Contributions to the Flora of Mt Jaya
No. /Author
/Paper title
/Vol.: pages
I / T.M.A. Utteridge / Two new species of Maesa (Myrsinaceae) from Puncak Jaya, New Guinea. / KewBulletin / 55: 443–449II / T.M.A. Utteridge / The subalpine members of Pittosporum (Pittosporaceae) from Mt Jaya, New Guinea. / KewBulletin / 55: 699–710
III / D.A. Simpson / A new species of Mapania (Cyperaceae) from New Guinea. / KewBulletin / 55: 997–1000
IV / T.M.A. Utteridge / A new species of Medusanthera Seem. (Icacinaceae) from New Guinea: Medusanthera inaequalis Utteridge. / KewBulletin / 56: 233–237
V / M.J.E. Coode / Elaeocarpus in New Guinea – a new taxa in the Debruynii subgroup of the Monocera group. / KewBulletin / 56: 449–460
VI / G. Argent / A new Banana, Musa johnsii (Musaceae) from New Guinea. / Gard. Bulletin Sing. / 53: 1–7
VII / T.M.A. Utteridge / New species of Coprosma (Rubiaceae) in New Guinea. / KewBulletin / 57: 195–203.
VIII / D.J.N. Hind & R.Johns / A new alpine species of Ixeridium (Compositae: Lactuceae). / KewBulletin / 57: 697–703.
IX / M.J.E. Coode / Elaeocarpus in New Guinea: E. sericoloides (Fissipetalum group), E. royenii and E. multisectus (sect. Elaeocarpus). / KewBulletin / 57: 925–935.
X / T.M.A. Utteridge / Maesa from New Guinea: a new species and a revised description of Maesa beamanii. / KewBulletin / 58: 237–241.
XI / HindJohns / New species of Papuacalia (Compositae: Senecioneae). / KewBulletin / 58: 389–402.
XII / Paton & Johns / A new high altitude species of Ajuga, A. novoguineensis (Lamiaceae) from the Kemabu Plateau, Papua. / Kew Bulletin / 59: 153–155.
XIII / Hind / Novaguinea (Compositae: Astereae: Lagenophorinae), a new endemic genus to Papua, Indonesia. / Kew Bulletin / 59: 177–188
XIV / Parris / Three new species of Grammitidaceae (Filicales) from New Guinea. / Kew Bulletin / 59: 219-222.
XV / Munro / Three new species, and three new names in Pilea (Urticaceae) from New Guinea. / Kew Bulletin / 59: 573-579.
XVI / Chambers et al. / Blechnum puniceum (Pterophyta: Blechnaceae), a new species from Papua, Indonesia. / Kew Bulletin / 60: 597–601.
XVII / Hind / Novaguinea (Compositae: Astereae: Lagenophorinae) - a taxonomic note. / Kew Bulletin / 60: 603–604.
XVIII / Utteridge / A revised circumscription of Maesa ruficaulis S. Moore. / Kew Bulletin / 68: 683–686.
XIX / Briggs & Utteridge / An updated and revised description of Timonius grandifolius.... / Kew Bulletin / 69: 9512.
XX / Hind / Compositae submitted / Kew Bulletin
Full Citations:
ARGENT, G. 2001. Contributions to the flora of Mount Jaya VI. A new banana, Musa johnsii (Musaceae) from New Guinea. Gard. Bulletin Singapore 53(1-2): 1–7.
Briggs, M. and Utteridge, T.M.A. 2014. An updated and revised description of Timonius grandifolius (Rubiaceae: Guettardeae) and a new character observation for the tribe Guettardeae. Contributions to the Flora of Mt. Jaya, XIX.Kew Bull.69: article 9512.(DOI)
Chambers, T.C., P.J. Edwards & R.J. Johns. 2005. Blechnum puniceum (Pterophyta: Blechnaceae), a new species from Papua, Indonesia. Contributions to the Flora of Mount Jaya, XVI. Kew Bulletin 60(4): 597–601.
Coode, M.J.E. 2001 Elaeocarpus in New Guinea: new taxa in the Debruynii subgroup of the Monocera group. Contributions to the flora of Mt. Jaya, 5. Kew Bulletin 56(2): 449–460.
COODE, M.J.E. 2002. Elaeocarpus in New Guinea: E. sericoloides (Fissipetalum group), E. royenii and E. multisectus (sect. Elaeocarpus). Contributions to the flora of Mt. Jaya, IX. Kew Bulletin 57(4): 925–935.
HIND, D.J.N. 2004. Novaguinea (Compositae: Astereae: Lagenophorinae), a new endemic genus to Papua, Indonesia. Contributions to the Flora of Mount Jaya, XIII. Kew Bulletin 59: 177–188.
Hind DJN, 2005, [2006], Novaguinea (Compositae: Astereae: Lagenophorinae) - a taxonomic note. Contributions to the flora of Mount Jaya, XVII. Kew Bull. 60. 603–604
HIND, D.J.N. and R.J. JOHNS. 2002. A new alpine species of Ixeridium (Compositae: Lactuceae). Contributions to the flora of Mount Jaya, VIII. Kew Bulletin 57(3): 697–703.
HIND, D.J.N. and R.J. JOHNS. 2003. New species of Papuacalia (Compositae: Senecioneae). Contributions to the Flora of Mount Jaya, XI. Kew Bulletin 58(2): 389–402.
MUNRO, A.K. 2004. Three new species, and three new names in Pilea (Urticaceae) from New Guinea. Contributions to the Flora of Mount Jaya XV. Kew Bulletin 59: 573–579.
PARRIS, B.S. 2004. Three new species of Grammitidaceae (Filicales) from New Guinea. Contributions to the Flora of Mount Jaya XV. Kew Bulletin 59: 219–222.
PATON, A.J. and R.J. JOHNS. 2004. A new high altitude species of Ajuga, A. novoguineensis (Lamiaceae) from the Kemabu Plateau, Papua. Contributions to the Flora of Mt Jaya, XII. Kew Bulletin 59: 153 – 155.
SIMPSON, D.A. 2000. A new species of Mapania (Cyperaceae) from New Guinea. Contributions to the Flora of Mt. Jaya, III. Kew Bulletin 55(4): 997–1000
UTTERIDGE, T.M.A. 2000. Two new species of Maesa (Myrsinaceae) from Puncak Jaya, New Guinea. Contributions to the Flora of Mt Jaya, I. Kew Bulletin 55: 443 – 449.
UTTERIDGE, T.M.A. 2000. The subalpine members of Pittosporum (Pittosporaceae) from Mt Jaya, New Guinea. Contributions to the Flora of Mt Jaya, II. Kew Bulletin 55: 699 – 710.
UTTERIDGE, T.M.A. 2001. A new species of Medusanthera Seem. (Icacinaceae) from New Guinea: Medusanthera inaequalis Utteridge. Contributions to the Flora of Mt Jaya, IV. Kew Bulletin 56: 233 – 237.
UTTERIDGE, T.M.A. 2002. New species of Coprosma (Rubiaceae) from New Guinea. Contributions to the Flora of Mt Jaya, VII. Kew Bulletin 57: 195 – 203.
UTTERIDGE, T.M.A. 2003. Maesa from New Guinea: a new species and a revised description of Maesa beamanii. Contributions to the Flora of Mt Jaya, X. Kew Bulletin 58: 237 – 241.
UTTERIDGE, T.M.A. 2013. A revised circumscription of Maesa ruficaulis S. Moore (Primulaceae-Maesoideae). Contributions to the Flora of Mt Jaya, XVIII.Kew Bulletin 68: 683–686.
Additional outputs generated from Mt Jaya data etc.:
Dransfield J, Baker WJ, Heatubun CD, Witono J. (2000).The palms of Mount Jaya. Palms 44. (4): 202–208.
Johns, R.J. (2001). A comparison of floristic aspects of MountKinabalu and MountJaya. Sabah Parks Nature Journal 4: 95–112.
Johns, R.J., Edwards, P.J., Utteridge, T.M.A. and Hopkins, H.F. (2006). A Guide to the Alpine and Subalpine Flora of Mount Jaya. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Newman, M.F. (2010). A New Species of Riedelia(Zingiberaceae) From Papua,Indonesia. Edin. J. Bot. 67 (1): 65–68.
Parris BS. 2005 Grammitidaceae (Pteridophyta) of Mount Jaya, New Guinea and other montane Malesian localities.Fern Gaz. (UK) 15. (2): 183–203.
Utteridge, T.M.A. and de Kok, R. (2007). Where do we go from here – and how often? In Hodkinson, T.R. and J.A.N. Parnell (Eds.) Reconstructing the tree of life: taxonomy and systematics of species rich taxa. Systematics Association Special Volume, 72: 291–298. CRC press.
Utteridge, T.M.A. and Edwards, P.J. (2009). The subalpine and alpine flora of Mount Jaya (New Guinea): status and threats. Blumea 54: 280–283.
Wong C, Argent G, Kiew R, Set O, Gan YY. (2003).The genetic relations of Musa species from Mount Jaya, New Guinea, and a reappraisal of the sections of Musa (Musaceae). Gard. Bull. Singapore 55. (1): 97−111
Wood, J.J. (2002). A new species of Vanilla from New Guinea. Orchid Review 110 (1246): 230–233.
Full list of new taxa (alphabetic by family, then genus):
- Arecaceae Calamus dasyacanthus W.J.Baker, Bayton, J.Dransf. & Maturb. -- Kew Bull. 58(2): 364 (2003).
- Asteraceae Ixeridium sandsii D.J.N.Hind & R.J.Johns -- Kew Bull. 57(3): 698 (2002). (IK)
- Asteraceae Novaguinea rudalliae D.J.N.Hind -- Kew Bull. 59(2): 177 (-187; figs.). 2004 [Oct. 2004]
- Asteraceae Papuacalia milleri D.J.N.Hind & R.J.Johns -- Kew Bull. 58(2): 395 (2003).
- Asteraceae Papuacalia sandsii D.J.N.Hind & R.J.Johns -- Kew Bull. 58(2): 389 (2003).
- Asteraceae Papuacalia titoi D.J.N.Hind & R.J.Johns -- Kew Bull. 58(2): 398 (2003).
- Cyperaceae Mapania coodei D.A.Simpson -- Kew Bull. 55(4): 997 (2000). (IK)
- Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus sericoloides A.C.Sm. var. diffusus Coode -- Kew Bull. 57(4): 928 (2002). (IK)
- Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus timikensis Coode -- Kew Bull. 56(2): 454 (2001). (IK)
- Grammitidaceae Ctenopteris hymenophylloides Parris -- Kew Bull. 59(2): 221 (220-222; fig. 1A). 2004 [Oct. 2004]
- Grammitidaceae Grammitis clavata Parris -- Kew Bull. 59(2): 219 (-220; fig. 1C). 2004 [Oct. 2004]
- Grammitidaceae Grammitis velutina Parris -- Kew Bull. 59(2): 220 (-221; fig. 1B). 2004 [Oct. 2004]
- Icacinaceae (Stemonuraceae) Medusanthera inaequalis Utteridge -- Kew Bull. 56(1): 234 (2001). (IK)
- Lamiaceae Ajuga novoguineensis A.J.Paton & R.J.Johns -- Kew Bull. 59(1): 154 (153-155; fig.). 2004 [August 2004]
- Musaceae Musa johnsii Argent -- Gard. Bull. Singapore 53(1-2): 1. 2001 (IK)
- Myrsinaceae Maesa amplexicaulis Utteridge -- Kew Bull. 56(3): 678 (2001). (IK)
- Myrsinaceae Maesa beamanii Utteridge -- Kew Bull. 55(2): 443 (2000).
- Myrsinaceae Maesa decipiens Utteridge -- Kew Bull. 58(1): 237 (2003).
- Myrsinaceae Maesa gracilis Utteridge -- Kew Bull. 56(3): 680 (2001). (IK)
- Myrsinaceae Maesa procumbens Utteridge -- Kew Bull. 55(2): 446 (2000). (IK)
- Orchidaceae Vanilla utteridgei J.J.Wood (Orchid Rev. 110(1246): 232 (2002))
- Pittosporaceae Pittosporum anggiense D.M.Hicks & Utteridge (Kew Bull. 57(4): 937 (2002). (IK)
- Pittosporaceae Pittosporum spissescens Utteridge -- Kew Bull. 55(3): 706 (2000). (IK)
- Rubiaceae Coprosma barbata Utteridge -- Kew Bull. 57(1): 196 (2002). (IK)
- Rubiaceae Coprosma elegans Utteridge -- Kew Bull. 57(1): 199 (2002). (IK)
- Urticaceae Pilea craspedodroma A.K.Monro -- Kew Bull. 59(4): 574 (-576; fig. 1). 2005 [2004 publ. Mar 2005]
- Urticaceae Pilea jayaensis A.K.Monro -- Kew Bull. 59(4): 576 (fig. 1). 2005 [2004 publ. Mar 2005]
- Urticaceae Pilea johnsii A.K.Monro -- Kew Bull. 59(4): 576 (-578; fig. 2). 2005 [2004 publ. Mar 2005]
- Zingiberaceae Riedelia charontis M.F.Newman -- Edinburgh J. Bot. 67(1): 65 (-68; fig. 1). 2010 [16 Feb 2010]