Corner Ways Surgery - Patient Participation Group Meeting 10 August 2017


Enkanah Soobadoo (Chair)

Margaret Godley

Ann Phipps

Robin Phipps

Glen Urquhart

Vivien Azzopardi


Dr. Nerina Berman

Valerie Gould (Practice Manager)

Adam Hart

Dr Barry Hurn

Sharron Lewis

Mavis Alagar

Welcome and Introduction
ES welcomed all present and explained that, despite the number of apologies received, he had decided to go ahead with the meeting for the sake of continuity. Apologies were received from Vivien Azzopardi, Dr. Berman, Valerie Gould, Adam Hart, Dr. Barry Hurn, Mavis Alagar and Sharron Lewis. / Action
Minutes from the last meeting 20/04/17
After some discussion the minutes were agreed and accepted
Matters Arising
It was noted that there wereno practice representatives present. ES explained that he had been informed that, due to the number of Doctors taking annual leave and the consequent extra workload, they were unable to attend on this occasion. The dates for the coming year were agreed.
Updates from the Chair
Integrated Care Network– ES mentioned that there was very little written about this and he would approach David Moore, Communications Manager of Bromley CCG and ask if he could identify someone to attend our next meeting (10 October) to talk about this in greater detail.
Publishing results of the Patient Satisfaction Survey 2016 - AH had approached VG with regard to putting the details of the survey on the website and on the screen in the waiting rooms. VG had referred him to Dr. Berman. (NB: The Group had also agreed that a request be made that old surveys should be removed from the website & a further survey be made in 2018/19). ES will attempt to find a way forward and will arrange to see the Practice Manager. / ES
Identifying priorities for PPG from Sept 2017 to Aug 2018
A number of topics were discussed including: NHS Choices Website – produce a flyer to advertise this facility & how to access it
  1. Improve communications - helpful information which the practice could supply i.e. complaints received, staff changes, issues the Doctors would like us to know about, incidents, challenges. Produce a newsletter issued by Doctors/PPG.
  2. Research how other PPGs operate and ask the Chairman of another local PPG to speak to us.
  3. NHS Choices Website – produce a flyer to advertise this facility & how to access it.
/ ES/Dr B
RP expressed the view that the PPG needed some input from the Doctors, and a brief written report from them would be a satisfactory alternative to them attending the meeting. If they could present such a report at the start of the meeting, it would be even better but with such a report there was no need for one of them to stay for the whole meeting. We might suggest an outline of topics if that would be helpful.
Vivien Azzopardi offered her apologies because she will be unable to attend our next meeting.
The date of the next meeting
10 October 2017 at 5pm

The Meeting closed at 6.10 pm