Through financial contributions and sweat equity the club sponsored the Rotary Room at the Center for the Arts in Homer.
“Rotary Shares”
Directors: 2006-2008: Helga DeMunn, Ray Franco, Thomas Haskell, Grant VanSant, Jo Ann Wickman,
Directors: 2007-2009: Gary Decker, Jack Hubbard, Matthew McSherry, Frank Schneider, Jane Snell
Directors: 2006-2008: Helga DeMunn, Ray Franco, Thomas Haskell, Grant VanSant, Jo Ann Wickman,
Directors: 2007-2009: Gary Decker, Jack Hubbard, Matthew McSherry, Frank Schneider, Jane Snell