Cornwall Council’s


Information 2015

Cornwall Council’s Public Sector Equality Duty

Workforce Information 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2014

As a public authority the Council has specific duties under the Equality Act 2010 to publish information annually to demonstrate our compliance with the general equality duty. There is a separate duty on schools to publish this information by 6 April each year. The information that follows relates to the Council’s activities as an employer and excludes employees who work for one our “alternative service delivery” (ASD) organisations.

Employees are able to update their personal information via a self-service function on the system. Employees who are not able to directly access the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system can complete their details on a paper form which is then input confidentially onto the system.

We have encouraged employees to complete their equality information on the system in order that we can improve our understanding of the profile and characteristics of our workforce. In 2014, 32% of employees have completed their personal information in ERP, this is an increase on last year of 10%. An on-going programme to try and increase the numbers of employees inputting their details is planned for 2015/16.

Completion rates for the different characteristics vary significantly. Set out below is the completion rate against each criteria area:

Criteria / Completion Rate / Criteria / Completion Rate
Age / 100% / Gender same as birth / 32%
Sex / 100% / Sexual Orientation / 30%
Ethnicity / 81% / Caring Responsibility / 30%
Marital Status / 57% / Religion and Belief / 25%
Disability / 32%

We have communicated with our employees to explain that the information they provide is sensitive personal data covered by the Data Protection Act and will be treated in strictest confidence in accordance with the principles within the Act.

Managers are not able to access the information entered by employees. The information is utilised for monitoring, reporting and providing general support on the profile of the workforce and for the purpose of meeting our legal obligations to publish relevant workforce equalities information. The information will not be presented or reported on in a way that will allow the identification of any individual employee.

Having this data will help us make things better for our employees, it will tell us where to direct our limited resources, and we want to cater properly for our employees and get it right for them. This data allows us to improve our reporting on the impact of workforce policies, procedures and practices where these are not comprehensively monitored as yet.

As at 31 December 2014 the Council’s non-schools workforce comprised 5800 employees. This is 990 employees less than the same time last year. Full details of our workforce data are supplied below.

Cornwall Council Workforce Equalities Information 31 December 2014

Workforce breakdown by Age

Cornwall population’s has risen to 532,300 (Census 2011), an increase of 6.7% (33,233 people) since 2001 Census, 0.4% less of a rise compared to the population rise in England and Wales. Cornwall’s working age population (based on the age range 16-64) is 327,091.

The changes in Cornwall’s age structure are as would be expected. Numbers of residents in the 5-14, 30-39 and 50-59 age groups have decreased in Cornwall over the last decade. Due to younger migration and more births the numbers of residents in the 0-4, 15-29 age groups have increased, along with those aged 40-49. As with the rest of the UK, Cornwall’s population continues to grow older with increases in the 60-74, 75-84 and 85+ age groups.

Cornwall Council’s workforce data by age shows the organisation employs a cross section of age ranges throughout the organisation, compared to last year the percentage breakdown has changed slightly across the whole range.

Age Bands / Council Workforce / Cornwall by working age
16-19 Years / 0.24% / 6.71%
20-24 Years / 2.36% / 5.47%
25-29 Years / 6.71% / 4.93%
30-34 Years / 10.43% / 5.06%
35-39 Years / 11.36% / 5.34%
40-44 Years / 15.19% / 6.71%
45-49 Years / 15.71% / 7.29%
50-54 Years / 16.33% / 6.95%
55-59 Years / 13.50% / 6.67%
60-64 Years / 6.50% / 7.38%
65+ Years / 1.67% / 7.40%
Grand Total / 100.00%

Workforce breakdown by Disability

The Census data relies on people self-disclosing information. Some people may elect to declare an underlying health condition or disability, while others may not.

In the 2011 Census the total population of Cornwall was 532,300. There are 109,731 people in Cornwall aged 65 and over which represents 20.62% of the total population.

Of the total population, 53,166 people self-reported their day to day activities were limited ‘a lot’, and 60,549 said their day to day activities were ‘limited a little’ by a long term health problem or disability. The total figure for limited a little or a lot is therefore 113,715 people, or 21.36% of the total population. This is more than double the national figure of 10% of the population.

Cornwall’s population of people with a long-term limiting illness or disability is more than twice the national average (this is according to self-declaration through Census 2011).

Cornwall’s working age population (based on the age range 16-64) is 327,091. Based on this figure, the number of people who have self-reported are:

People limited a lot for reasons of health or disability = 22,002

People limited a little for reasons of health or disability = 27,627

68% of our workforce have not declared whether they have a disability. Of the 32% have declared whether they have a disability, 6.7% say they have a disability.

The completion rate for disability for 2014 has improved by 21% compared to last year.

Disability / Council’s
Workforce / Cornwall by working age declaring a disability
No / 29.91% / 84.83%
Yes / 2.16% / 15.17%
Unspecified / 67.93% / 0%
Grand Total / 100.00%
Disability Type / Council Workforce
Learning disability/difficulty / 0.34%
Long standing illness or health condition (cancer, HIV, diabetes, chronic heart disease or epilepsy) / 0.43%
Mental health condition / 0.05%
Other / 0.31%
Physical or mobility impairment / 0.57%
Sensory impairment / 0.29%
Unspecified / 98.00%
Grand Total / 100.00%

Workforce breakdown by Ethnicity/Race

The predominant ethnic group in Cornwall is ‘White’, accounting for 98.2% of the population. The population that stated they were from a non-white ethnic group was 9,425, an increase of almost 4,000 on the 2001 figure of 5,490.

Based on the 2001 Census figures, the number of the population who stated they were from a non-white ethnic group has increased in Cornwall by 1.8%, compared to the South West increase of 4.6% and England and Wales increase of 14.0%.

9.9% (52,793) of people stated Cornish as their national identity, higher than the 2001Census figure of 6.8%. A further 20,427 people stated Cornish plus another identity, making the total with some form of Cornish identity 13.8%. The Council has 17.62% of its workforce identifying as Cornish. The Council would need to employ more employees from the Asian community to be representative of Cornwall’s community.

The completion rate for ethnicity for 2014 has decreased by 9% compared to last year.

Ethnicity Group / Council’s
workforce / Cornwall by
Ethnicity Group
Asian / 0.22% / 0.65%
Black / 0.21% / 0.14%
Cornish / 17.62% / 13.8%[1]
Declined to Respond / 0.45%
Mixed / 0.24% / 0.83%
Other / 0.24% / 0.15%
White / 61.69% / 98.22%
Unspecified / 19.33%
Grand Total / 100.00%

Workforce breakdown by Gender the same as birth

When transgender people reveal their gender variance, they are exposed to a risk of discrimination, bullying and hate crime. That risk increases sharply if they make themselves publicly visible by embarking on transition to a new gender role. Thereafter, they remain highly vulnerable. There is no reliable data estimate at the current time about how many people identify as gender variant.

Current prevalence across the country may now be 20 per 100,000. Of the 10,000 peoplewho have identified as transgender, 6,000 have undergone transition. 80% were assigned as boys at birth (now trans women) and 20% as girls (now trans men). However, there is good reason to anticipate that the gender balance may eventually become more equal.

The Council’s data collection has improved slightly with more employees answering yes to this question. The actual number of employees identifying as transgender remains the same.

Gender the same as birth / Council
No / 0.03%
Yes / 31.50%
Unspecified / 68.47%
Grand Total / 100.00%

Workforce breakdown by Marriage and Civil Partnership/Marital Status

In the 2011 Census, 50% of the population were married and900 people registered in same-sex civil partnerships in Cornwall. Cornwall Council has different categories for marital status compared with the 2011 Census which makes caparison difficult.

The completion rate for marital status for 2014 has improved by 8% compared to last year.

Marital Status / Council workforce / Cornwall by Marital Status (aged over 16)
Civil Partnership / 0.26% / 0.20% (900)
Divorced / 3.10%
Divorced/Civil Partnership dissolved / 0.59% / 11.05% (47,858)
Domestic Partner / 0.47%
Legally Separated / 0.31% / 2.21% (9,582)
Living Together / 2.03%
Married / 22.52% / 0.51% (222,141)
Married/Civil partnership / 12.79%
Single / 13.17% / 28.98% (125,475)
Widowed / 0.34% / 8.40% 36,376
Withheld / 0.97%
Unspecified / 43.45%
Grand Total / 100.00%

Workforce breakdown by Religion and Belief

The main religion in Cornwall is Christian (60%), a fall from the 2001 figure, followed by No Religion (30%).

Cornwall has the 4th highest percentage of people who say they are Pagan of the 384 local authorities in England and Wales. Cornwall Council provides reflection room in at New County Hall to provide a suitable space for employees wishing to pray or have some time for reflection. This is particularly important as generally office space is open plan and provides no privacy.

The completion rate for Religion and Belief for 2014 has improved by 7% compared to last year.

Religion or Belief / Council
workforce / Cornwall by
Religion or Belief
Buddhist / 0.14% / 0.32% (1,726)
Christian / 14.03% / 59.80% (318,357)
Hindu / 0.02% / 0.10% (556)
Humanist / 0.14%
Muslim / 0.02% / 0.16% (855)
None / 10.33% / 30.30% (161,320)
Other / 0.98% / 0.67% (3,609)
Pagan / 0.24%
Unspecified / 74.10% / 8.52% (45,356)
Grand Total / 100.00%

The chart on theleft shows the breakdown of the main ‘No Religion’ and ‘Other Religions’ of Cornwall’s population.

Workforce breakdown by Sex

There are more females than males in Cornwall. Cornwall Council employs more females 65.45% than males 34.55%. The top 18 roles in the Council are predominantly held by males. Specifically, 61% are held by males, 22% by females and 17% are currently vacant.

Sex / Council
workforce / Cornwall by Sex
Female / 65.45% / 52%
Male / 34.55% / 48%
Grand Total / 100.00%

Workforce breakdown by Sexual Orientation

There is no reliable data at the current time about the numbers of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual people in the UK. However Stonewall estimate that 1.5% of the population is Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual.

The completion rate for Sexual Orientation for 2014 has improved by 9% compared to last year.

Sexual Orientation / Council
Bisexual / 0.22%
Gay man / 0.28%
Heterosexual/Straight / 28.55%
Lesbian/Gay woman / 0.36%
Other / 0.07%
Prefer not to say / 0.91%
Unspecified / 69.60%
Grand Total / 100.00%

Workforce breakdown by working full time and part-time

Cornwall has the 9th highest percentage of females working 16 to 30 hours of the 348 local authorities in England and Wales. 66.8% (259,484) of Cornwall’s working age population is economically active. Economically active means that the person is either: in employment, as an employee of self-employed, not in employment, but were seeking work and ready to start work within two weeks, or not in employment, but waiting to start a job already obtained and available. Compared to last year the Council is employing people in marginally more full-time roles.

Working pattern / Council
workforce / Cornwall by
working pattern
Full Time / 68.57% / 67.3%
Part Time / 31.43% / 32.7%
Grand Total / 100.00%

NB: The ‘Cornwall by working pattern’ percentages relates solely to employed people and therefore excludes self-employed, unemployed and full time students (either working or looking for work).

Workforce breakdown by Employees who are Carers

63,192 (11.9%) people undertook unpaid care every week in Cornwall compared to 55,580(11.3%) in 2001. This is an additional 7,612 carers. The percentage of the population in Cornwall who provided unpaid care for 50+ hours per week rose to 3% (15,856) in 2011; this is an increase of 2,737 people from 2001.

The completion rate for caring responsibility for 2014 has improved by 8% compared to last year.

Caring responsibility / Council
workforce / Cornwall by caring responsibility
No / 27.15% / 88.1%
Yes / 2.89% / 11.9%
Unspecified / 69.96%
Grand Total / 100.00%

2.89% or 171 members of our workforce have a caring responsibility as well as working either part or full time.

Provides 1-19 hours of unpaid care per week / Provides 20-49 hours of unpaid care per week / Provides 50+ hours of unpaid care per week
Cornwall / 7.3% / 1.6% / 3.0%
South West / 7.1% / 1.3% / 2.4%
England and Wales / 6.5% / 1.6% / 2.4%

Cornwall has more people providing care compared to the South West and England and Wales.


[1]9.9% (52,793) of people stated Cornish as their national identity, higher than the 2001Census figure of 6.8%. A further 20,427 people stated Cornish plus another identity, making the total with some form of Cornish identity 13.8%.