School Tracking Sheet
School: ______Sacher High School______
Person(s) completing this form: ____Queen of Special Education Liaison ______
Date: ______Jan 1, 2012______
Student: / Grade: / Condition/Category: / Indicators/Identifiers: / Actions/Supports:Student A / 10 / Physical/Medical – Tier III / Cannot function in a school setting without extensive supports and services
Totally dependent upon adults for all aspects of care, safety and meaningful engagement / Continuous adult support and supervision
Extensive support in classroom including assistant time, adaptive equipment, adaptation/modification to physical environment
Student B / 9 / Deaf and Hard of Hearing – Tier III / No residual hearing
Has difficulty knowing what is said without visual supports / Daily individual support for language development
Educational interpreter
Regular consultation from Education Consultant for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Student C / 12 / Blind / Totally blind
Follows program of study with appropriate adaptations and accommodations
Not able to function without extensive supports / Requires extensive support from a VI Educational Consultant
Requires Braille assistant or teaching assistant 50-100% of time
Requires extensive use of adaptive equipment
Requires orientation and mobility training.
Student D / 9 / - Learning Disability in reading
- Intellectual/ Academic category / · Diagnosed in 2007
· Level B assessments completed in Oct. 2011 indicating the need for supports in reading particularly in vocabulary and comprehension / Specialized supports
- Access to and support using assistive technology; class, small, and individual group training needed to use RWG 10
Targeted supports
- Use graphic organizers and visuals to help the student organize and remember information (small group who uses adapted graphic organizers)
Universal Support
- Direct teaching, modeling and guided practice of comprehension strategies (liaison is modelling with all core teachers)
Student E / 6 / - Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Anxiety Disorder / - Diagnosed in 2010
- Psycho-educational Assessment identified Intellectually Gifted, LD in Writing / Specialized supports
- Mental Health worker
- Highly modified program and accommodation support to program, environment, and schedule (extensive pull out, calming location, Educational Assistant support, shortened school day when needed, adjusted assignments, etc.)
- Behaviour Plan
- Access to Behaviour Consultant and Psychologist
Targeted Supports
- Small group work on math skills
- Small group work on social skills
- Family School Wellness support
- Support for note-taking
- Use positive peer modelling
- provide support during potential anger-producing situations.
- Use proximity
- Use low-key cues and prompts to alert
to anger-producing situations and/or
reminders to use strategies
- management strategies
Universal Supports
- School and classroom expectations
- Teaching of anger management strategies within health courses
- Class-wide work on reframing to change perception of situations associate with feeling angry
- Set up a safe place in the school and classroom to go when upset or angry
- Posted visual reminders of strategies for reframing and managing anger