Conus vanhyningi Rehder, 1944

Picture Link: Holotype in USNM Alan Kohn
Picture Link:Paul Kersten

Published in: Nautilus. ivii. no. 3, p. 105
Ocean geography:West Atlantic and Caribbean
Type Locality: Off Pompano Beach, Florida
Type Data: Holotype in USNM deposited and catalogued
Type Size:17x10.4mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym form ofConus mindanus Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-JaspidiconusSpecies:-mindanus vanhyningi forma
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Florida
Habitat:-No Data
Description:-Source Vink C. mindanus
A moderately heavy shell, 25 to 35 mm (up to 55 mm in specimens from Bermuda) with slightly convex sides of the body whorl and a typical outline of the spire, i.e. strongly concave whorls, while the spire itself is rather straight and producing an angle of 80 to 90deg. Shoulder angled, usually concave above, body whorl with about 10 rather deeply incised spiral lines near the base. In juvenile specimens the grooves may extend to the shoulder. Aperture widened anteriorly. Nucleus: 1.5 whorls, mamillate, early whorls less concave than later whorls, smooth. There are pustulose forms of C. mindanus which usually have a nodulous shoulder of the body whorl and one or two penultimate whorls. Also in smooth specimens the shoulder of the body whorl may be somewhat undulate or close to coronate.
Most specimens of C. mindanus have a white, pinkish white, pale orange or pale yellow background often with a somewhat lighter band below midbody, and often with large or small clouds of reddish brown, orange or yellow. In addition there are spiral rows of small reddish brown and milk-white dashes (the milk-white quite distinct even against a 'white' background), but there spiral rows and/or clouds may also be absent. Dark reddish brown dashes may be present on the margin of the shoulder and spire whorls, a second row of more close-set reddish brown dots are often distinguished near the suture, furthermore some reddish brown patches may be found on the spire. In some pale specimens distinct rose- pink spots on the shoulder and margin of the spire whorls are the only obvious markings.
C. verrucosus form vanhyningi is now considered a pustulate form of C. mindanus. It was described as pinkish in tone with pink lip becoming orange yellow in aperture.
Discussion:-Tucker suggests that this is a synonym of C. anaglypticus, Crosse.


Conus vantwoudti Petuch, Berschauer & Poremski, 2015

Picture Link: Holotype in LACM David Berschauer

Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: The Festivus, Vol. 47, p. 219 – 228, fig. 3, fig. 4 D
Ocean geography: Western Atlantic
Type Locality:Arashi Beach, Noord District, Aruba
Type Data: Holotype in LACM deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 12.4 x 6.5 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Aruba
Habitat:-Collected in 2 m depth, on exposed hard, rocky surface
Description:-: Shell small for genus, averagingonly around 14 mm, stocky and inflated, broadacross shoulder, with high, broadly pyramidal spire and rounded, convex sides; spire with distinctly sloping whorls; shoulder angled, bordered by small, rounded carina; body whorl shiny, ornamented with 20-24 faint, slightlyincised, evenly-spaced spiral sulci; sulci becomestronger and better-developed toward anterior end; spire whorls smooth, ornamented with verynumerous, closely-packed, radiating curved threads, which correspond to growth increments aperture proportionally wide and flaring, becoming wider toward anterior end; base shell color bright pink, overlaid with variable amounts of darker pink or purplishpink amorphous flammules; spire whorls marked with prominent large, widely-spaced, dark pink or pinkish-purple amorphous flammules; interior of aperture pink, becoming darker farther within interior; protoconch proportionally very large and prominent, shiny, composed of 2 rounded, domed whorls; protoconch color deep purple-pink; periostracum very thin, smooth, transparent
Discussion:-No Data


Conus vanvilstereni Moolenbeek & Zandbergen, 2103

Picture Link: Holotype in MNHN Mike Filmer

Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: Miscellanea Malacologica 6(3): 51-53, figs. 1 - 8
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality:Philippines: Sulu Sea, Mindanao, Zamboanga (depth: 50‒100 m)
Type Data: Holotype in Naturalis Leiden, deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 43.0 x 21.6 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy:A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Kioconus Species:-vanvilstereni
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-This new species seems to be restricted to the Sulu Sea.
Habitat:-Intertidal to about 100 m
Spire whorls slightly stepped with 2‒3 spiral grooves becoming less pronounced towards the last whorl. Body whorl rather smooth with axial growth marks, rather straight, somewhat convex near the shoulder. On anterior part about 10 spiral ridges. On dorsal side of the body whorl a strong axial scar.

Early whorls (1-3 including the worn remnants of the protoconch) pink, the following top whorls white with irregular axial brown blotches and/or brown lines. Body whorls white covered with numerous chestnut brown spiral lines, ventrally on upper part nearly completely brown. Dorsally the brown stripes are more prominent. Both sides (ventral anddorsal) have somewhat darker brown axial markings. In the middle of this whorl a white band and a smaller one just above it. Below shoulder also a white band interrupted by fine brown axial lines. The upper spiral ridges on the anterior part of the body whorl a bit darker brown than the remaining ones, the lowest ones are colourless. Inside aperture white, around the siphonal canal a bit purplish.
Discussion:-No Data


Conus vappereaui Monteiro, 2009

Picture Link: Holotype in MNCM Antonio Monteiro

Published in: Visaya Sept 2009, 88
Ocean geography:Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Arue, Tahiti
Type Data: Holotype in MNCM deposited and catalogued
Type Size:47.7 x 26.7mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Subspecies of Conus moluccensis Küster, 1838
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-FulgiconusSpecies:-moluccensis vappereaui subsp.
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Tahiti
Habitat:-In 20-240 m, in or on sand bottom but also reported from coral rubble.
Description:-Source Living Conidae C. moluccensis
Medium-sized to moderately large, moderately solid. Last whorl conical to ventricosely conical or conoid-cylindrical; outline slightly convex to convex below shoulder, almost straight below; left side may be constricted near base. Columella often deflected to left at siphonal fasciole. Shoulder with 11-17 small to large pointed tubercles. Spire low in C. m. moluccensis; slightly stepped; outline straight to concave, sometimes sigmoid. Larval shell of 3 whorls, maximum diameter 0.70-0.85 mm. Postnuclear whorls tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural ramps flat to slightly concave, with 0-1 increasing to 3-8 spiral grooves; spiral sculpture may be obsolete on last 2 ramps. Early postnuclear whorls tuberculate, sometimes domed. In typical form of C. m. moluccensis, last whorl with granulose spiral ribs at base followed adapically by wide ribbons; ribbons weaker toward shoulder and may be obsolete within adapical third.

Ground colour white, often variably suffused with cream or pink. Colour pattern of last whorl variable in C. m. moluccensis: Last whorl typically with orange to red or reddish brown axial flames and blotches, often fusing into 2-3 spiral bands, on both sides of centre and below shoulder; occasionally with traces of spirally aligned dots. In typical C. m. moluccensis, following sutural ramps sparsely maculated with radial blotches matching last whorl pattern in colour. Aperture white.
Shell Morphometry
L 40-60 mm
RW 0.17-0.32 g/mm (L 40-52 mm)
RD 0.51-0.61
PMD 0.81-0.88
RSH - 0.06-0.12;
C. m. vappereaui. A more slender form than the nominate species; higher spire and heavily sculptured body.
Discussion:-No Data


Conus variegatus Kiener, 1845

Picture Link: Representation of Lectotype Spec. Gen. Icon. des Coq. Viv., pl.106, f.1

Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Radula Picture: Manuel Tenorio

Published in: Spec. Gen. Icon. des Coq. Viv. 2, p. 261, pl. 106, f. 1, 1a
Ocean geography:East Atlantic and West Africa
Type Locality: Not known.
Type Data: A representative type figure has been recorded as: Kiener 1845, pl. 106, f. 1, 1a
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Synonyms:-obtusus Kiener, 1845
Geographic Range:-Angola
Habitat:-Shallow Water
Description:-Source Iconography
The shell is moderately small (normal length: 25 to 30 mm) and light, the last whorl broadly and ventricosely conical to broadly ovate, shoulder rounded. Outline convex at adapical half and straight 10 pyriform below. Spire low to moderately high. Sutural ramps straight to convex, with fine inconspicuous spiral striae. Last whorl smooth and dull, with about 10 spiral grooves at the base. Ground color of shell white to bluish white, with variably spaced spiral rows of alternating white and brown dots or dashes, from base to shoulder. Near the shoulder there are irregular axial brown blotches, eventually coalescing into a broad brown band. Aperture dark brown with a light band at center and below the shoulder.


Conus varius Linnaeus, 1758

Picture Link: Lectotype in LSL Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Radula Picture: Manuel Tenorio

Published in: Systema Naturae 10th ed., 1, p. 715
Ocean geography:Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Banda, Moluccas, Indonesia
Type Data: Lectotype in LSL deposited and catalogued
Type Size:33.5x16mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Rolaniconus Species:-varius
Synonyms:- annularis Röding, 1798; granulosus Röding, 1798; radula Röding, 1798; hevassii A. Adams, 1854
Geographic Range:-S. and E. Africa to Marshall Is. and Tuamotu Archipelago; absent from Red Sea, India and Sri Lanka
Habitat:-Intertidal to about 30 m; in Philippines, dredged to 240 m. On coral reef platforms and fore-reefs, in or under dead coral, on limestone bench and in sand often beneath coral rocks.
Description:-Source Living Conidae
Medium-sized to moderately large, moderately solid to solid. Last whorl conical to conoid-cylindrical, sometimes slightly ovate in Pacific shells; outline almost straight to evenly convex. Shoulder angulate to subangulate, moderately to strongly tuberculate. Spire of moderate height, outline slightly concave to slightly convex. Larval shell of 4 or more whorls, maximum diameter 0.80-0.85 mm. Postnuclear spire whorls tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural ramps flat to slightly concave, with 1 increasing to 6 spiral grooves; grooves finer and sometimes obsolete in late whorls. Specimens with heavily granulose evenly spaced ribs around entire last whorl intergrade with specimens with widely set, weak granulose ribs around basal fourth of last whorl.
Ground colour white. Last whorl often tinged with pale pink or violet, with dark brown, irregularly shaped or axial blotches within adapical and abapical third. Blotches variable in size and number, sometimes fusing into 2 spiral bands. Closely spaced spiral rows of dark brown dashes and dots extend from base to shoulder. Larval whorls white. Teleoconch sutural ramps with sparse brown dots. Aperture nearly white or pale yellow to orange behind a white marginal zone.
Shell Morphometry
L 35-61 mm
RW 0.20-0.48 g/mm
(-Indian Ocean Shells; -Pacific Shells (0.14-0.34 g/mm) (L35-54 mm))
RD 0.57-0.67
(-Indian Ocean Shells; -Pacific Shells (0.54-0.62))
PMD 0.82-0.91
(-Indian Ocean Shells; -Pacific Shells (0.73-0.91))
RSH 0.12-0.23
Discussion:-The shells of C. varius are very distinctive and cannot be confused with any Indo-Pacific congeners. The lectotype of C. varius is of the more slender conoid-cylindrical form occurring more frequently in Pacific populations, while the more conical form is commoner in Indian Ocean populations.


Conus vaubani Röckel & Moolenbeek,1995

Picture Link: Holotype in MNHN Bill Fenzan
Radula Picture: Manuel Tenorio

Published in: Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. clxvii, p. 587, figs. 3, 14, 15, 56
Ocean geography:Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: New Caledonia (23deg 38' S. 167deg 43' E); 435 m.
Type Data: Holotype in MNHN deposited and catalogued
Type Size:25.8x11.7mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Profundiconus Species:-vaubani
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-New Caledonia
Habitat:-Found at depths greater than 400 metres
Description:-Source Original description
Shell small and narrowly conical(RD=0.58). Protoconch of 1.75 whorls.Spire of moderate height(RSH=0.23) consisting of 7.5 whorls.Whorls tuberculate. Postnuclear ramps straight or slightly concave with 8-9 weak spiral grooves on later whorls. Spire outline slightly sigmoid. Shoulder angulate with axial costae; Last whorl conical, attenuated near base.Siphonal canal often deflected to dorsal side.Fine spiral ribs basally gradually changing into weak obsolete striae.Ground colour white with axial streaks from base to last spire whorl. Spire with irregular brown spots.
Conus vaubani resemblesC. ikedai Ninomiya, 1987,C.jeanmartini (Raybaudi, 1992), C. smirna and C. profundorum, the last two of which are sympatric with it in New Caledonia. Conus ikedai, known only from its type locality, Sagami Bay, Japan, is of similar size (L 25-30 mm), but differs in having only 5 (instead of 7-8) postnuclear whorls of which only 3 are tuberculate; its shoulder is rounded, and its periostracum is white. Conus smirna can be distinguished by its larger size (length to about 100 mm), multispiral and brown protoconch, convex spire outline, and the absence of spiral grooves on post nuclear whorls. Conus profundorum differs in having a multispiral protoconch (more than 3 whorls) and a brownish beige colour pattern with a white central band. Conus jeanmartini, from off Reunion, differs by having a higher, more stepped and more strongly nodulated spire. Later postnuclear whorls are straight to slightly concave. without regular spiral grooving.


Conus vaulberti Lorenz, 2013

Picture Link: Holotype in MNHN Paris Felix Lorenz

Published in: SchriftenzurMalakolozool. 27:21-24
Ocean geography: Indo Pacific
Type Locality:South Island, Cargados Carajos, North of Mauritius, St. Brandon
Type Data:
Type Size: 46.3mm x 20.5mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Cylinders Species:-textile s. sb. vaulberti
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-St. Brandon
Description:-Source Original description
The St. Brandon shells are narrow, cylindrical,lightweight, with a wide aperture and a whiteprotoconch, and the white brown ornamentation lacks any shades of blue, yellow or red. These features are not found in the S. Madagascar shells.


Lorenz notes that the nameConusscriptuswas introduced byDeshayesand that the shell as described is not similar to C. textile. An invalid homonym namescriptuswas later introduced bySowerbyand shells similar to theSowerbyshell from S. Madagascar circulate today asC. textile fm.scriptus.


Conus vautieri Kiener, 1845

Picture Link: Spec. Gen. Icon. des Coq. Viv., pl.100, f.3

Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: Spec. Gen. Icon. des Coq. Viv. 2, p. 350, pl. 100, f. 3
Ocean geography:Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Not known.
Type Data: Holotype was in collection Bernardi and currently assumed to be lost
Type Size:32mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Subspecies of Conus pulicarius Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Puncticulis Species:-pulicarius vautieri subsp.
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Marquesas
Habitat:-Intertidal to more than 75 m; in deep sand away from limestone outcrops and growing coral; mostly in sand-filled channels and large patches of sand on reef flats.
Description:-Source Living Conidae C. pulicarius
Medium-sized to moderately large, solid to heavy. Last whorl conical, conoid-cylindrical, or ventricosely conical, often broadly conical in C. p. pulicarius; outline convex at subshoulder area and almost straight below, often with slight convexity above base. Siphonal fasciole pronounced, may be separated from basal part by an incision. Shoulder subangulate to rounded, weakly to strongly tuberculate. Spire of low to moderate height, consistently low in C. p. vautieri; outline slightly concave to straight. Larval shell of about 3.5 whorls, maximum diameter about 0.7 mm. Postnuclear spire whorls strongly tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural ramps concave, with 1 increasing to 4-5 spiral grooves. Last whorl with variably spaced spiral grooves and adjacent ribs on basal fourth.
C. p. vautieri with brownish grey ground colour and reddish brown pattern; bands around last whorl underlaid with reddish brown; intermittent white dashes often pronounced also adapically; aperture white.

Shell Morphometry
L 35-75 mm
RW 0.29-1.10 g/mm
(L 35-64 mm)
RD 0.63-0.80
PMD 0.78-0.88
RSH 0.04-0.22
Discussion:-No Data


Conus vayssetianus Crosse, 1872

Picture Link: Figure J. Conchyl., pl.16, f.1

Published in: J. Conchyl. 20, p. 154, pl.16, f.1
Ocean geography:Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: New Caledonia
Type Data: Syntype was in collection Rossiter and currently assumed to be lost
Type Size:14x7.5mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym of Conus exiguus Lamarck, 1810
Current Group Names:-
Not appropriate for the name vayssetianus


Conus vayssierei Pallary, 1906

Picture Link: Syntype in MHNH MNHN

Published in: Journal de Conchyliologie, 54, 78, pl.4, fig.1
Ocean geography:East Atlantic and West Africa
Type Locality: Houmt Souk Adjim, El Kantara, Gulf of Gabes
Type Data: Syntype in MHNH deposited and catalogued
Type Size:
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym of Conus ventricosus Gmelin, 1791
Current Group Names:-
Not appropriate for the name vayssierei


Conus veillardi da Motta,1990

Picture Link: Holotype in MHNG Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: La Conchiglia xxii, no. 253-255, p. 44
Ocean geography:Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Glorieuses Islands, western Indian Ocean.
Type Data: Holotype in MHNG deposited and catalogued
Type Size:52.4x25.3mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym colour form of Conus gubernator Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792
Current Group Names:-
Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-CONINAE
Genus:-PionoconusSpecies:-gubernator veillardi forma
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Iles Glorieuse
Habitat:-Intertidal to 60m.
Description:-Source Living Conidae C. gubernator
Medium-sized to large, moderately solid to moderately heavy. Last whorl conical to ventricosely conical in form leehmani, also narrowly conical and narrowly conoid-cylindrical to conoid-cylindrical in typical form and intermediate shells; outline slightly to sometimes strongly convex at adapical fourth to third, straight below; adapical fourth often bulbous and central area slightly concave in form leehmani and intermediate shells. Siphonal fasciole and siphonal notch ranging from indistinct to prominent. Shoulder angulate to usually carinate. Spire of low to moderate height; outline slightly convex or slightly sigmoid to concave, concave to deeply concave in form leehmani. Larval shell of 2.5-2.75 whorls (form leehmani); maximum diameter about 0.8 mm in form leehmani, 0.8-1.2 mm in typical form. First 4-8 postnuclear whorls tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural ramps flat in early whorls, concave to deeply concave in late whorls, with 0- 1 increasing to 5- 10 spiral grooves; spiral sculpture weak to obsolete on latest ramps. Last whorl with several shallow spiral grooves on basal fourth to third and variably broad ribbons between; fine spiral threads extending from shoulder to base, occasionally coarser on basal ribbons.
Typical form : Ground colour white, often suffused with violet and less commonly with grey or brown. Last whorl with separate or confluent tan, reddish or blackish brown axial markings. Each marking may have two different shades of brown; surface often with underlying yellowish brown to violet background pattern. Violet tints more pronounced in specimens from Mozambique, Madagascar and Aldabra Is. than in shells from more northern localities. Axial markings variable in size and shape, ranging from irregular flecks to large, often zigzag flames. Pattern elements evenly distributed across last whorl or clustered in spiral rows on both sides of centre; rows may partially fuse into solid bands. Shells lacking surface pattern elements intergrade with shells with a heavily blotched and banded last whorl. Siphonal fasciole white, occasionally tinged with yellowish brown. Larval whorls and first 1-4 postnuclear sutural ramps white to orange, or light pink. Following sutural ramps with yellowish to reddish or dark brown radial blotches, streaks or lines. Aperture white to bluish white; occasionally bright orange deep within.
Shell Morphometry
L 50-106 mm
RW 0.27-0.95 g/mm
(L 50-93 mm)
RD 0.46-0.55
(Mozambique, Tanzania, Madagascar, Somalia; 0.48-0.57 Amirantes, Seychelles, Mascarenes, Sri Lanka; 0.55-0.64 Maldives, Laccadives)
PMD 0.78-0.90
RSH 0.04-0.15
The species originally described as C. veillardi differs from C. gubernator only in its smaller adult size. Colour pattern of the last whorl, aperture colour and sculpture of the shell agree with C. gubernator and we regard C. veillardi as a local variant. Shells of smaller adult size but otherwise not separable from typical C. gubernator are known.
Discussion:-No Data