CONTRACT for Financing Visegrad Scholarship


concluded in connection with Section 51 of the Act No. 40/1964 Coll., Civil Code as amended (hereinafter only “Civil Code”)

hereinafter only “Contract”

1. International Visegrad Fund

Address: Kralovske udolie 8, 811 02 Bratislava, Slovakia

Identification No. of the Organisation: 36060356

Bank: Tatrabanka, a.s. (Bank Code: 1100)

IBAN Bank Account No.: SK29 1100 0000 0029 3600 0250

Tel.: +421 2 59 20 38 11

Fax: +421 2 59 20 38 05


represented by xxx, (Deputy) Executive Director of the International Visegrad Fund

hereinafter only “Fund”


2. xxx

Born on:


Passport Number:


IBAN Personal Bank Account No.:


Permanent Residence Address:

Actual Correspondence Address:



hereinafter only “Scholar”

The Fund and the Scholar jointly hereinafter only “Parties”

for study project on


at the Host University/Institute

Name of the University/Institute in its native language:

Address: Country:





hereinafter only “Host University/Institute”

The Fund and the Scholar agreed on the following contractual conditions:

Article 1

The Scholar shall be supported from the financial resources of the Fund to the total amount of EUR xxx (hereinafter only “Scholarship”).

Article 2

The Scholar shall conduct his/her studies in the period from xx/20xx to xx/20xx (hereinafter only “Contractual Period”)

Article 3

The Fund provides the financial resources for the Scholar as a Scholarship. The Scholar shall have the obligation to study in compliance with the time limit and financial conditions agreed upon in the Contract.

Article 4

The amount of the contracted Scholarship will be provided at the beginning of each five month period upon written confirmation from the Host University/Institute.

Article 5

In the event that the Scholar fails to fulfill his/her duties to the Host University/Institute, through her/his own fault, he/she shall return to the Fund the full amount of the Scholarship already paid within thirty (30) days of the day of failure of his/her duties.

Article 6

The Scholar undertakes to:

a) use the resources provided for study in compliance with the approved Visegrad Scholarship Application Form, which is an inseparable part of this Contract,

b) inform on the progress of project works upon Fund’s request,

c) inform the Fund about facts that could harm the successful completion of the studies/research,

d) present the Fund with the Final Report on the results and benefits of the project no later than 30 days after the end of the contractual period, which shall include:

  • assessment of formal conditions of the study,
  • necessary project documentation,
  • abstract of studies (3000 words) in English for possible publication

Article 7

The Scholar shall acknowledge the Fund in all public releases of the studies/research. The Scholar shall spread and support the spirit of Visegrad cooperation and good reputation of the Fund during study. The logo of the Fund is available at the portal. Failure to fulfill this contractual condition could result in application of Article 8 of this Contract.

Article 8

When the Fund identifies deficiencies that could in a significant way affect the result or approved schedule during the implementation of the project, the Fund reserves the right to suspend the payment of resources for a definite period or to terminate the Contract with immediate effect or to cancel its participation in the project. In the event of cancellation of the Fund’s participation in the project the Scholar shall have the obligation to return the unused part of the Scholarship to the Fund within 30 days of the written notice.

Article 9

Both Parties may disclose information on the implemented project and enable access for the public to the project results under valid copyright laws.

Article 10

The Fund reserves the right to make use of the project results together with the Scholar under valid copyright laws.

Article 11

Unless stipulated otherwise in this Contract relevant provisions of the Civil Code of the Slovak Republic and other related regulations of the Slovak Republic shall apply to the relations regulated in this Contract, resulting from it and related to it.

Article 12

This Contract is concluded for the definite period from xx/20xx to xx/20xx.

Article 13

Any amendments to this Contract can be executed only in the form of written annexes to this Contract based on the consent of both Parties.

Article 14

The Fund and the Scholar declare that they conclude this Contract of their free will, they have read its content and as evidence of their consent with its wording they voluntarily sign it as correct.

Article 15

This document is made in two identical copies in the English language. Both Parties shall receive one signed copy of it.

Article 16

The Scholar declares that he/she will not accept any other governmental Scholarship from any of the V4 member states for the contracted study / research project.

Article 17

The Scholar hereby enters his/her appearance with usage of his/her personal data by the Fund under the provisions of Act No. 428/2002 Coll. on Protection of Personal Data as amended.

In Bratislava, on ……………..In ………………………, on ………………..…


International Visegrad Fund Scholar