Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Music / 8:00-8:30 / 8:00-8:30 / 8:00-8:30 / 8:00-8:30 / 8:00-8:30
Chorus / 4th Grade
(Mrs. Jacob)
Year Long / 5th Grade
(Mrs. Jacob)
Year Long
Robotics / 1st-2nd
(Mrs. Shaw)
Oct. 12-Nov. 20 and then resume Jan. 11- Feb. 20. / 3rd-5th
(Mrs. Shaw)
Oct. 12-Nov. 20 and then resume Jan. 11- Feb. 20.
(students have already registered) / 3rd-5th
Year Long
Cooking / K-2
(Mrs. Brown)
Oct 12-Nov. 17 and then resumes
Feb. 2 –March 8
Battle Books / 2nd -5th
(Ms. Salerno)
Oct. 12- March 14
Sports / 3rd-5th
(Coach Meiser)
Oct. 12-Nov. 17 / K-2nd
(Coach Meiser)
Oct. 12-Nov. 17
Production / 4th-5th
(Mr. Willett)
Nov. 4th
Year Long
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
School Newspaper / 3rd-5th
Nov. 3rd
(Ms. Boyd)
Year Long
Spelling / K-5th
(Ms. Salerno)
Oct. 26th –February 16
Spanish / K-3
(Ms. Guadelope)
Garden / K-5
(Mrs. Harrison)
Starting Oct. 23
Math Enrichment / 2:45-3:45
2nd-5th Grade
(Ms. Boyd) / 2:45-3:45
2nd-5th Grade
(Ms. Boyd) / 2:45-3:45
2nd-5th Grade
(Ms. Boyd)

Robotics: $125 per student for a 12 week program. Involves computer programing and building Lego robots.

STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math hands on activities. Emphasis on problem solving and team work.

Cooking Club: Work as a team while learning basic cooking techniques.

Battle Books: Participate in books clubs featuring the States Sunshine Reading Books. Students will work in teams to prepare

for the School and District Battle of the Books Contest.

Sports: Join our Coaches in an after school sports camp. Starting with basketball and then soccer, flag football, and track and

field. Learning skills and lots of actual game time.

Production Club: Work as a team and learn how to write and produce music videos, commercials, and movies with the goal to

WIN District production awards.

School Newspaper Club: Learn how to be a reporter and journalist and work as a team to develop the first ever KHEMS


Spelling Club: Learn tricks of good spellers, meanings of interesting words, and learn how to compete in Spelling Bees.

Spanish Cub: Have fun learning the basics of the Spanish Language.

Garden Club: Participate in planting and maintaining our school gardens.

Math Enrichment: Work in teams to solve Math Problems that will progressively get more difficult as the year progresses.

Kings Highway

Clearwater, Florida

(727) 223-8949

Garyn Boyd, Principal ()

Tekoa Moses, Assistant Principal ()

Student Name:______Date:______

I have reviewed the CLUB SCHEDULE and I give my student permission to participate in the

following after school clubs:

1. ______

2. ______


All of our clubs have a limited number of student slots. Students will be assigned in clubs based

on the order in which this permission slip is received.

I agree to pick my child up in the car circle at the end of the club. The club times are on the attached

schedule. Students who want to attend a club that doesn’t start until 3:45 will participate in iPad

sessions from the end of school until the club starts.

Parent Name:______

Parent Signature:______

Phone Number:______

Name of the person who will be picking your child up at the car circle:______

Phone Number:______