Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species

of Wild Animals

Format for reports of Parties on implementation of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species

of Wild Animals (revision of June 2003)

Reporting format agreed by the Standing Committee at its 26th Meeting (Bonn, June 2003) for mandatory use by Parties, for reports submitted to the Eighth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP8) (Nairobi, 2005).

The questions below combine elements of Resolution 4.1 (Party Reports) adopted by the Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (Nairobi, June 1994) and Resolution 6.4 (Strategic Plan for the Convention on Migratory Species 2000-2005), adopted by the Sixth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (Cape Town, November 1999), as well as commitments arising from other operational Resolutions and Recommendations of the Conference of the Parties.

Please refer to the separate instructions on completing the report. Parties are encouraged to respond to all questions, since it cannot be assumed that the absence of a response indicates that no activities taken have place in the current reporting period. Parties are also requested to provide comprehensive answers, including, where appropriate, a summary of activities, information on factors limiting action and details of any assistance required.

Which agency has been primarily responsible for the preparation of this report? #
Ministry of the Environment of the SlovakRepublic
List any other agencies that have provided input: #
State Nature Conservancy of the SlovakRepublic

I(a).General Information

Please complete any unfilled boxes and amend and/or update as appropriate the information provided in the table below:

Reports submitted: / 2005
Period covered by this report: / 2002 - 2004
Date of entry into force of the Convention in Slovakia: / March 1, 1995
Territory to which the Convention applies: / SlovakRepublic
Reservations (against species listings): / None
Designated Focal Point:
Mr. Peter Pilinský
Ministry of the Environment of the SlovakRepublic
Dept. of Nature and Landscape Protection
Nám. L. Štúra 1
812 35 Bratislava
Tel.: (+421 2) 59 56 21 89
Fax: (+421 2) 59 56 25 33
E-mail: / Appointment to the Scientific Council:
Dr. Marcel Uhrín
National Park Muránska Planina Administration
Janka Král'a 12
05001 Revúca
Tel.: (+421 58) 442 2061
Fax: (+421 58) 441 6119
Alternate member:
Ing. Ján Topercer
Botanic Garden
Detached Unit
03815 Blatnica 315
Tel.: (+421 43) 494 82 13
Fax: (+421 43) 494 82 13
Membership of the Standing Committee: / Not applicable
Competent authority: / Ministry of the Environment of the SlovakRepublic (nature conservation)
Ministry of Agriculture of the SlovakRepublic (hunting)
Implementing legislation: / Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 543/2002 on Nature and Landscape Protection as amended by later acts
Regulation of Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic No. 23/2003 by which is executed the Act No. 543/2002
Act No. 23/62 on hunting as amended by later acts
Regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture No. 59/67
Regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture No. 172/75 on protection, timing, ways and conditions of hunting of some animal species as amended by later regulation
Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 364/2004 on water
Regulation of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic no. 100/2005 concerning the details how to deal with dangerous matters
Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 261/2002 on prevention of weighty industrial accident
Other relevant conventions/agreements (apart from CMS) to which Slovakia is a Party: / Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitats 1971 (“Ramsar Convention”)
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats 1979 (“Bern Convention”)
Convention on Biological Diversity 1992 (CBD)
National policy instruments (e.g. national biodiversity conservation strategy, etc.): / National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (NBCS)
Action Plan for implementation of NBCS ( 2003 – 2010)
National Environmental Action plan II
National strategy for sustainable development
Ramsar Strategic Plan for 2003 - 2007
Great Bustard MoU: Signatory Non-signatory
National Contact Point
State Nature Conservancy of the SlovakRepublic / Name: Mgr. Michal Adamec
State Nature Conservancy of the SlovakRepublic
Lazovná 10
974 00 Banská Bystrica
Tel.: (+421 48) 47 136 22
Fax: (+421 48) 41 538 66
EUROBATS: Party Signed but not yet entered force Non-party
Competent authority: Ministry of the Environment of the SlovacRepublic
Name: Mr. Peter Pilinský
Ministry of the Environment of the SlovacRepublic
Dept. of Nature and Landscape Protection
Nám. L. Stúra 1
812 35 Bratislava
Tel.: (+421 2) 59 56 21 89
Fax: (+421 2) 59 56 25 33
E-mail: / Appointed member of the Advisory Committee
Name: Mgr. Ľubomíra Vavrová
State Nature Conservancy of the SlovakRepublic
Lazovná 10
974 00 Banská Bystrica
Tel.: (+421 48) 47 136 22
Fax: (+421 48) 41 538 66
Membership of other committees or working groups:
AEWA: Party Signed but not yet entered force Non-party
Administrative Authority
Name: Mgr. Peter Pilinský
Ministry of the Environment of the SlovakRepublic
Dept. of Nature and Landscape Protection
Nám. L. Stúra 1
812 35 Bratislava
Tel.: (+421 2) 59 56 21 89
Fax: (+421 2) 59 56 25 33
Administrative Authority for huntable species
Ministry of the Agriculture of the SlovakRepublic
Division for Forestry
Dobrovicova 12
812 66 Bratislava 1
Tel.: (+421 2) 59 26 65 14
Fax: (+421 2) 59 26 65 11 / Appointed member of the Technical Committee
Name: Mgr. Michal Adamec
State Nature Conservancy of the SlovakRepublic
Lazovná 10
P.O.Box 5
974 01 Banská Bystrica
Tel.: (+421 48) 47 136 22
Fax: (+421 48) 41 538 66
Membership of other committees or working groups:

I(b). Additional General Information

1 / Which other government departments are involved in activities/initiatives for the conservation of migratory species in your country? (Please list.)
the Ministry of Agriculture of the SlovakRepublic
1a / If more than one government department is involved, describe the interaction/relationship between these government departments:
the Ministry of Agriculture of the SlovakRepublic is in charge of legislation, management of hunting
2 / List the main non-governmental organizations actively involved in initiatives for the conservation of migratory species in your country, and describe their involvement:
Raptor Protection of Slovakia (RPS) is NGO whose goals are:
research and conservation of birds of prey and owls in Slovakia; to organize people involved in research and conservation activities; to promote conservation of raptors in public, to provide consulting and organize activities concerning research and conservation.
RPS especially concentrates on monitoring of the breeding occurrence of the most endangered species, identification of the factors that are a treat to these species, protection of nesting sites and other. Special attention is given to the problem of electrocution of birds on electric poles of 22 kV power lines.
Society for Protection of Birds in Slovakia (SOVS)is NGO which participates in:
research concerning the ecology and population trends of endangered bird species and their habitats; restoration of habitats suitable for endangered species, reparation and undertaking of awareness campaigns for the specific groups of stake-holders (hunters, land owners); environmental education at schools.
Slovak Bat Conservation Group (SON) is non-governmental organization focused on protection and research of bats and their habitats in Slovakia. It was established in 1993 and has around 30 professional and amateur bat workers.
Main part of conservation activities is installing and reconstruction of cave and mine entrances and cleaning of roof attics. Members read lectures about the bats at universities and schools. The European Bat Night is annually organized (EUROBATS).
3 / Describe any involvement of the private sector in the conservation of migratory species in your country:
No records
4 / Note any interactions between these sectors in the conservation of migratory species in your country:
No records

II.Appendix I species


1.1General questions on Appendix I bird species

1 / Identify the Ministry, agency/department, or organisation responsible for leading actions relating to Appendix I bird species: #
Ministry of the Environment of the SlovakRepublic, Division of Nature and Landscape Protection
2 / Is the taking of all Appendix I bird species prohibited by the national implementing Yes No
legislation cited in Table I(a) (General Information)?
If other legislation is relevant, please provide details: #
2a / If the taking of Appendix I bird species is prohibited by law, have any exceptions Yes No
been granted to the prohibition?
If Yes, please provide details (Include the date on which the exception was notified to the CMS Secretariat pursuant to CMS Article III(7)):
3 / Identify any obstacles to migration that exist in relation to Appendix I bird species: #
The construction of wind farms and high-voltage powerlines seem to be the possible obstacle in migration.
3a / What actions are being undertaken to overcome these obstacles? #
The construction of wind farms and high-voltage powerlines must undergo the EIA process .
3b / What assistance, if any, does your country require in order to overcome these obstacles? #
4 / What actions have been taken to prevent, reduce or control factors that are endangering or are likely to further endanger bird species, including strictly controlling the introduction of, or controlling or eliminating, already introduced exotic species (Article III(4)(c))? #
Slovakia has adopted the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 543/2002 on Nature and Landscape Protection as amended by later acts where strict prohibition of introduction and elimination of non-native species is stated.
4a / Describe any factors that may limit action being taken in this regard: #
4b / What assistance, if any, does your country require to overcome these factors? #

1.2 Questions on specific Appendix I bird species

The following section contains a table for each Appendix I bird species for which your country is considered to be a RangeState. Please complete each table as appropriate, providing information in summary form. Where appropriate, please cross-reference to information already provided in national reports that have been submitted under other conventions (e.g. Convention on Biological Diversity, Ramsar Convention, CITES). (Attach annexes as necessary.)

Species Haliaeetus albicilla – Common Name(s) White-tailed Eagle
1 / Is your country a RangeState for this species? Yes No
2 / Please provide published distribution reference: #
Bohuš, M., Lengyel, J., Váczi, M., 2002: Správa o prvom sčítaní zimujúcich orliakov morských (Haliaeetus albicilla /L./) v úseku Dunaja Devín - Štúrovo/Esztergom.[The report from first census of wintering White-tailed Eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla /L./) in Danuber river section Devin – Sturovo/Esztergom] Chránené územia Slovenska, 53: 14.
Bohuš, M., Lengyel, J., Váczi, M., 2003: Druhé sčítanie orliakov morských v úseku Dunaja: Devín - Štúrovo/Ostrihom. .[The second census of White-tailed Eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla /L./) in the DanuberRiver section Devin – Sturovo/Ostrihom] Chránené územia Slovenska, 58: 25 – 26.
Danko, Š., Darolová, A. & Krištín, A. 2002 eds.: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, Bratislava, 688 pp.
3 / Summarise information on population size, trends and distribution (if known): #
55 – 60 wintering specimens (45 specimens on the Danube in 2002), increasing population trend, most abundant along the Danube, since 1999 they have bred here. In 2002 there are 4 breeding pairs along the Danube, 1 breeding pair in Vihorlat Mts., other 2 possible breeding pairs are near Oravska water reservoir and the LatoricaRiver. Breeding is being regularly monitored. During spring migration few specimens occurred on Liptovska Mara (3-4 specimens) water reservoir and the Oravska water reservoir (8-11).
Within the period 1998-2001 – breeding of 3 pairs on the Danube has been recorded in 2001, 2 breeding were not successful due to disturbance by forestry activities and illegal video shooting. Further possible breeding of 1 pair near Oravska water reservoir and 1 pair near the LatoricaRiver, has been recorded. There were 40-50 wintering specimens (30-40) along Danube.
During winter ccounting along the Danube organized by „Dunaj“, Slovak Union of Landscape and Nature Rrotectors with the State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic Administration of the Danube Floodplains Protected Landscape Area in cooperation and Hungarian Fertő – Hanság National Park on 26th January 2002 total of 45 specimens have been recorded in section between Bratislava and Ostrihom; on 20th January 2003 total of 48 specimens have been recorded in the same region.
4 / Indicate (with an ‘X’) and briefly describe any activities that have been carried out in favour of this species in the reporting period. (Please provide the title of the project and contact details, where available.)
Mapping of occurrence, winter accounting of White-tailed Eagles along the Danube and in Norther Slovakia, project „Monitoring and protection of White-tailed Eagle in Slovakia“ – R. Trnka, J. Lengyel, J. Chavko (SNC SR), M. Bohuš (Faculty of Natural Sciences Comenius University Bratislava), J. Literak (Veterinary university, Czech republic).
Monitoring of the breeding pairs in Danube Floodplains - M. Bohuš, P. Rác (FNS Comenius University Bratislava), J. Lengyel, J. Chavko (SNC SR), winter ccounting (SNC SR - Danube Floodplains PLA, FNS CU Bratislava, Mr. Váczi Miklós - NP Fertő – Hanság, Hungary), nest watching (SNC SR – J. Chavko)
Species protection
Species restoration
Habitat protection #
Legislative protection of the habitats (designation of the Protected Range Oravska water reservoir), 2001/2002 – negotiation on assigning the 500m wide buffer zone around the nest trees for 3 breeding pairs during the breeding season
Habitat restoration #
Installation of artificial nests for White-Tailed Eagles near Oravska water reservoir in the framework of the project. Monitoring and protection of White-tailed Eagle in Slovakia“ – R. Trnka (SNC SR)
Other #
Winter auxiliary feeding of the White-Tailed Eagles on Oravska and Liptovska Mara water reservoir in the framework of the project„Monitoring and protection of White-tailed Eagle in Slovakia“ – R. Trnka, P. Majko (SNC SR)
5 / If no activities have been carried out for this species in the reporting period,what has prevented such action being taken?#
6 / Describe any future activities that are planned for this species: #
-preparation of Rescue plan (National Action Plan) for White-tailed Eagle
-Winter census on the Danube (Southern Slovakia), Oravská, Liptovská Mara, Tvrdošín, Bešeňová, Nová Bystrica water reservoirs (Northern Slovakia), Zemlínska Šírava water reservoir, Senné & Latorica Ramsar Sites (Eastern Slovakia)
-Nest watching and control of the nesting pairs along the Danube and in Northern (Oravská water reservoir) and Eastern (Vihorlat Mts.) Slovakia
-Winter auxiliary feeding of the White-tailed Eagles on the Oravská and the Liptovská Mara water reservoirs
Species Aquila clanga – Common Name(s) Greater Spotted Eagle
1 / Is your country a RangeState for this species? Yes No
2 / Please provide published distribution reference: #
Danko, Š., Darolová, A. & Krištín, A. 2002 eds.: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, Bratislava, 688 pp..
3 / Summarise information on population size, trends and distribution (if known): #
The species can be observed very rarely during the spring and autumn migration. From the last 20 years, nine occurrence data are known. Six of them from the Ramsar site Senné fishponds.
4 / Indicate (with an ‘X’) and briefly describe any activities that have been carried out in favour of this species in the reporting period. (Please provide the title of the project and contact details, where available.)
Research #
Monitoring #
State Nature Conservancy of SR and Raptor protection of Slovakia have been carrying out monitoring of all raptor species, so they also observe the occurrence of the species in Slovakia.
Species protection
Species restoration
Habitat protection #
Habitat restoration #
Other #
5 / If no activities have been carried out for this species in the reporting period,what has prevented such action being taken?#
Exclusively rare occurring species, protection is restricted only to migration period
6 / Describe any future activities that are planned for this species: #
Monitoring of migration occurrence
Species Aquila heliaca – Common Name(s) Imperial Eagle
1 / Is your country a RangeState for this species? Yes No
2 / Please provide published distribution reference: #
Danko Š. Chavko J., 2002: Orol kráľovský, s. 199-200. In: Danko, Š., Darolová, A., Krištín, A. (ed.), 2002: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku /Birds distribution in Slovakia/. VEDA, 688 pp.
3 / Summarise information on population size, trends and distribution (if known): #
The population of the Carpathian basin inhabits northern parts of Hungary and south-eastern and south-western regions of Slovakia.
The size and location of the population of breeding Imperial Eagle in Hungary and Slovakia form a compact population that has recently increased in size and range extent. It is the last remaining stronghold of the species outside the former Soviet Union.
The breeding population of the Imperial Eagle in Slovakia consists of 40 pairs
4 / Indicate (with an ‘X’) and briefly describe any activities that have been carried out in favour of this species in the reporting period. (Please provide the title of the project and contact details, where available.)
Research #
Monitoring #
Species protection
Species restoration
Habitat protection #
Habitat restoration #
Other #
In the reporting period the State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic /SNC/ in cooperation with the NGO Raptor Protection of Slovakia /RPS/ carried out regular annual monitoring of population parameters, identification of mortality factors and threats, urgent remedial activities, construction of artificial nests, insulation of electric pylons. Also population monitoring throughout Slovakia is carried out; entire population is being monitored by State Nature Conservancy of the SlovakRepublic in cooperation with Raptor Protection of Slovakia.
Guidance of the forestry activities through the negotiation on Forest Management Plans, individual actions on habitat protection are carried out.
Restoration of feeding grounds in the framework of the Spermophilus citellus Restitution Programme.
Nests improvement, nest watching, habitat photo-documentation
"Management of the steppe birds of prey species"
The project activities:
1) monitoring of breeding occurrence of the steppe birds of prey species in Slovakia
2) protection of nesting sites by establishing a protected zone around the nests
3) installation of artificial nests
Financing agency: SNC
Beneficiary: RPS
2003 – 2007
“Conservation of Aquila heliaca in the Slovak part of the Carpathian basin” LIFE2003NAT/SK/000098
Financing agency: European Commission, LIFE-Nature
Beneficiary: RPS
Partner: SNC
Project activities:
1) Evaluation of habitat quality in relation to land-use practices and production of habitat management guidelines for Aquilaheliaca home ranges
2) Promoting modification of electric poles by creating pressure on Ministry of Economy
3) Preparation of internal guidelines for Spermophilus citellus re-establishment
4) Ensure that areas holding at least 2 pairs of Aquila heliaca are to be designated as SPAs
5) Insulation of the most dangerous electric poles
6) Re-establishment of Spermophilus citellus on 4 sites
7) Monitoring of known and potential breeding sites
8) Elimination of disturbance by establishing 300 m protected zone around productive nests during breeding season
9) Nest guarding of the most at risk nests
10) Tracking eagles via satellite and conventional radio telemetry to get information on foraging grounds, temporary settlement areas and migration routes
11) Reconstruction of unstable nests and construction of artificial nests
12) DNA fingerprinting analysis
13) Producing educational materials for stakeholders, general public and written and electronic media, creating a web site concerning the project