Contract Processing Crosswalk for WIBs

WIA and Welfare to Work

Steps / WIB action / CT DOL action
1 / Upon receipt of contracts from WIBs by due date indicated in Contract Issuance
(skip to Step 4, below) / WIB submits contract package in hard copy (and for WIA, also electronically) / DOL Admin/Sec’y e-mails WIB Program Liaison to confirm date package recv’d by DOL, cc DOL Program Liaisons (to trigger start of timeline)
2 / If WIB does not expect to meet due date to submit contract package: / For WIB’s 1st extension request :
WIB requests 1st extension by email to DOL
See DOL Program contact list on page 5 / DOL Program Liaison e-mails WIB Prog Liaison, cc WIB Prog Mgr and CFO, authorizing an initial 2 week extension
For WIB’s 2nd extension request:
WIB requests 2nd extension by email to DOL
See DOL Program contact list on page 5 / DOL Program Liaison e-mails WIB Prog Liaison, cc WIB Prog Mgr and CFO, authorizing an 2nd 2 week extension including reminder to WIB that late submission of contract could delay funding (cc DOL E&T Director)
If WIB does not request any extension:
DOL Program Liaison e-mails letter to WIB Director that contract was not rec’vd by due date + give WIB 2 weeks to submit (1st 2 week extension)
If WIB misses extended due date and still does not request a 2 week extension, DOL Program Liaison e-mails a letter to WIB Director giving a 2nd 2-week extension -- and reminds WIB that late submission of contract could delay funding (cc DOL E&T Director)
If WIB does not request any extension but -- on date contract is due -- WIB advises DOL that Contract Package is on its way to DOL:
DOL Program Liaison e-mails WIB Program Liaison confirming that the contract was mailed and DOL awaits receipt
Upon receipt of contract package, DOL Program Liaison e-mails WIB Program Liaison to confirm date of receipt
3 / Upon DOL’s receipt of contract package from WIB / DOL Program Liaison e-mails WIB Program Liaison to confirm date of receipt
4 / CT DOL reviews contract package / DOL Program Liaison reviews contract package w/in 10 business days or 2 calendar weeks of receipt from WIB – including meeting with corresponding WtW or WIA staff about common issues identified in own program’s review
DOL Program Liaison e-mails WIB: see CC list on page 5
·  initial approval or
·  requests additional or corrected information – give WIB 1 week to submit response:
Simple requests (budget summary calculations incorrect, additional information needed) / DOL Program Liaison sends e-mail to WIB program/financial staff =
1 week for WIB to respond
Significant issues (missing parts, etc.) / DOL Program Liaison sends letter to WIB program/financial staff =
1 week for WIB to respond
WIB to reply to DOL within 1 wk of DOL email / letter
WIB requests 1st extension by e-mail DOL liaison / DOL Program Liaison emails WIB = approval of 1 week extension
WIB misses due date, does not request extension / Formal letter from DOL Program Mgr to WIB Director, cc DOL contacts + E&T Director
WIB completes submission / CT DOL reviews and replies to WIB within 1 week
(see process above for DOL review and approval of contract)
7 / Upon approval by DOL Program: / WIB submits 3 signed originals of contract to DOL Program / Upon receipt, DOL Program AA/Sec’y prepares for DOL agency internal approvals:
a. / DOL Program AA/Sec’y reviews for completeness of package (all DAS and OPM forms, Sec’y of State, Signature Authority documentation, etc.)
b. / DOL Program Liaison confirms Contract is identical to approved version (Budget, Deliverables, etc.)
c. / DOL Program AA/Sec’y gives Contract to Michelle Arsenault (Business Mgmt) for budget approval
d. / Business Management returns Contract to WtW/WIA
e. / DOL Program AA/Sec’y submits Contract to Commissioner for approval
f. / Upon Commissioner approval, contract is returned to DOL Program AA/Sec’y
g. / DOL Program AA/Sec’y sends to OAG for final approval
h. / Upon receipt from OAG, DOL Program AA/Sec’y distributes approved Contract (3 originals):
Business Management
DOL Program

CC List for Contract Processing

WIA and Welfare to Work (JFES)

WIB / Send Contract Pckg to: / WIA
Program Liaison / JFES
Program Liaison / WIB
Fiscal Liaison
East / John Beauregard / Carol LaBelle / Carol LaBelle / Guy Saporito
NC / Thomas Phillips / Julie Watson / Julie Watson / Danielle Bradley
NW / Cathy Awaad / Cathy Awaad / Pam LaRosa / Cheryl Chasse
SC / William Villano / Chris Reardon / Kymbel Branch / Mark Sullivan
SW / Joseph Carbone / Adrienne Parkmond /
Nestor Leon / Nestor Leon /
Angela Porter / Gino Venditti
Director of Labor Operations, Employment Services
Ram Aberasturia
DOL WtW-JFES Program / DOL WIA Program
Program Manager / Program Manager
Alice Frechette Johns / Mark Stankiewicz
Administrative Assistant / Secretary
Marie Cianciolo / Michelle Costello
WIB / Program Liaison / Program Liaison
East / Don Ojide / Lynne Murphy
NC / Tracy Andruskiewicz / Lynne Murphy
NW / Tracy Andruskiewicz / Lynne Murphy
SC / Don Ojide / Lynne Murphy
SW / Tracy Andruskiewicz / Lynne Murphy