Chapter 2: Plot + Structure Cornell Notes Name: ______

AP Literature: Ms. Stacey Date: ______Pd: ______

To Master this Content, SWBAT:

1.  Define the term “plot”.

2.  Describe the importance of conflict in fiction.

3.  Differentiate between the protagonist and the antagonist in a story.

4.  Explore the importance of the element of surprise in fiction.

5.  Consider the difference between a happy, an unhappy, and an indeterminate ending.

6.  Review the importance of artistic unity in literary fiction.

DIRECTIONS: As you read and annotate this chapter, use this note-taking strategy as a guide. Complete this as you read, always reading one question ahead and keeping it in mind as you read—stopping when you find or think of the answer and jotting it down. NOTE! You are responsible for all information in this chapter—these questions serve to highlight the most important parts, but they do not give you permission to skip paragraphs as you “hunt” for the answers! When you see a , the answer can be found in the book. When you see a ☻, it means you have to think and respond on your own, often making an inference or offering your opinion.

Cues and Questions / Notes
What is plot? As compared with the story itself, what does the plot include and leave out? (107)
How does a writer of commercial fiction structure his/her plot? (107)
How, then, was “The Most Dangerous Game” a classic example of commercial fiction? (107)
☻Think of a book or movie you’ve read/seen that does not follow a chronological sequence or events: Explain how this different plot structure affected the story.
Perrine argues that both suspense and meaning come from a story’s conflict. What is literary conflict? What are the different types of conflict? (108)
What are the characteristics of a protagonist and an antagonist? (108)
☻ Perrine argues (109) that in literary fiction, the “hero” isn’t always a “good guy”. Think of a book/movie you’ve read/seen where the main character is not an entirely moral individual: How and why did you still root for them to come out on top?
What is literary suspense? How does suspense differ as used in commercial versus literary fiction? (109-110)
What are the two common devices used to create suspense? (110)
Why is suspense less important in literary fiction? (110-111)
What is a surprise ending? How should readers “judge the legitimacy and value” of such an ending? (111)
What is the difference between a happy and unhappy ending? (112)
☻ Think of a book or movie you’ve read/seen that did not end the way you anticipated/hoped it would:
What are two reasons an author may choose to craft an unhappy ending? (112)
Why might an author write an indeterminate ending? (113)
What is artistic unity, and why is it essential to a good story? (113)
Explain, in your own words, the plot manipulation technique known as deus ex machina? (113)
☻Is using chance or coincidence (114) in a story “sloppy” work by the author? Why or why not?
While being able to identify rising action, climax, and falling action is important, Perrine argues that we will profit more from doing what? (115)