Conversion to Innovation & Educator Empowerment Grant Application

Application Instructions

  • Complete sections I-III.
  • Attach your resume and the resumes of your leadership team members.
  • Applications and supporting documents are due byAugust 21, 2016.

I.Personal and Professional Background

First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Years serving as principal at current school
Overall years serving as a principal
Office Phone
Cell Phone
Email Address

II.Open-Ended Questions

Describe your reasoning for converting your school(s) to Innovation Network School status. How will this conversion lead to positive outcomes for your students?

Provide an explanation of how you have engaged your school staff and parents/families prior to submission of this application. If possible, demonstrate evidence of their support.

Describeyour current school(s)’ mission, vision, and model. Do you expect substantive changes should your school convert to Innovation School status?

Provide presentation of your school(s)’s data and a narrative of 1) significantly advancing student achievement, 2) the results you have achieved at your school(s), and 3) your continued goals for student growth and performance. Please use a range of quantitative measures, including the most recently released data.

Provide a summary as to why you and your leadership team are uniquely positioned to lead high-performing, autonomous school(s). Strong answers will include evidence that the applicant has achieved significant results in prior professional roles.

Please explain how you will use your planning time to further develop and launch your Innovation Network School. Be sure to address the following questions in your answer.

  • In what areas will you need additional support?
  • What are your greatest weaknesses, and how will you compensate for them?
  • What do you anticipate as your greatest challenges to converting?

Describe your governance structure as an Innovation School. Items to consider in your answer include:

  • The organizational structure of your leadership team, particularly if you plan to convert multiple schools.
  • What roles that currently do not exist within your school will need to be added upon conversion.
  • What will your role be in leading your school, specifically with regard to the academic and operational duties? What roles will you delegate to others?
  • Whether you have plans to replicate your model into additional schools and what effect, if any, this will have on your governance structure.

III. Budget

Attach a budget detailing how you plan to use the $125,000 planning grant to launch your Innovation Network School(s). Note that at least $20,000 should be devoted to legal fees for creation of a 501(c)(3).

IV.Next Steps

You will be notified about specific next steps within five business days of the application deadline.

Step / Date
Information session / May 9, 2016
Application opens / May 16, 2016
Application deadline / August 21, 2016
IPS interviews / August 31-September 2, 2016
TMT interviews (if applying for $125,000 grant) / September 7-9, 2016
Final Selection Committee interview / September 14-16, 2016
Selections Announced / October, 2016

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