Chapter 1: Amplify Your Attitude / Time: 90 Minutes
Within this lesson the students will be utilizing the following skills:
- Organization
- Self-Evaluation
- Visualization
- Positive Thinking
Objectives / Upon successful completion, students will be able to:
[a] Understand the importance of keeping a positive outlook.
[b] How to develop and sustain a positive attitude.
[c] Visualize and action plan to success.
Supplies /
- Copies of Chapter 1 Amplify Your Attitude
- Board/projection tool (to write and display notes for the entire class to see)
- Glass half filled with water
- Lined paper
- Pencils/pens
- Journals for each student
Lesson Procedure
{10 Minutes} /
- To begin the lesson, the students will be shown a glass that is prefilled with water. The teacher will then turn to the students and ask them what do they see? Is the cup filled up half way or is it half empty?
- Allow the students to give suggestions and when they have given a positive and negative one, referencing that it is either empty or full, you begin to discuss that perspective changes your view on the glass. Explain, that the individual’s attitude could shape the way in which we see the cup with water. For an individual thirsty the glass is half full, but for an individual who does not care for water will see it as half empty and not appreciate the water itself.
- Emphasize that the attitude we have for our life and our environment shapes the way we go about our lives.
{60 Minutes} /
- Introduce the lesson to the class and discuss that the class will be not just explaining how a positive outlook can change the way in which you live your life.
- Have the students turn to their partners and discuss how being positive can be helpful when trying to be successful in school.
- Once the students have discussed the topic with their partners, have the students return to a whole group discussion. The students will volunteer examples of how being positive will help them in school.
- On the board or projection tool list their examples and highlight essential words that exemplify a successful outcome; motivated, high self-esteem, happiness, effective.
- Take the time to read the statements that are found in Chapter 1 on page 23 under the section “How Optimism Leads to Academic Success”. Discuss what the statements are attempting to say.
- After discussing how Optimism leads to success, move on to discussing how one develops a winning attitude to create this academic success.
- As a class review the “11 Simple Ways to Develop a Winning Attitude” on page 23-24.
- Have the students break into groups of four and have each group come up with a personal way they can develop a winning attitude.
- Once the groups have each come up with a personal way they can develop a winning attitude have the students write theirs as a list on chart paper and have it displayed in the classroom as a reminder to keep positive attitudes.
- Once the students have discussed and displayed their methods, have the students go back to their seats and as individuals, have them close their eyes and take a minute for reflection. Have the students close their eyes and guide them students through a thought process that allows them to visualize a success that they would want in their lives.
- As a class ask for volunteers to discuss what they visualized and as a class have a discussion about how they can go about thinking positive and reaching their goals.
{20 Minutes} / Take out the glass of water and place it in front of the class. Pose a question to the students and have them complete a quick write on the topic.
- Remind the students that life and being successful rests heavily on the attitude you approach it with.
- Ask the students to think back to a moment in their life where they felt they could have been more positive.
- Give the students the following Journal Prompt:
Once students have taken time to reflect, ask for volunteers to share their experience and plan to have a positive attitude in their lives.
Read and Review Chapter 1: Amplify Your Attitude
Have students create a list of five obstacles they are facing currently in their lives. Once the list is complete have them rewrite the obstacle into a question that attempts to bring resolution, and finally describe how this will contribute to their future successes.
Example: (Problem) My Math scores are falling. (Question) What can I do to better understand my homework? Or Who can I ask to help me study for my Math test? (Description) If I find a way to be successful in math I will not only be happy but I will learn a skill I will need in the future for college, a job, and to take care of my own finances in the future.
Follow-Up /
- On a weekly basis have the students write or discuss as a class, one success they had. Have them describe what helped them be successful.
- Have students create posters that contain positive affirmations and place them around the classroom. Change them out monthly.
- Have the students role play different events in their life that they hope to experience, for example; graduating, receiving an award, becoming a teacher etc.