Ms. Green, English, Critical Lens Regents Rubric
QUALITY / My essay is a level 6 if I … / My essay is a level 5 if I … / My essay is a level 4 if I … / My essay is a level 3 if I … / My essay is a level 2 if I … / My essay is a level 1 if I … / MY SCORE:MEANING: How well do I complete the Task? /
- Provide an insightful interpretation of the quote and includes all idea in the quote
- Use the interpretation to thoughtfully analyze the two pieces of literature
- Provide an insightful interpretation of the quote
- Use the interpretation to clearly analyze the two pieces of literature
- Provide a reasonable interpretation of the quote
- Make clear connections between the quote and the two pieces of literature
- Provide a very simple interpretation of the quote
- Make vague and unclear connections between the quote and two pieces of literature
- Provide a confused
- Does not relate the quote to the two pieces of literature
- Does not mention the quote
DEVELOPMENT: How well do I support my ideas with examples from the text? /
- Develop main ideas clearly and completely
- Support main ideas with literary elements
- Use many related and specific examples from the text
- Develop main ideas clearly and completely
- Support ideas w/ literary elements
- Use related and specific examples from the text
- Develop some main ideas more completely than others
- Use related and specific examples from the text
- Develop some main ideas briefly
- Use some ideas from the text
- Develop incomplete main ideas
- Use confusing or incorrect examples from the text
- Do not develop main ideas
ORGANIZATION: How well do I follow the five paragraph outline? /
- Prove critical lens throughout essay
- Creatively follow five paragraph outline
- Skillfully use transitions
- Prove critical lens throughout essay
- Logically follow five paragraph outline
- Use transitions
- Prove critical lens throughout essay
- Follow five paragraph outline with inconsistencies
- Attempt to prove critical lens throughout essay
- Attempt to follow five paragraph outline
- Begins with focus on critical lens, but does not prove it
- Does not attempt to organize ideas
- Does not attempt to organize ideas
LANGUAGE: How well do I use language, sentence structure, and vocabulary? /
- Utilize sophisticated language and vocabulary
- Skillfully vary sentence structure
- Use flowing and original language
- Use appropriate vocabulary
- Vary sentence structure
- Use appropriate language
- Use appropriate vocabulary
- Occasionally vary sentence structure
- Use appropriate language
- Use basic vocabulary
- Attempt to vary sentence structure
- Use inappropriate language (Ex: LOL, OMG, curses, slang)
- Language is inappropriate and very basic
GRAMMAR: How well do I use grammar? /
- Make no grammatical errors, even with sophisticated language
- Make a few grammatical errors only with sophisticated language
- Make a few grammatical errors that do not make my essay hard to understand
- Make grammatical errors that make my essay hard to understand
- Make many grammatical errors that make my essay hard to understand
- Language is not recognizable as English
Things I did well:Things to improve: