Notice of Race
Red Apple Regatta
Saturday September 2, 2017
Chautauqua Lake Yacht Club
43 E Lake Street
Lakewood, NY
1.1 The regatta will be governed by the 2017-2020 Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the prescriptions of the United States Sailing Association (US Sailing), the rules of the United States Optimist Dinghy Association (USODA), and this Notice Of Race, except as any of these are changed by the Sailing Instructions or any appendices to the Sailing Instructions.
1.2 The event host is the Chautauqua Lake Yacht Club. The event will be held at the club, 43 E Lake Street, Lakewood NY, 14750.
2. Eligibility
Each competitor shall be a member of a club that complies with IRRS 75.
Each optimist competitor in the Optimist Class must not have turned 15 before January 1, 2016
3. Classes and Events
OptimistRed white and Blue FleetNovice – Green Fleet
C420 – with spinnaker & Trap
C420 – With no spinnaker (Charters available at $25/sailor, $50/boat)
4. Sailing Program
All Racing will take place in Chautauqua Lake. Three separate courses: Optimist Green: Optimist: and Laser - 420 – C420’s.
5. Schedule and entry fees
Saturday, September 2, 20170830-0930 hrs.Registration
0930 hrs.Sailors Meeting
1030 hrs.Warning signal race # 1
1500 hrsNo Race will start after this time
Awards ceremony following as soon as possible after racing.
Entry Fees; Includes snacks on water, and a full lunch after racing and awards
$33per sailor at event or $28per sailorif registration is hand delivered or postmarked with payment by Aug 26.
6. Measurement
All boats entered in the Optimist Fleet shall comply with the measurement regulations of the USODA. This requirement will be waived for the Green Fleet.
7. Scoring
7.1 One race must be completed to constitute a regatta.
7.2 There will be a throw-out race after each 5 races that are completed.
7.3 The Low Point Scoring system will be used.
8. Awards
Red White and Blue fleet will be given separate awards down to 3rd place.
In Green fleet, participation awards will be given.
C420 and Laser will have 1st 2nd, and 3rd awards.
9. Liability
Participants compete entirely at their own risk.
The Chautauqua Lake Yacht Club and all other individuals and entities involved in the organisation of this regatta shall accept no liability whatsoever for any injury, damage or loss or claim, whether personal or material, incurred or inflicted to participants before, during or after this regatta.
Please send entry fee and registration to :
Rick &Terry Turner
105 E Terrace Lakewood, NY 14750 Cell: Rick 716 665 8673 Terry 716 397-7680