Continue Implementing BYOT, Using Technology to Enhance and Individualize Instruction In

Continue Implementing BYOT, Using Technology to Enhance and Individualize Instruction In

Brookwood ES 1

2015-18 Executive Summary
Continuous Improvement Goal
(Schools determine the number of goals) / AdvancED Standards
(Check all that apply) / Support from FCS Depts.*
(List all that apply)
Increase CCRPI score in the area of Progress Points:
  • Continued use of data teams with a focus on Common Formative Assessments so that individual student needs can be better met during classroom instruction and RTI time
  • Continue implementing BYOT, using technology to enhance and individualize instruction in all areas
  • Increased efforts with guidance from BES STEM team to incorporate STEM activities school-wide
  • RATA with a focus on nonfiction materials that align with Science and Social Studies standards
  • Advanced content Math and ELA for gifted students in grades 3-5
  • Increased focus on writing in all content areas
  • Use of websites such as Newsella and Tweentribune which provide students with leveled nonfiction materials aligned with the standards
/ x
x / Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for Continuous
Improvement /
  • Continued support from technology staff to facilitate use of technology to enhance instruction, BYOT, and itsLearning
  • Continued support through mini-GAPSS to ensure that we are improving in the areas targeted in Dec. of 2012
  • Continued DCD topics that will support teachers in the area of research based instructional strategies and differentiation to better meet the needs of all learners
  • Continued support through Math, Reading and Performance Based Teaching and Assessment training for teachers

Itslearning: Increase the use of itslearning by teachers, students and parents
  • School newsletter and teacher communication will be posted on the planner rather than e-mailed to parents
  • Homework is being assigned and completed (when appropriate) in itslearning across the grade levels
  • Supervision is provided in the media center during the ASP for students who need to work in itsLearning during homework time
  • One day in a seven day specials rotation is spent in the computer lab and students in grades 2-5are completing standards based work in itsLearning during this time with the support of the classroom teacher. In grades K-1, the ITS and classroom teacher will support Kindergarten and grade 1.
  • Teachers have two opportunities each week after school to receive support in how to increase use of itslearning with students
/ x
x / Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for Continuous
Improvement /
  • Jackie Aurish will continue to provide training for staff
  • Continued conversations and opportunities to share at county level meetings regarding what other schools are doing to support parents and teachers

Learner Profile/Diversity: As a result of examining how we are addressing the Learning Profile during our Leadership Retreat this summer, we have initiated a Diversity Roundtable chaired by a parent and a counselor. We will be working to find more ways to encourage parents from diverse backgrounds to volunteer and participate in school activities throughout the year. / x
x / Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for Continuous
Improvement /
  • Any ideas on how we can better meet the needs of our diverse population from the system level are appreciated

* FCS Depts:
Educational Leadership Human Resources Student Support Services
Facilities Public Inf. & Communications Superintendent
Finance & Operations School Safety & Discipline Teaching & Learning
Food & Nutrition Services Special Education Technology & Inf. Services

2015-16 School Improvement Plan
Continuous Improvement Goal:
The percentage of K-3 students who achieve on or above grade level as measured by district SLO assessments (F&P) during the 2015-16 school year will increase from 83% at the end of the 2014-15 school year to 86% at the end of the 2015-16 school year.
The percentage of 4th grade students scoring proficient and exceeding proficiency in ELA will increase from the 2015-16 pre-assessment score of 36.4% to 77.6% by the end of the 3rd quarter grading period of the 2015-16 school year as measured by the FCS ELA Grade 4 Interim post-assessment administered in February of 2016.
Sub goal: The percentage of 4th grade students scoring in the intervention range will decrease from 22.4% to 7%.
The percentage of 4th grade students scoring proficient and exceeding proficient in Math will increase from the 2015-16 pre-assessment score of 9.4% to 45.3% by the end of the 3rd quarter grading period of the 2015-16 school year as measured by the FCS Math Grade 4 Interim post-assessment administered in February of 2016.
Sub goal: The percentage of 4th grade students scoring in the intervention range will decrease from 54.7% to 29.7%
The percentage of 5th grade students scoring proficient and exceeding proficient in ELA will increase from the 2015-16 pre-assessment score of 59.7% to 93% by the end of the 3rd quarter grading period of the 2015-16 school year as measured by the FCS ELA Grade 5 Interim post-assessment administered in February of 2016.
Sub goal: The percentage of 5th grade students scoring in the intervention range will decrease from 7% to 2%.
The percentage of 5th grade students scoring proficient and exceeding proficient in Math will increase from the 2015-16 pre-assessment score of 16.4% to 57.3% by the end of the 3rd quarter grading period of the 2015-16 school year as measured by the FCS Math Grade 5 Interim post-assessment administered in February of 2016.
Sub goal: The percentage of 5th grade students scoring in the intervention range will decrease from 42.7% to 17.2%
The percentage of students with typical or high growth in Science will increase from 75.7 to 77.7 by the end of the 2015-16 school year as measured by CCRPI Progress Score in May of 2016. (This goal may be adjusted when CCRPI scores are updated this fall.)
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
See Step 4 (DMR):
Select Specific Strategies / See Step 5 (DMR):
Determine Results Indicators
Use of F&P levels to provided guided reading at students’ instructional levels. / If teachers administer Fountas and Pinnell running records with fidelity and use the results to design and work with guided reading groups at the instructional levels of their students, student reading levels will increase. / ongoing / F & P Kits
Classroom Teachers
Use of an Instructional Coach to support teachers by providing them with opportunities to observe expert peers using high leverage instructional strategies, provide feedback , modeling and co-teaching with them. Teachers will have opportunities to have lessons recorded to review with coach to identify strengths and areas of growth. / If teachers take advantage of opportunities to observe peers in their areas of expertise using high leverage instructional strategies, record and review their lessons, and seek out other opportunities to receive support from our academic coach, they will elevate the levels of teaching and learning in their classrooms. / ongoing / Rob Meinberg
Release Time
Use of the newly purchased digital Science resource (STEMscopes) and Discovery Ed. Resources as instructional tools so that teachers may more easily provide hands-on learning experiences aligned with the current Science Standards. / If teachers use newly available Science resources (Stemscopes) and discovery Learning to provide students with no risk “hook” activities based on standards, as well as using other elements of these resources, student achievement in the area of Science will increase. / ongoing / Kelly Price to provide training in October
On-line resources
Stem Lab Teacher to provide materials and support in lab and at grade level meetings
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
See Step 6 (DMR): Monitor and Evaluate Results
We will monitor and evaluate progress through classroom observations, Data Team and IST meetings, feedback from teachers during December and April TKES meetings, follow-up survey done by instructional coach in April, Milestone results, Interim results, follow –up diversity parent survey in spring, conversations at Diversity Roundtable discussions
2015-16 Professional Learning Plan
Professional Learning Goal(s):
Teachers will increase the use of research based instructional strategies with support from instructional coach.
Teachers will use itslearning more effectively to better support students and parents.
Teachers will learn how to better understand and meet the needs of our diverse population.
Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):
Professional Learning is designed to support teachers as they expand the use of itslearning with students and parents, strengthen their ability to meet the needs of our increasingly diverse population (Learner Profile), and increase high leverage teaching strategies. This calendar is a work in progress and will be added to as the year progresses and we see additional needs and opportunities to provide professional learning.
Date / # Hours / Description of Learning Activities
July 30
July 31
Pre-Planning (District) / 3 / DCD Team: itslearning
August 3
August 4
August 5
Pre-Planning / 1 / Jackie Aurish: Use of Planner and ?
Weekly on Tuesdays/Thursdays / 45 min / Mo Paluzzi: itsLearning resources and support for teachers
August 31 / 1 / Ginger Jackson: Executive Functioning
September 2
Early Release/Prof. Dev. (District) / 3 / Data Teams and Planning for RTI Groups
September 17 / 1 / Autism, School Safety
October 12 / 1 / ESOL Presentation/Media Resources/Literacy Information
October 7 and 13 / 1 / Kelly Price: STEMscopes
Oct. 26 and 28 / 1 / Brian Lack: Number Talks
October 23
Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM) / 3 / Differentiation, Learning Targets
November 10 / 1 / Jackie Aurish: itslearning
Nov 16 / 1 / Diversity Training
December 4 / 1 / Jackie Aurish: itslearning
January 4
Prof. Dev. Day (School) / 1 / Diversity Training
February 16
Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM) / 3 / Differentiation, Learning Targets
March (Exact Date TBD) / 1 / Diversity Training
May 31
June 1