MINUTES - Page 1 of 8
St Mary the Virgin CEP School Full Governing Body Meeting held at 6.30 pmon 25 April 2017
VENUE: St Mary the Virgin CEP School, High Street, Hartfield, East Sussex TN7 4AA
Adopted 11 July 2017
Supporting Documents sent to Governors
  1. Copy of SFVS Assessment Form completed by AP (and signed by Chair).
  2. Draft Scheme of Delegation
  3. Governor Allowances Policy (to be dated and adopted)…….
  4. Terms of Reference 2017 - 04 Standing Orders, Organisation, Skills Audit, Website Check
  1. Visit Report and Visit Protocol
  2. Draft Minutes for the FGB Meeting held on 29 March 2017
  3. Staff Survey
  4. Capacity Building Grant Application Form Revised Jan 17 (2)
  5. Governing Body meet 270317
  6. Governing Body meeting 22nd February
  7. Notes from MAT introduction meeting 20th March
  8. SMV CEP FGB Academy strategy
  9. Checklist for Annual Safeguarding Report to FGB

Chair: Lorna Simm
Standard Items
(b)The Chair welcomed 6Members of the Governing Body attending the meeting.
Andy Parkin (AP) , Chantal Charman (CC), Emma Maltby (EM), Juliet Stirrat (JSt), Lorna Simm (LS), and Heidi Twort (HT).
(c)The Clerk has received Apologies for Absencefrom Charlotte MacDougall (CM), Hilary Rowberry (HR), Julie Sear (JSe), and Richard Jameson (RJ)and Governors consented to them not attending the FGB meeting.
(d)The Quorum for this FGB Meetingwas5 Governors
(e)The Attendance Sheet was signed.
(f)No Changes in any Governor’s Business/Pecuniary Interestsweredeclared.
(g)No Prejudicial Interests in any Agenda Items weredeclared.
(h)Urgent Business included at Chair’s Discretion.
Governors were invited to attend the School Open Day (which had been re-scheduled to 9.30 am on 24 May 2017).
2. / B.ADMISSIONS Sep 2017
To take advantage of the healthy interest in parents wanting to send their children to the school (16 had placed the school as their 1st Choice), it was proposed that the school be allowed to exceed its PAN (Pupil Admissions Number) of 20 in September 2017.
Decision: It was agreed that the school intake for 2017/2018 could go up to 30 pupils. / Decision
It was agreed that the Governors Fund would be used to pay the £80 cost of a Banner for the School Open Day(s). / Decision
It was agreed that the School Fund would be used to pay the £590 cost of receiving support from the Diocese (at a cost of £500 plus £1 per pupil).. / Decision
It was noted that EM and LS will meet with Nus Ghani MP on 28 April 2017 and will share with her some of the challenges presented by the dwindling school budgets. Nus Ghani MP has pledged her support to present Wealden school’s cases in Westminster to ensure that Wealden get the funding they need when parliament resumes in June.
It was noted that the Chair appointed for 2017/2018 Academic Year would need to undertake this training (next course 21 November 2017). / Chair
It was noted that Members of the new Finance and Resources Committee would need to undertake Finance Training as soon as the Committee was formed. / Training Link Governor
It was agreed that Governors would meet the parents on the 23 May 2017 (to discuss Multi Academy Trust developments and other issues).
The Chair provided verbal feedback on the recent INSET DAY which has concentrated on Health and Wellbeing. It was noted that Governors were invited to attend a LAUGHTER WORKSHOP (part of the Wellbeing programme) on 4 May 2017.
As part of our Health and Well-being month, EM proposed that Year One children be allowed to take part in a four-week Forest School programme. The sessions would be delivered by Mrs Sanders at Sawpit Woods, Hodore Farm, Parrock Lane, Hartfield, TN7 4AR on a Tuesday morning and would initially be funded by the governing body.
It was confirmed that a growing body of research is showing that connection to the outdoors is hugely beneficial to a child’s personal, social, linguistic, educational and economic well-being and development along with the self-evident benefit of physical activity. Children can learn through direct engagement with their environment, covering activities such as scientific enquiry and art, along with numerous opportunities for maths with shape and space, counting sticks and flowers and literacy, through storytelling and other activities. For more information about Forest School and its pedagogy can be found at:
At the end of the session, teachers will walk the children back to school in time for lunch.
Decision: Governors approved a 4 week Trial (at a cost of £320) using monies from the School Fund. / Decision
(i)Draft Minutesfor the FGB Meeting held on the 29 March 2017 were circulated on the 24 April 2017. They will be reviewed and approved by EM and LS, and will beadopted by Governors at the next FGB Meeting 11 July 2017.
(j)Matters arising from the recent meetings. See Appendix for Actions discharged or still outstanding
Item / Challenges, Discussions and Decisions / Action
1. / Governance Practice reflecting School (Christian) Values was discussed and it was agreed that the Governing Body had successfully demonstrated its application of these Christian Values because:
  • Staff and Children confirmed they felt nurtured and supported.
  • Discussions about joining a MAT had looked at different options (and placed the children at the very centre of the debate).
  • The Governing Body had full faith in the Diocese supporting the school through the difficult months ahead.
  • Parents had full faith in their support of the school through the difficult months ahead.
  • The school was much better placed today (than it was 2 years ago) and was looking forward to meeting the challenges the future would bring.

Reports & Safeguarding(at every meeting)
2. / Safeguardingupdates.
(a)Checklist - Safeguarding Duty, Prevent Duty, and Single Central Record for Term 5 has been completed (and reported on) by the Safeguarding Governor.
(b)Asbestos Survey. EM will confirm whether the Certificate is "in date" (or arrange a new survey to be completed). / EM
(c)Training. Governors with outstanding training will confirm when the training has been completed.
1. / Updated 6 March 2017 / "GEL" ON LINE TRAINING and other On Line Training
e.g.. SAFEGUARDING (the role of the Governor) & PREVENT
completed by SOME GOVERNORS
The cost is £27.50 per person paid directly to the training provider
1. / Andy Parkin / 13 January 2016 Prevent Training …..
19 Jan 2016 = GEL Safeguarding / Completed 11 Dec 2015:
1. / Chantal Charman / Completed as a Member of School Staff
1. / Charlotte MacDougall / Completed as a Member of School Staff / Completed 26 June 2015
1. / Emma Maltby / Completed as a Member of School Staff / Completed 27 May 2015
1. / Heidi Twort / Needs to do Safeguarding
Needs to do Prevent
1. / Hilary Rowberry / 15 Dec 2015 = Completed Prevent
but needs to do Safeguarding / Completed8 April 2013
1. / Julie Sear (Rev.) / 9 Nov 2015 = Prevent Channel Awareness
09 Dec 2015 = Completed Prevent
1. / Juliet Stirrat / 19 January 2016 = EduCare Prevent for Governors Training completed..... / Completed 26 May 2015
1. / Justin Martin-Lawrence / NOT REQUIRED
1. / Lorna Simm / 26 Jan 2016 = Completed Prevent
but needs to do Safeguarding / Completed 26 May 2015
1. / Richard Jameson / NOT REQUIRED
3. / SIAMS
(a)SIAMS and Collective Worship Reports (by JSt and JSe) had been circulated and their recommendations had been discussed with EM. It was noted that there was much going on at this time (with the new curriculum being the main challenge).
(b)Many recommendations had already been addressed. The children were being challenged to provide examples of Love, Strength, and Faith in the school, and further recommendations would be addressed over the forthcoming weeks.
(c)Governors were invited to comment on Question 1 of the SIAMS Toolkit (which had been completed and distributed at the meeting).
(d)It was noted that the Diocesan SIAMS Team would be visiting the school on 2 May 2017 (with a full inspection expected on/around the 12 May 2017). It was agreed that JSt, JSe, LS, HR, and CC would make themselves available to come into school on the day(s) of the visits.
4. / Partnership Working.
The following documents had been circulated and were discussed:-
  • Notes on the Governing Body workshop held 22 February 2017
  • Notes from the MAT introduction workshop held 20 March 2017
  • Notes on the Governing Body workshop held 27 March 2017
  • St Mary the Virgin CEP School - FGB Academy strategy

It was agreed that the next MAT Workshop would be held at 7 pm on 23 May 2017.
This was subsequently cancelled and an Extraordinary Governors Meeting (to develop partnerships with other schools) was convened for 6.30 pm on the 3 May 2017.
5. / Budget Monitoring
(a)It was confirmed there were no Virements/Write Offs to be approved at this time.
(b)2016/2017 Budget Out-Turn
£398,958 ….. Budget Share for the 2016/2017 Financial Year
£ 29,023 …. Carried Forwardfrom 2015/2016 Financial Year
£ 61,711 ….. Other Income
£480,692 ….. Total Revenue for 2016/2017 Financial Year
£473,301 …… Total Expenditure for 2016/2017 Financial Year
£ 7,392 ……. Carried Forward (1.9% of Budget Share)
£ 5,217 …….. Licensed Deficit
£ 12,609 …. Total Carried forward to 2017/2018 Financial Year
(c)The Budget for 2017/2018 Financial Year was discussed and it was agreed that AP would delve further regarding the following points:
  • To confirm the better use of resources by employing TAs rather than Supply Teachers
  • To confirm that Caretaker Costs were actually Nil when Legionella Testing (currently at £100 pm) would be carried out by a Caretaker (at £1,312 pa).
  • The school had a very high Water Bill (which covered both the school and the school house. How could this be reduced?
/ Action
(d)The Budgets for 2017/2018, 2018/2019, and 2019/2020 Financial Years were approved and adopted in the sums of ……
1. / Financial Year / 2017/2018 / 2018/2019 / 2019/2020
1. / Budget Share / £402,856 / £439,598 / £438,723
1. / Carried Forward / £12,609 / - £19,877 / - £5,896
1. / Other Income / £38,669 / £38,669 / £38,669
1. / Total Revenue / £454,134 / £458,390 / £471,496
2. / Total Expenditure / £474,012 / 464,286 / £470,986
1. / Total Carried Forward to next Year / - £19,877 / - £5,896 / £511
2. / % of Budget Share / - 4.9 % / - 1.3 % / + 0.1 %
(e)It was agreed that the school would apply for a Licensed Deficit to cover the 2017/2018 Financial Year. / Decision
6. / Available Capital Funds/DFCremainedunchanged at £12,634
7. / AP confirmed available Governors Funds currently stand at £3,900 (after allowing for commitments noted at the this and the last meeting, Able Writers’ Day, ESCC Services to Governors 2017/18 , PGL trip remissions, and one month’s extra income).
8. / School Financial Value StandardTerm 5 (Apr/May) …. As circulated with Agenda.
(a)BenchmarkIncome, Expenditure, and Results against similar schools will be reported at the next FGB meeting. / Action
(b)Asset Registerto be monitored. Outcome will be reported at the next FGB meeting. / Action
(c)Financial Competence Matrix for Governors will be provided by the Clerk and completed by Chair of Governors, Chair of Finance Committee, Bursar and Headteacher. / Action
Clerk, LS, AP, and EM
(d)It was confirmed the Financial Risk and Control R52 Checklistwas not required. / Decision
(e)It was confirmed theLocal Financial Proceduresdocument had been approved
(f)Statement of Internal Controlswould be agreed and signed off by the Chair. / Action
(g)Governors Fund Constitution.Details had been circulated with Agenda. Notable changes to Guidance for the Hon. Treasurer (as detailed below) were approved.
  • Item 9 New wording “Two signatures would be required on cheques over £1000” (£5000 is far too much for one signatory)
  • Item 10 Amend figure to £1000
  • Item 11 Amend figure to £1000
  • If the £1000 figure is agreed then I’ll amend the bank mandate.
  • Item 12 is not reflected in practice. In most cases agreements to disbursements of funds is noted retrospectively. We need to discuss whether to amend the constitution in respect of this item.
/ Decision
(h)School Fund - Constitution. AP and EM would reviewed and adopt the Constitution (effective 31 July 2017). / Action
AP and EM
9. / It was agreed that Governors would each complete a Skills Audit and Competency Framework (which would then be discussed at the next FGB Meeting. / FGB
10. / Premises Management.Premises Maintenance Checklist with "in house" Health & Safety Review. It was agreed thatEM will arrange for Andrew Dumsday to undertake a Premises Maintenance Checklist and "In House Health & Safety Review" (with Headteacher or Caretaker). Diocese would also be asked to complete a Building Survey to establish the state of the fabric of school. Estimated costs for any items flagged up as Urgent would then be provided so that, if appropriate, an approach could be made to Diocese to fund the necessary work. / EM and AD
11. / It was confirmed that, in Term 5, the Clerk will complete a full ESCC Checklist of School Information published on the Website. Acompleted return will be sent to the Chair (who will forward a final return to Governor Services by the 31 May each year. It was agreed that the Clerk would send a copy of the Full Checklist to EM and LS.
12. / Year 6 Leavers - Farewell Gifts. Governors agreedthat the school (please confirm whether the School Fund or Governors Fund will provide the money) will spend up to £500 on Bibles for Year 2, Bibles for Year 6, Memory Books for Year 6, and Prizes for each Year Group. / Decision
13. / Celebrations. The following points were noted as celebrating the positive impact of the Governing Body:
(a)Governance Practice reflected School (Christian) Values
(b)Successful Impact of the Governing Body in raising standards and attainment over the past 3 years.
(c)Reception Class in September 2017 will, for the first time in many years, have over 20 children
(d)A positive Staff Survey.
Clerk’s Corner
14. / Meeting Finished = 9.15 pm
15. / Date of Next Meeting = 11 July 2017

Matters Arising from This and Previous Meetings

No. / Term/Date / Action Items arising from discussions at Meetings / Action (Owner)
1 / 25-Apr-17 / Asbestos Survey. EM will confirm whether the Certificate is "in date" (or arrange a new survey to be completed). / Emma Maltby ….. ONGOING
2 / 25-Apr-17 / Asset Register to be monitored. Outcome will be reported at the next FGB meeting / Action - AP
3 / 25-Apr-17 / Benchmark Income, Expenditure, and Results against similar schools will be reported at the next FGB meeting. / Action - EM
4 / 25-Apr-17 / BUDGET for 2017/2018 AP would delve further regarding the following points (a) • To confirm the better use of resources by employing TAs rather than Supply Teachers (b) To confirm that Caretaker Costs were actually Nil when Legionella Testing (currently at £100 pm) would be carried out by a Caretaker (at £1,312 pa) and (c) The school had a very high Water Bill (which covered both the school and the school house. How could this be reduced? / Action - AP
5 / 09-Feb-17 / Collective Worship Report. SIAMS Report – visit to the school on Wednesday 22 March 2017 circulated to Governors along with COLLECTIVE WORSHIP REPORT for April 2017. DISCHARGED. / Juliet Sear ….DISCHARGED
6 / 09-Feb-17 / Continuity/Succession Planning.. 9 Feb 2017 = EM reported that she is working on a Succession Plan and Governors agreed to review who will deputise in the absence of any significant post holder. 29 Mar 2017 UPDATE = ONGOING (to be discussed at the next FGB Meeting).... 25 Apr 2017 UPDATE = …… ONGOING . / Action FGB …. ONGOING
7 / 15-Apr-17 / Educational Visits and Off Site Activities requiring an Overnight Stay in the Next Academic Year.Leave this until the next meeting please? I doubt the school will be making a proposal on this until after this year’s trip (Chair)...... / Action FGB …. ONGOING
8 / 29-Mar-17 / Emergency Call-Out Procedure.AP will check to see if tyhe Cleaning Company (or other Cleaning Suppliers) can help. Rather than have someone attend with EM whenever the Alams sounjd, the intention is to negate the need for EM to attend the Alarm in the first place. ONGOING ..... / Andy Parkin …. ONGOING
9 / 25-Apr-17 / Financial Competence Matrix for Governors will be provided by the Clerk and completed by Chair of Governors, Chair of Finance Committee, Bursar and Headteacher / Action
Clerk, LS, AP, and EM
10 / 09-Feb-17 / Governing Body Structure, committees, and meeting frequency would be discussed at the next FGB Meeting. …….. 29 Mar 2017 UPDATE = It was agreed that the current structure and meeting frequency did not work and was not effective. After due deliberation, it was decided that fine details of the following structure would be agreed at the next FGB Meeting:
• 1 x Finance and Resources Committee which would meet in Term 1, Term 3, and Term 5. Membership, Terms of Reference, and Meeting Dates/Times to be finalised at the FGB Meeting on 11 July 2017.
• 1 x Teaching & Learning Committee which would meet in Term 2, Term 4, and Term 6. Membership, Terms of Reference, and Meeting Dates/Times to be finalised at the FGB Meeting on 11 July 2017.
• 1 x Policies Working Party. Membership to be finalised at the FGB Meeting on 11 July 2017.
• 1 x Full Governing Body which would meet 3 times a Year. Meeting Dates/Times to be finalised at the FGB Meeting on 11 July 2017.
FGB to decide
25 Apr 2017 UPDATE = To be addressed at the July FGB Meeting ..... / FGB to decide ….. ONGOING
11 / 08-Dec-16 / Governor Vacancies. Action: AP to check progress on recruitment of the Local Authority Governor with LS. Further thought to be given to wider use of Associate Members. 25 Apr 2017 UPDATE = ONGOING / Andy Parkin …. ONGOING
12 / 08-Dec-16 / Health and Safety. The retaining wall was a major issue and would be addressed as a matter of urgency. 25 Apr 2017 UPDATE = ONGOING ..... 11 JULY 2017 UPDATE = ...... / Emma Maltby and Andy Parkin ….. ONGOING
13 / 29-Mar-17 / Information Technology. It was agreed that LS would approach Justin Martin-Lawrence and ask him to review the school’s IT provision. …….. 25 Apr 2017 E = ONGOING ..... / Lorna Simm …. ONGOING
14 / 25-Apr-17 / Minutes. Draft Minutes for the FGB Meeting held on the 29 March 2017 were circulated on the 24 April 2017. They will be reviewed and approved by EM and LS, and will be adopted by Governors at the next FGB Meeting 11 July 2017. / Emma Maltby and Lorna Simm ….. ONGOING
15 / 09-Feb-17 / Policies & Procedures. AP and JSt were engaged in a full review of required Policies and Procedures. Statutory Policies in need of a review = (1) Child Protection and Safeguarding and (2) Whistleblowing ….. Urgent attention is required on (3) EYFS (4) Staff Discipline, Conduct and Grievance (5) Freedom of Information (6) Data Protection (7) Accessibility Plan (8) Governors' Allowances (9) Home School Agreement (10) Premises Management and (11) Instrument of Government.It was noted that the Governors Allowances Policy was "In Hand" with AP and that the Clerk held the Master Copy of the current Instrument of Government.11 JULY 2017 UPDATE ...... will be final report AP and JSt / Andy Parkin and Juliet Stirrat …. ONGOING