Correlation between Strategic Goals and Operational Objectives
Strategic Goals / Operational Objectives / Action / RMS Reference (if applicable) / Status1. Use IT to provide easily accessible information which is accurate, available when required, and targeted to support the quality of management and decision making throughout the university / 1. Ensure the quality and accuracy of the data held in individual databases / Establish Data Quality Committee / Complete
Write Reports for SI that analyse for data errors / RD130029 / On-going
2. Provide, in a user friendly format, descriptions of the data held in each individual database / · Create Meta Directory for all data
3. Put in place reliable and accessible mechanisms to enable users to extract information from existing databases / Transfer SQL fee reports to BI reports on WEB / RA050003 / Complete
4. Establish a management information development project which integrates data from relevant databases to a central repository in order to enhance the University’s reporting and analysis capacity / · Define software to use for Data Warehouse / RA020029 / Closed – Resource Issue – Not priority
· Build some pilot data marts / Complete
· Build Pilot Cube
· Contract for consultancy as to design of dimensions for Student Information Database
· Assign a data warehouse manager and ensure relevant training
· Put together team between Data Warehouse Manager and SI Support staff to design dimension and fact tables
5. Ensure that the contents of the individual databases and of the central repository satisfy the business information requirements of the University / · Evaluate Microsoft’s Meta directory for linking directories
· Synchronise information systems
· Develop import facility between SI and Linel / QJ260055
SC040014 / ILM project (BS/BL)
Strategic Goals / Operational Objectives / Action / RMS Reference (if applicable) / Status
2. Promote continuous improvement in the use of IT in the learning environment / 1. Review the delivery approach for all existing programmes in order to identify and implement delivery enhancements available through IT / Develop application to inform advisors when advisees in difficulty / RA180013 / Complete
Distribute Course Reports electronically to faculty / RD130036 / Complete
2. Put in place structures to enable the optimal deployment of a campus standard Course Management System / Negotiate contract for Sakai with rSmart / Complete
Pilot rSmart across sample user base / Complete
‘Integrate’ Sakai to Active Directory, SI / QJ130021 / Complete
‘Integrate’ Sakai to Calendaring / QK030024 / Complete
Move to production platform for Sakai / Complete
Get permanent AP2 post and appoint to it / Submission made
Ensure have back-up for support person
Put in place training programme for Faculty / Complete
Train CLAs and Service Desk Staff / Complete
Put in place support call structure / Complete
Establish ongoing financial support model
Integrate Lecturer’s timetable with Outlook
3. Develop a range of incentives to encourage the effective use of IT by faculty in course delivery / Investigate use of Pod Casting and screencasting. / QK060080 / Ongoing
4. Optimise the use of IT in self-directed learning and distance education / Non-ITD
5. Put in place a system for ongoing review of IT developments in teaching and learning worldwide with a view towards the adoption of best practice at UL / Non-ITD
Strategic Goals / Operational Objectives / Action / RMS Reference (if applicable) / Status
3. Optimise the use of IT-based services and processes at the University / 1. Ensure that all University procedures are documented and available electronically / Make available Sharepoint / Complete
2. Put in place a web design that enables users to quickly access the information that they require / Frontpage gone so need an alternative / Using Arconics / Complete
Projects to redesign existing web pages / QK200041
SA230059 / Complete
Put up Sharepoint 2007 / Complete
Create sites in Sharepoint to enable sharing of documents etc. / Complete
Train trainer in designing and building sharepoint sites / Complete
Train service desk in support of sharepoint / Complete
3. Maximise the use of IT in the marketing and promotion of academic programmes at the University / Non-ITD
4. Ensure that key processes involving document exchange are IT-based, including a digital sign-off / Promote work-flow within applications (Agresso and SI)
Decide on workflow platform / Complete
Decide whether username password sufficient for authentication / Complete
Implement platform / Complete
Implement workflow for APRC Process / RG120002 / On-hold (using ECTS as pilot first)
Implement workflow for admissions process / SB220004 / Complete
Implement system to allow contract review to be completed electronically / SB210006 / On-hold (APRC given priority)
Create a Scheduling Requirements data collection system / RD020057 / Complete
Distribute Course reports electronically / RD130036 / Complete
Install Core Portal / RG170041 / Complete
Provide electronic mechanism to convert existing courses to ECTS compliance / RG120001 / Complete
5. Enable electronic entry of student grades to the SI system / Non-ITD
6. Enable students to apply and enrol on-line for all programmes, including a payment facility / Pilot with international students / RA260007 / Complete
Extend to all returning undergraduates / SC190005 / Complete
Implement online application for taught postgrad courses / RE140055 / On-going
Strategic Goals / Operational Objectives / Action / RMS Reference (if applicable) / Status
4. Promote the development of IT skills and competencies among all staff and students of the University / 1. Put in place a system for ongoing assessment of IT training needs of faculty and staff / Non-ITD
2. Develop a plan to meet the identified IT training needs of faculty and staff / Get a support post for College of Science and recruit to it / Complete
Get post for Kemmy Business School / On Hold
Ensure Service Desk & Service Engineering have required skills to support the technologies available to Staff and Faculty
Ensure that ITD web site has documented all ITD services and how to use them
3. Maximise the use of e-learning in the provision of IT training / Non-ITD
4. Develop a support structure to maximise the efficacy of IT use among faculty and staff / Ensure our staff have the skills to help others
Provide MOS training & certification for SE staff / RC290017 / Complete
5. Provide targeted IT training for groups of students, particularly mature students / ITD Support staff to organise for start of academic year 07/08 / Complete
Provide ECTS to Mature Students / Not going to proceed with this. Available commercially outside of University.
Strategic Goals / Operational Objectives / Action / RMS Reference (if applicable) / Status
5. Provide quality IT facilities to support the achievement at the University of excellence in Teaching, Learning, Research and Administration / 1. Facilitate a wireless environment for portable devices for all members of the campus community / Provide wireless access in all Library Study rooms outside of Library / RB020005
RB090012, RB090013 / Complete
Provide wireless access in Sports Bar / Complete
Implement Eduroam / Complete
Purchase a ‘Bradford Campus’ type product / On-going
Enable wireless in classrooms / Complete
2. Promote the use of laptops and other portable devices in the student body / Role of FE staff & CLAs for support
Laptop support – explore expansion of existing clinics in time & scope
Uni to define that postgrads should have computer / Complete
Uni to define that students should have computer
Explore role of suppliers
Enable IP TV in villages
Increase number of wired ports in Library / IAI RB090013 / Complete
3. Ensure all class rooms have ability to utilise PC-based media / Replace existing old stock / Complete
Obtain funding to equipment remaining rooms / Complete
Ensure network infrastructure in place in all rooms / Complete
4. Develop a system of secure storage to provide efficient back-up facilities for faculty and staff / Write tender for storage infrastructure and go to public tender / QK030018 / Complete
Get finance for SAN / Complete
Decide client for back-up and pilot / SE230026 / Complete
Piloting M Drive
Evaluate digital repositories for research data / Not required
5. Provide state of the art IT facilities for faculty and staff / Implement 10gb backbone / On Hold
Replace edge hubs/switches by 100mb switches / Complete
Integrate RISS with the Institutional Repository / SB190056 / Closed without completion due to cost restraints
6. Develop a policy for extended availability of IT services
Strategic Goals / Operational Objectives / Action / RMS Reference (if applicable) / Status
6. Existing Service Provision / 1. Maintain and Enhance Existing services / Work with SAA to better utilise and manage the Student Administration System - SI / (highest priority of President / VPA)
Enhance the Scheduling process / RD130029
RD020057 / Complete
Implement P1 to P3 priorities / Complete
Ensure that all services properly defined and have SLAs
Implement scheme for students to pay for printing electronically / RE290070 / Complete
Replace cluster PCs > 4 years old / Complete
Ensure that all service calls to Division go through ITD Service Desk (except Telephones)
Make photographic library available / Available on SHarepoint / Complete
Get better working between Graphics Design and Print production services
Investigate authentication across Universities
2. Reduce Cost of Ownership / Evaluate tools for server management ( MOM, SIM , What’s Up Gold) / RA220025
RK070028 / Complete
Implement staff back-up / RB020006
SE230026 / Rollout of M Drive
Implement remote building of cluster computers / RB010056 / Complete
Build/evaluate virtualization of servers / SI030066 / On-going
Evaluate Vista
Implement remote control of PCs for Service Desk/Engineering / QK060077 / Complete
Exploit Active Directory for groups and rights etc / Complete
Use management station to alert service outages / RK070028 / Complete to own staff.
Multicast build to student computer clusters and lecture theatre PCs / RK090001 / Ongoing
3. Enhance University Productivity / Ensure F/E staff completely familiar with opportunities offered by already deployed technology
Create Contact Points across University / QK060044 / Complete
Use Outlook Calendaring for room booking etc
Train staff and faculty in use of sharepoint and work flow / Training in place.
Evaluate group communication products
Evaluate VOIP / Using to Outreach centre
4. Implement Disaster Recovery / Create disaster recovery plan / RD130025 / Complete
Put all email servers, SI servers, Finance etc onto SAN / RK260035 / Complete
Review back-ups, retention times / QK150007
QJ260022 / Complete
Retention times agreed at 6 years. New Back-up in place
Review security controls and create security sub-committee / On-going. Committee created
Develop application to enable students to view results in event of SI failing / RA180011 / Complete
Create back-up for Core HR on surplus Alpha box / SC190004 / Complete