Conference on the Psycho/Social/Spiritual Dimensions of Aging:
Caring for the Invisible Majority
Broadmoor Community Church, Colorado Springs
8:30 am-3 pm ~ September 17, 2016
8:30-9:00Gathering and Continental Breakfast (Provided)
9:00-9:30Invocation, Welcome and Introduction to the Day’s Activities
9:30-11:00Keynote Speakers:
The Psycho/Social/Spiritual Dimensions ofAging
Sara Honn Qualls, PhD, Director, Aging and Gerontology Centers, UCCS
Elder Abuse and Mandatory Reporting Requirements
Sheri Gibson, PhD, Instructor and Faculty Affiliate, Gerontology Center, UCCS
11:15-12:15Breakout sessions I and II (pick one)
- Spiritual Care and End-of-Life Conversations
Martha Barton, President and CEO, Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care
II. Panel: Creating Health Ministries for Seniors
Irma Crepps, RN,Co-creator of “Aging Gracefully” Educational Series: Presenting Forums on Aging Issues and Resources
Lesli Weaver, RN, First Congregational Church: The Role of the Congregational Nurse
Kathy Sparnins, Grief Educator: Compassionate Care and Volunteer Ministry
12:15-1:15LUNCH (Provided)
1:15-2:15Breakout sessions III and IV (pick one)
III. Caring for Family Caregivers
Kent Mathews, MSW, Family Support Center, PPACG-Area Agency on Aging
- Facilitated Open Pastoral Roundtable.My Congregation: Changing Demographics, Assessing Needs and Resources, Multigenerational Faith Formation. RoMa Johnson, MA, MDiv, Facilitator
2:15-3:00Wrap Up and Closing
The Southeastern Association would like to thank the Broadmoor Community Church and RoMa Johnson, Conference Coordinator. We are grateful for the opportunity to offer a professional and much needed conference to pastors and lay participants.
Sara Honn Qualls, Ph.D., ABPP
Kraemer Family Professor of Aging Studies and Professor of Psychology, UCCS
Director, Aging and Gerontology Centers
Faculty Director, Lane Center for Academic Health Sciences
Sheri C. Gibson, PhD
Instructor and Faculty Affiliate, Gerontology Center, UCCS
Director of Behavioral Health Services, Rocky Mountain Healthcare Services - PACE
Martha M. Barton
President & CEO
Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care
Kent Mathews, MSW, Family Support Center, Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments-Area Agency on Aging
Irma Crepps, RN, former Parish Nurse, Grace & St Stephens Church, Co-creator of the “Aging Gracefully Series.”
Lesli Weaver, RN, Congregational Nurse, First Congregational Church, UCC, Colorado Springs
Kathy Sparnins, Grief Educator with Hospice, Stephen Ministry Leader, Co-Producer of the film “Voices of Grief…Honoring the Sacred Journey”
RoMa Johnson, MA, MDiv, Professional Advancement Certificate in Gerontology, Conference Coordinator
To Register, please RSVP to Donna Bristow:
Registration fee: $25, includes continental breakfast and lunch. Payable at the door.