Effective Date: / Revision Date:
Number of Pages: 3 / Number of Forms: None
JCAHO STD’s (if applicable):
PC 5.10 / Saved As:
Reviewed/Approved by: / Reviewed/Approved Date:
- Policy:
It is the policy of (insert clinic name here) to prescribe injectable contraceptive medications to female patients at risk of pregnancy.
- Purpose/Goal:
To assure effective contraceptive management of female patients who are at risk of pregnancy.
- Procedure:
Synthetic hormonal substance (depo-medroxprogesterone acetate) that acts by blocking gonadotropin, thus preventing ovulation from occurring. Also decreases sperm penetration through cervical mucus, decreases tubal motility, and causes endometrial atrophy preventing implantation. Injected intramuscularly every 12 weeks into the muscle of the buttocks.
The first year probability of failure is 0.3%. Failure rates apply to injections providing 150mg of DMPA per 1cc.
- Subjective:
- Background to electing the method:
- Fear of side effects or undesirable characteristics precluding other methods
- Desire for long term contraception
- Desire for reversible method
- Desire for method disconnected from intercourse
- Contraindication to estrogen containing hormonal contraceptives.
- Objective:
- Pap smears as medically indicated
- Other labs as indicated by history and physical findings
- Assessment:
- Contraindications for use of method:
- Known or suspected pregnancy: while current data does not show any increased risk for birth defects cause by DMPA during pregnancy, it is best to avoid any exposure of the fetus to hormones
- Unexplained abnormal vaginal bleeding in the past three months:
DMPA often leads to irregular menses. These DMPA induced changes may mask an underlying problem. (i.e., fibroids, PID, pregnancy, thyroid disorders)
- Known or suspected breast malignancy
- Active thrombophlebitis or past history of thromoboembolic or cerebrovascular disease
- Liver dysfunction or disease
- Precaution for use of method:
- Pregnancy planned in the near future. There may be a prolonged delay in return to normal fertility
- Concern over weight gain. The average weight gain in the first year of use is approximately 5.4 lbs., 8.1 lbs. after 2 years
- Depression
- Plan:
- Explanation of Method:
a.DMPA is injected intramuscularly into the gluteal muscle (do not rub the site), during the first five days of the menstrual cycle or post partum visit 0-4 weeks.
- If irregular cycle pattern may obtain two negative pregnancy tests two weeks apart with abstinence noted.
- Follow-up injections may be given seven days prior to the actual due date or within seven days after the due date.
- Suggested guidelines for administering a same-day contraceptive injection:
- Women offered choice to return for injection within first 5 days of next menses.
- If unprotected intercourse in prior 2 weeks, discuss risk of false negative pregnancy test.
- May consider emergency contraception if intercourse within previous 5 days and return to clinic in one week for DepoProvera.
- DepoProvera administered if unprotected intercourse within prior 5 days.
- Negative pregnancy test prior to injection.
- Backup contraceptive method required for 7 days following injection
- Pregnancy test repeated at next visit or prior to next injection.
- Physical Examination:
- Complete examination including pelvic exam, Pap smear, and breast exam yearly or as medically necessary.
- Patient Education:
- Drug interaction with aminogluthethimide (Cytadren)
- Side Effects:
- Menstrual irregularity, irregular cycles and spotting, amenorrhea in 50% of women after one year, 75% by end of second year, first three months most irregular and many women have amenorrhea by the second dose.
ii.Weight gain. May be offset meal planning and exercise.
iii.Long term use possibly contributes to osteoporosis (appropriate meal planning and/or calcium supplements)
- General symptoms include nausea, bloating, visual disturbances, fatigue, dizziness, depression, increased body hair, acne.
- DMPA does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Continue to use condoms in addition.
- Use an additional contraceptive method for two weeks after the first injection. This is not necessary if given during the first five days of menses.
- Return to the clinic every 12 weeks for another injection
- Patient should sign an informed consent prior to Depo administration
Contact the clinician for any of the following:
●Weight gain
●Severe calf pain
●Severe abdominal pain
●Heavy bleeding
●Frequent urination
●Signs of infection at injection site